MOD INFO - Zombie Master Black Edition is a "spin-off" mod based on the original Zombie Master Source Code. - Features: 9 all-new custom weapons - 3 new zombie types - challenging gameplay.

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weapons and other game ideas (Games : Half-Life 2 : Mods : Zombie Master Black Edition : Forum : Suggestions : weapons and other game ideas) Locked
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Jul 15 2010 Anchor

im a Great fan when it comes to zombie movies, book ect. and i will admit the shotgun has to be the most memerable zombie killing weapon of all times! shot guns aer always great and this new system of weapon jams sounds really cool and will add a great sense of realism. Dont get me wrong i LOVE this mod and all other zombie mods but the only problem i have with this mod is weapon selection. Shotguns AMAZING YES! But! the weapons the problem its the only real weapon you have, yeah theirs the pistol and the the two rifles and smg's. in my opinion i think their should be a larger weapon selection hence assult rifles and some more smg's and possibly an LMG or HMG (HMG would be stationary map prop)

here is my main idea as to what to do, when ever the round starts people rush the weapons to get the one they want and love most. in getting what they want someone else who wants the weapon is obviously less fortunate. half the time the guys with the good guns a total noods and shit shots hence everyone dies and bitches ALOT! that get annoying. What i think needs to be done to solve this problem is make a class system to remedy this problem, i have several class ideas.

National Guard Rifleman- m16a2, sks, ak-47, winchester, m1 grand, and other rifles, pistols. (long range semi-auto rifles,give rifles alternate fire example m16a2 3 round burst and ak-47 full auto(increases the chance of jams) , pistols for medium and close range)
National Guard Combat Engeneer- shotguns civilian and military, pistols, hand grenades (high explosive, insendiary) home made explosives (pipe bomb and such) C4 charge, claymore. (shotguns and pistols for medium and close range trgest, explosives to do mass damage)
National Guard Marksman- m16 with tactical sight, LR-308B with tactical sight or scope, hunting rifle with scope, pistols. (long range rifles with tactical sights and sniper rifles, tactical sights and scopes to ensure kills at distance, pistols for medium and close range targets)
National Guard Officer- m4 carbine,m1 carbin, smgs-mp5,tmp,mac 10, thompsan, UZI, HK UMP, P90. large and small caliber pistols. (carbines long medium and close combat capabilitys, large caliber and small caliber pistols medium range)

( i would suggest adding LMG's and some typle of rocket launcher like the LAW or RPG and or some form of a grenade launcher)

-Explanation for classes as such-
first off its all National Guard because in the cause of an out break in the US odds are most of the US military forces will be over seas fighting in a foreign land. So in this case the National Guard is called uppon to quel and contain and hopefully defeat the Undead plague. all Guard personal is dected out in full military digical camo Army issue, wearing kevlar vests and helmets along with the aditional gask mask (would have unequiped but can be plased on to protect from airborn agents and if zombies spew bile at you if you have your mask on you wont become infected, equiped it changes your screen from full screen to the eye holes on the mask which kills your periferal vision) the mixture of weapons for every class goes between military issue and civilian weapons reason behind this its a few months into the out break and the absence of ammunition forces the National Guard to use civilian bound firearms they find and take from gun stores. the classes have what they have because of this -
normal rifleman are riflemen accurate at long rangest and medium ranges to kill their enemys
the engeneers are for medium combat with shotguns and explosives to do as much damage as possible
marksmen are long range killers and highly accurate because of their skill and their weapon sights to ensure kills
the officers are the rounded class with weapons that hit on all the ranges but most affective in medium and close forms of combat

If your interested the MAIN reason i want to see my National Guard idea used for all the mod as the player classes is because. almost every single zombie movie i love so much is were the Military is over run in the beginning of the movie and the civilians with no military training of any kind can pick up an assult rifle theyve never used before and get perfect head shots again and again and agian. quit frankly that pisses me off! oh so very much! i mean COME ON!!!! if anything i think it would be the other way around with the military surviving longer then the civilians. think of it like this yes the military would louse a large portion in the opening months because of trying to run camps for the civilians but what would end up happening is the military wouldnt take civilians and set up base and proper vacilitays and only allow the non infected civilians in to thrive and live and the others would be killed.

-choosing the classes-
at evey round where you pick if you want to be the zombie master or surviver chage it to zombie master or National Guard. once joinning the National Guard team you dont pick what class you want its divided and you get a class at random with random weapons. their will be one or two officers maybe more depending on the amount of people in the server, after one officer their will be a few select number of marksmen and engeneers all picked at random all with random weapons then everyone else gets the rifleman class. everyone will get a sufficient ammount of ammo to start but considering the onslaught of zombies and having to pump round after round into the hord to take them all down additional ammunition and on occation weapons will be found around the map. every map all the additional weapons will be civilian not military grade so all depends on you and what it is you want. also explosives home made kinds of course rare to find but still on the maps. each class should have a special ability like officers die in two hits and can run faster and longer and everyone around the officer gets this perk, he alsogets a hand radio this allows him to call in two artillery stricks with 5 minute cool down and one napalm air strick. marksmen can steady their shot and stop weapon wobble to get a kill with every shot and quick aim when going iron sights aims at zombies head and fallows the target your aiming at for accurate shots, engeneer has the ability to barracade (plank boards over open doors or winds- can find a welder and weld doors and locks shut longer for zombies to break through). since the rifleman will be the primary grunt on the ground odds are you wont want to drop your rifle for one on the map because the one you start with has high damage and a damage increase added to the weapon along with 5 additional mags for your rifle. every class can drop ammo from the weapon their carrying to supply other troops with the same type of weapon ie - shotguns, rifles, pistols.

-Game Modes-
Defends - which is obvious give a defensible area and given a few minutes at the start to defend from an endless zombie assult for 20 minutes before National Guard helecopters come to pick you up (have to keep the LZ clear the home time or the choppers wont land)
Excape - starting in an armored convoy you will be on the clock to get off the map because a massive zombie hord is on your tail and the hole area is to be bombed. you will run into obsticles which engeneers will have to move or destroy, if all engeneers die convoy has to dismount and travel on foot if vehicals are damaged , need gas for the vehicals, always being assulted by zombies. have to go from one end of the map to the other keeping atleast one officer alive, to call the artillery strick in or having the hole area over run. reason for calling artillery because the end of the map you have to get to leads to a Military Base Camp and will be over run if you dont stop the hord from getting to the base, You are all that stands between the camps survival or untimely death from the hord of undead.
Locate and Defend - most of the team starting on one end of the map the other end a small portion of the team flagged as vips held up in some defensible possition teatering on being over run, get their and help the defenders until the armored convoy comes and picks you all up or the air cav comes to save the day.
Locate and Excape - like the Defend version eccept in this one after finding the vips you have to either excape off the map by going either back to the main spawn where and armored convoy waits for you or another spot on the map where you will call in the air cav to come and save you.
Infection - everyone spawns in different sections of a underground military bunker and everyone has a pistol only with the one clip of ammunition, a soldier goes AWOL after being bitten by a zombie and has to kill all the other military personnal or let the zombies into the bunker to kills the soldiers for him by opening the main hatch to the surface. no one knows who the infected soldier is except the infected soldier. if the main bulk head is openned letting the zombies in the base alarm is sounded and the armery is openned automatically allowing the soldiers to run it and pick any gun they choose.

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