Post news Report RSS .994 Proposed Changelist

The changelist for version .994 has been redone, and this list is HUGE. I've included only the most basic information in this quick-read version of it here, but if you want details, head to this topic in our forum. Front-End (- Feature may not be ready at release; may come separate) This is a program

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The changelist for version .994 has been redone, and this list is HUGE. I've included only the most basic information in this quick-read version of it here, but if you want details, head to this topic in our forum.

Front-End (- Feature may not be ready at release; may come separate)
This is a program that launches before APB launches and offers additional functionality, giving quick access to new downloads and news.

New Maps (Certain features may come separately)
At least two, as many as four new maps.

5 New Gameplay Modes (- Not all may be implemented in a 994-Release map; may come separate)
Infantry Only, Capture The Flag, MCV Escort, Convoy Escort, Assault

Vehicles and Weapons (- Not all may appear)
Phase Transport, Redone V2, Mobile Gap Generator, Colt, Beretta, Remington Shotgun, TOZ 104 Shotgun, M16 Rifle, Makarov, C4

New Infantry (+ These two were previously beta tested)
Allied and Soviet Sergeant (armed with the Remington and TOZ in that order)

New Features (+ Most of these are definite must-haves)
Way too much to list here. Visit the link above to read all about these.
Spy logic, Theif logic, Prerequisite buildings, and more.

Outright Bugfixes (+ This is all you really want anyways, right?)
Again, way too much to list, but here are some of the biggies:
Ridge War imbalance fixed
Backwards driving bug
Water/glass/whatever overlaying issues fixed

Adjustments (+ Balance changes and stuff)
And once again, way too much to list here.
Lots of balance changes, from A-bomb timers to mine layers, all are touched on some level.

Oh yeah, and by the way OMG ADD DOGS AND ANTS (- Under Development)
Okay. We're working on it. Currently we have walking, pretty much working ants. Forget the dogs for now, these are GIANT ANTS. Thanks to the efforts of Bigwig and Neosaber, we'll soon have some fancy new stuff to show you all.

New Ants (counted as infantry)
Worker Ant - Weak giant ant (oxymoron!) that bites
Soldier Ant - Stronger giant ant that bites harder
Fire Ant - Capable of breathing a column of fire at your men
Scout Ant - Capable of discharging an electric bolt at your men

New Structures
Queen Ant - Immobile giant ant that fires a powerful electric bolt. The most unlikely addition, but has its place in a certain mode.

New Modes
There are several modes planned for the ants, but since you've never seen anything like this anywhere before, you'll have to go to the forums to read this part.

Again, this is all the basic stuff. The full list has to be about three times as long. Details on each change can be read by clicking that link near the top of this post.

Also, there are two new images added to the gallery. One is a WIP of the new M16 model. The other is actually two years old, showing off the model of the Mobile Gap Generator. The textures shown on both are being redone.

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