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This article goes over the patch notes for the 11th Anniversary update.

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Community, here is the patch notes for the 11th Anniversary Update.

* Fix an issue that caused Saleucami's base preview map to not display base positions in GC.

* Gladiator Destroyer turbolaser hardpoint should now display their hardpoint names.

* Arquitens Cruiser credit cost in Skirmish has increased by 450 credits. Was 2000, is now 2450.

* Gladiator Destroyer no longer garrisons TIE avengers, but will now garrison TIE punishers.

* Tactical Overview Distance 2 for the camera has been increased by 500 in-game meters.

* AT-AA's now come in pairs of 2.

* The AT-AA, SPMA-T, T-47, TIE Striker, MPTL and Hailfire Droid have all had their max attack range increased.

* Canderous Mass Driver and Mass Driver turret have had their projectile speeds doubled.

* Zann Consortium piracy mission for Corellia has been reenabled.

* Strike Cruiser credit cost in Skirmish has increased by 220 credits. Was 2290, is now 2510.

* Vindicator Heavy Cruiser credit cost in Skirmish has increased by 300 credits. Was 2500, is now 2800.

* Acclamator Cruiser credit cost in Skirmish has increased by 300 credits. Was 2350, is now 2650.

* Acclamator Cruiser has been downgraded from a heavy cruiser to a cruiser and its shield strength has been slightly nerfed.

* Updated Imperial II-class Star Destroyer model.

* The Overseer SD has replaced the Admonitor SD in all GC's.

* Ping Reveal ability now has a radius limit.

* Slightly reduced "speed up" time for land battles.

* Fixed some texture issues with the Eiattu 6 land map.

* AT-AA missiles now have the same range as flak pods.

* The Skirmish version of the Eclipse now requires not only Imperial Command Support Level 3, but also the top Enhanced Reactors, Reinforced Armor, Improved Station Defenses and Improved Weapons upgrade to unlock it in Skirmish.

* The TIE Advanced X1, Defender and Phantom have been moved to the Imperial Uplink Station, and now require the Imperial Command Support Level 1 upgrade.

* The TIE defender can now only be built on major shipyard worlds.

* Planet positions have been updated in GC maps.

* Added the Sanctuary Pipeline trade route.

* Added the planet Pheryon.

* Long range scanners and spy networks can no longer show where ships are hyperspacing to.

* Heart of the Maw GC planet count has increased by 1. Was 27, is now 28.

* Cluster GC planet count has been reduced by 5. Was 51, is now 46.

* Gateways GC planet count has been reduced by 5. Was 52, is no 47.

* Origin of Corruption GC planet count has increased by 2. Was 110, is now 112.

* Closing on Coruscant planet count has increased by 1. Was 22, is now 23.

* Empire at War GC planet count has increased by 2. Was 110, is now 112.

* Empire Surrounded GC planet count has increased by 2. Was 110, is now 112.

* Galactic Conflict GC planet count has increased by 2. Was 110, is now 112.

* The Conflict Begins GC planet count has increased by 2. Was 110, is now 112.

* The Lines are Drawn GC planet count has increased by 2. Was 46, is now 48.

* Fixed an issue with the acid rain on Vjun.

* The Shipyards of Kuat GC planet count has been reduced by 7. Was 24, is now 17.

* Replaced Secutor model with updated version, it now has addition hardpoints, some of its stats are improved, its class has changed from Destroyer to Battlecruiser and its Pop Cap number has increased.

* Added the AT-DP Walker.

* Lightsaber users now have a higher chance to redirect and or block blaster fire.

* AT-TE Walker has had its audio ques fixed.

* Added the T-70 X-wing Prototype.

* Updated the company/group names of some units.

* Fixed an issue that would allow the Consortium to land their MZ8 tanks on Jabiim.

* Fixed an issue that was preventing Fresia's planetary bonus from working on all available fighter units.

* TIE defender engine audio is now enabled and its top speed has increased.

* Added the Braha'tok-class Gunship.

* Boba Fett and Mandalorian Militia now have a passive Beskar bonus that allows a 50% chance to block blaster bolts from infantry and land heroes in a 270 degree arc.

* Updated Palpatine's icon.

* Corrected a line of code that prevent the Immobilizer 418 cruiser's from being constructed in GC, also updated its info box and which plants it can be built on.

* Updated Mon Mothma's icon.

* Some ships may now spawn in at different, yet random, elevations.

* The U-wing Gunship will now automatically deploy with its wings in the combat configuration, its retract s-fiols ability has been replaced with Power to Engines, its rate of fire has been slightly increased and its base damage has been increased to 40 per shot.

