This is a full resource port of PS2 Half-Life to PC. No ifs, ands or buts. This mod has an aim to be as close to the original as possible (even ugly 8-bit dithered skyboxes are included). This mod is also powered by custom DLL with such new entities as: "item_healthcharger", "item_recharge", "item_eyescanner", "item_generic", "env_warpball", "trigger_playerfreeze", "trigger_random", "env_warpball" and Blue Shift entities (vest, helmet, Rosenberg; useful for PS2 mods development). [Credits] Half-Life: Valve; PS2 Half-Life port: Gearbox; PS2 to PC port by supadupaplex. [Used tools] DLL was assembled and compiled in "Visual Studio Community" by MS; Code for Blue Shift entities was borrowed from here: ""; Maps were ported with Triang3l's "BS2PC"; Other resources were ported with my "PS2 HL tools"; Other tools: GIMP, MSPaint, Kratisto's mdldec, Blender, HL SDK, HxD.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 11)

Perfect and Accurate 👌🏼

It's all the PS2 assets. Pretty great since I think the PS2 models trump the HD models by a long shot.

Really nice way to revisit Half-Life. The small changes keep the playthrough fresh.

Didn't encounter any bugs at all. Very solid mod.


Probably the most accurate PS2 PC port.




Nice Mod :D

Beats all the other ps2 pc ports.


Why would this need a review?

The most accurate and least buggy attempt at bringing HL PS2 to PC by far.


Неплохой порт.