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Mod, or mod not. There is no 'stock'. You must unlearn what you have learned.

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Greetings all,

Boy oh boy, do we have a special announcement for you today!

Introducing Star Wars: Strike Groups, the first non-Trek modding project by Stellar Parallax!

From the very start we've wanted to do a Star Wars project. Obviously for many of us on the team Star Trek is and will always be our first love, but there is no denying the epic grandeur of Star Wars at its best, or the impact it has had on many of our lives as lovers of science-fiction, or on popular culture as a whole.


A conceptually accurate representation of Max and Hobbs arguing

Strike Groups started as a side project while we worked on AOTF, but in typical Stellar Parallax fashion has blossomed into a full-fledged project of its own. And it's looking really good.

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Players will be able to choose from four factions - the noble defenders of the Galactic Republic, the vast droid armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the mighty war machine of the Galactic Empire, or the brave rebels of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

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Strike Groups is intended to be a completely different animal from our Trek projects. You'll find that our focus is much more on fast, fun matches and intuitive gameplay than on the (let's be honest) sometimes crushing reverence for lore and canon that marks STA3 and AOTF. Because of that, development is actually comign along very quickly. Expect a lot more information in the very near future.

Fear not, however - SWSG has not distracted us (much) from our work on AOTF. Work on the next update is proceeding apace. 200,000 bugfixes are ready, with a million more well on the way.

Expect to see and hear more soon.

Till next time, be good. But not too good.
- OrionSlaver

Aenarion_ - - 1,638 comments

Can't wait to roll out those Imperial cunter-punchers.

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marks1997717 - - 91 comments


will we be able to play with first order and new republic and resitance era ships?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-5 votes
Hobbs203 - - 517 comments

The article states the four playable factions

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
InsidiousHunter - - 1,198 comments

*cries in mr krab's sad violin*

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
darkyuri Online
darkyuri - - 1,373 comments

01.04.2023 and no moddb page of mod. I want hope, but this look like April trap.

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Jumps244 - - 78 comments

*insert Ron Burgundy* - I don’t believe you.

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DarkArchon$5 - - 206 comments

Why you give me hope only to dash it away?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Majestic_MSFC - - 293 comments

If you need any station models, I have a few older ones I modelled for A2 that you're welcome to reuse, modify and retexture for this project if you need them. Looking forward to this project.
Contact me if you are interested and I'll go through them and convert them to a more usable format for you guys.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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