* Leia Organa's game model has been replaced, her damage stats has improved, her Take Cover ability has been replaced with Cooling Cell, she has also been given the Proximity Mine ability and her old icon has be replaced with a new icon.

* The CR90 Corvette has had its model and icon replaced, and has gained an additional weapon hardpoint.

* Most transport units have had their shield strength double.

* Zann Consortium Recharge Ability upgrade has been fixed. Infantry abilities will now actually recharge 15% quicker.

* Added the GR-75 Combat Retrofit.

* Changed some lighting in GC view and improved some textures in it as well.

* Assault Frigate MK. II's loadout now includes two additional turbolaser hardpoints.

* Increased edge scrolling for GC view.

* One of the base defense turbolaser towers will now not be built so close to the entry point on the land Taris GC map. Also added rain to the list of weather effect for Taris, too.

* MC80a (Carrier) shield strength has been increased by 2000 HP. Was 27000 is now 29000.

* The side mission "Pirate Rescue" will now properly display Recuscant-class Destroyer as the mission reward.

* The text tool tip for GC selection menu will now display all faction present in any GC.

* Civilians will no longer spawn in on battle load/start.

* The Raider I-class Corvette is now a tech level 1 unit.

* Coruscant will now support 1 additional base structure. Was 8, is now 9.

* Tatooine has lost its armor upgrade bonus for Rebel light tanks, and now has the Black Market planetary bonus.

* ARC-170 good against/poor against icons have been updated.

* Lowered droid notification audio que volume in GC.

* The Rebel Alliance and Zann Consortium will now be more easily hidden to the Imperial player in GC.

* Added the Marsheen-class Heavy Cruiser.

* 2-M Saber-class tank base damage increased by 2. Was 12 HP base damage per shot, is now 14.

* Both the GC and Skirmish versions of the Eclipse can now target transports.

* The Hutt Cartel has been renamed to Hutt Clan and Black Sun Pirates to just Black Sun.

* TX-130 laser cannon base damage per shot has been increased. Was 9, is now 12.

* Added the AR-RT Walker.

* All ships 16-70 meters have been rescaled.

* AT-TE mass driver turret has been buffed.

* Fixed a texture issue with the TX-130 beam turret.

* Added Gozanti-class Cruiser.

* AT-AA Walker missile shield protection radius has been slightly widened.

* Rim World Conflict GC planet count has increased by 1. Was 83, is now 84.

* Equal Footing GC planet count has increased by 2. Was 82, is now 84.

* Added Handooine.

* Hailfire Droids now have the Hunt ability.

* Starhawk tactical HP has been increased.

* Removed another second off of the space retreat time for the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance factions.

* Added a new background map that will play in the main menu.

* Jabiim's land map has been redone to make it closer to its Canon self.

* Space Ion cannon weapon types have been slightly nerfed, while ion torpedoes have been slightly buffed.

* Added GC starting intelligence reports for the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance.

* Rim World Conflict Galactic Empire AI should work now.

* Fixed pathing issues on the Coruscant and Frasia land maps.

* Jabiim's max starbase level has been decreased by 1 level. Was max level 3, is now 2.

* Recusant-class Destroyer forward heavy turbolaser base damage has been buffed by 5 HP per shot. Was 35, is now 40.

* Mimban max land base size has been increased by 1. Was 5, is now 6 structure slots, and it now has a new though incomplete map.

* Update some of the lasers in space battles, and with it, many units got new loadouts and damage values. Details of new loadouts will be unit in-game info-box if a unit went through the changes.

* Updated the planet model for Shola in the GC and Skirmish space maps.

* Updated the land Kinooine map with different textures.

* Both Imperial and Rebel orbital bombardments now cost the same in Skirmish. The Imperial orbital bombardment projectile issue of being invisible has also been fixed.

* The Rebel AT-AP Walker can no longer be constructed on Rothana, but is now available on Kuat.

* Canderous tank group has been reduced from 2 to 1 and has had its priced reduced from 1333 to 668 credits.

* Increased max possible starting credits for Skirmish. Was 12000, is now 15000.

* TIE defenders now come in flights of 4.

* Larry-3 land unit now fires solely stun rounds.

* Darth Vader and Sheeve Palpatine force ability recharge times have been reduced.

* Replaced vanilla A-wing, X-wing and Y-wing models with a more HD models.

* A-wing top speed has been increased, its guns now have a 360 degree firing arc due to its vectored cannons and its text box has been updated.

* All lightsabers now deal a base damage of 100 per swing.

* Land bombing run bombers now reveal FoW around them.

* Wayland has been renamed to Weyland.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I also have a Discord channel for the mod:

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