Titanium Wars Mod is high quality DoW mod with almost all Games Workshop units. Features of this mod: - Many-many new units and buildings. Extended tech tree. - Many-many new abilities and upgrades. - New Heroes and fully functional Heroes wargear. - RPG elements from CutterShane's Heroes System. Experienced units after battles. - Fully functional single campain, skirmish, and multiplayer. - And finally Titans and Titan-like units!

Forum Thread
Technical support (TWM for SS) (Games : Dawn of War : Mods : Titanium Wars Mod for Soulstorm : Forum : Technical problems : Technical support (TWM for SS)) Locked
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Jun 11 2012 Anchor

NB!: If you have used a previous version of TWM, then completely uninstall it before installing the new version.

Installation instructions.

Simply extract Mod files from archive to your DoW:SS folder with keeping of the folder's structure. If you see in your DoW:SS root folder one new folder named as "Titanium_Wars_Mod_SS" and one new file "TitaniumWars_SS.module" it means that installation was correct. Titanium Wars Mod ready to launch from Game Manager in DoW:SS. For more comfort Mod launching, create copy of DoW shortcut, open shortcut property and edit run string. Add parameter -modname TitaniumWars_SS. Example of correct run string:

"D:\Games\Dawn of War Soulstorm\Soulstorm.exe" -forcehighpoly -nomovies -modname TitaniumWars_SS

Don't forget about new native shortcut icon titanium.ico. ;-) It located in Mod's folder. Launch the Mod from new shortcut and enjoy! Old shortcut for classic DoW:SS must be edited with adding parameter -modname Dxp2 for correct launching of classic DoW game. Example:

"D:\Games\Dawn of War Soulstorm\Soulstorm.exe" -forcehighpoly -nomovies -modname Dxp2

If you want to play campaign you can copy "Movies" folder from DXP2 folder to "Titanium_Wars_Mod_SS" folder for seeing intro-movies.If you've used an old version of the Mod before, delete the folder "titaniumwars_ss" from the "Profiles" folder in your game profile ("Profile1" subfolder in "Profiles" folder usually) BEFORE installing the new version. It is necessary for proper installation of hot keys and delete old saves. Using old saves with new version of the Mod is not recommended strongly (!).

Uninstallation instructions.

Simply delete "Titanium_Wars_Mod_SS" folder and "TitaniumWars_SS.module" file from root folder of DoW:SS. Also delete "titaniumwars_ss" folder from the "Profiles" folder in your game profile (usually "Profile1" subfolder in "Profiles" folder).

For removing TWM-logo, just delete file: Engine\Data\art\ui\textures\wxp_loadscreen_dawn_of_war.dds.
Path from DoW root folder.

Note: ModDB forums sometimes locked old threads automatically. If you want to write here while thread locked, just say about it in comments on main page and I unlock the thread. It's hard for me to keep track of it all the time.

Edited by: GrOrc

Shindur Shindur
Oct 3 2012 Anchor

Hey, I recently just tried to uninstall this mod from my game, but I have a problem. I deleted everything you said to delete, but when I reopen SS I still see the Titanium Wars logo under the SS logo. I closed out of SS and opened where I have it saved to (I run it on steam). After looking around I double checked the profiles folder again and a new titaniumwars_ss folder was in there. How can I get rid of the mod?

Oct 6 2012 Anchor

If you want to remove TWM-logo, just delete file: Engine\Data\art\ui\textures\wxp_loadscreen_dawn_of_war.dds from your DoW folder. Then you'll see standard DoW-logo.

About profile of mod. This profile will be automatically created only after running the Mod. Delete profile of Mod after deleting Mod's files.

Oct 7 2012 Anchor

I can't seem to get this mod installed. I extract the files to the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ\Dawn of War - Soulstorm," which I believe to be the right location, but I receive an error message from Winrar every time saying that it cannot open 17 of the files included, and so it ends up showing a progress bar, but nothing is extracted. Any ideas?

By the way, I know it can't be WinRar, as right before I downloaded this I successfully installed the Dark Crusade mod "Annihilation" using the same software.

Oct 8 2012 Anchor

Use the original 7zip manager for extracting 7z-files.

Oct 11 2012 Anchor

I get a CTD when trying to play 8 player skirmish. Is this because of a limit in how much can be loaded, or something else?

Oct 11 2012 Anchor

Depend on power of your computer. Many people reported me that they load 8 players without any problems in TWM. I have weak computer and I unable to load 8 players. Only 5-6. Somewhere in Internet I saw manual about optimization OS for loading huge mods. Try to search it.

Oct 19 2012 Anchor

Can't seem to find anything about that. I'll keep searching for something like that.
I have a fairly strong computer, with 1gig graphics and 16gig RAM so I don't think that's the issue. I try loading the 8player matches where every team has a different race, and I CTD. Same thing happens with 6 players. I have only had success with 2 or 4 player maps.
Other than the CTDs I've been experiencing, fantastic mod, props to everyone who contributed.

Sorry about this second post, but could this log mean anything?

Thanks in advance.

Fixed by reinstalling DoW a third time, must have been something wrong with a patch or something.

Edited by: InFerNos1

Oct 20 2012 Anchor

DoW is old game now. Old game engine = problem with using computer's resources. TWM requires a lot of resources. Optimize your system for TWM playing. Look here for this: Moddb.com

Please delete so long error log from your message. This is spam action here - don't do it here please. This log is not useful for modders (this log only for original game developers - for Relic in this case). Only warning.log and ai log can help to a modder... but only in very specific situations. Do not post any error logs without modder's direct request.

Edited by: GrOrc

Oct 26 2012 Anchor

I have DoW SS in steam and i installed the mod as it said (simply extracting it to the DoW SS folder). Didn't make a fancy icon for it but when i click the soulstorm icon to start the game it starts, and it says "Dawn of War Soulstorm" and under it Titanium Wars so i suppose i did it right but i haven't got any new features or anything like that, plz help!

Oct 29 2012 Anchor

If you installed the Titanim Wars Mod correctly, you must see the text string: "Titanium Wars Mod ver.0.99.xx" in left-top corner of start menu screen and graphic words "Titanium Wars" on Soulstorm logo (above menu) after correct start of the Mod. If you do not see it then your installation was incorrect or you do not run the Mod now. Firstly, try to load the Mod via game manager. If you see string with TWM in game manager section then your installation is correct. Congratulations. Just load the Mod from game manager (DoW will restart with new mod's data) and enjoy.

Note: TWM loading logo will appear in any load of DoW after correct TWM installation. TWM loading logo is not mean that TWM is active by default. TWM must be loaded correctly (from game manager or from special icon).

If you using special icon for runnning the Mod then check it. Maybe you have errors in run string. Read the installation insructions for using special TWM icon.

Edited by: GrOrc

Nov 7 2012 Anchor

Hello, i can't download the game from the main link. ¿Could you give some links? ¡Thanks! Mediafire...etc..

Nov 7 2012 Anchor

Now I support TWM-players only via ModDB.

Nov 7 2012 Anchor

Hi i am using 7-zip file manager, i click the extract button to C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ\Dawn of War - Soulstorm\, a progress bar comes up and it says 14 errors and when it is done it says 72 errors and the game is not on the game manager of soulstorm. any help with this would be appreciated.

oh and when i click extract it says copy. dont know if its supposed to say that. i am a real noob at doin this lol

Edited by: oxsavagemanxo

Nov 8 2012 Anchor

Re-download archive file. Maybe you have errors while download process... I guarantee quality of archive file and the Mod as whole. Many people have no any problems with download and installation. Be careful and competent...

Nov 18 2012 Anchor

Hi, every time I play chaos it uses the Word bearer's colour scheme instead of the Alpha legion's. Any help would be greatly useful.

Jan 25 2013 Anchor

Hi there,
I have just downloaded the TWM from ModDB but everytime i try to play it via game manager it comes back with a "Failed to activate requested game" wondering if anyone would know why this would be?

Jan 26 2013 Anchor

Try to reinstall DoW firstly and TWM secondly.

Mar 14 2013 Anchor

Hello GrOrc!

As always, I love the mod. I am curious though, about a recent development I have ran into. When I play campaign (haven't tried to see if bug showed up in skirmish) as the Orks, I run into an issue with the warboss. When he enters melee, his melee attacks cause what I can only describe as an AoE affect, which causes damage and moral damage to himself, to any nearby allies, enemies, and my own units. His ranged weapon attacks also do the same damage/moral damage AoE to all nearby units when upgraded fully to his final canon weapon, but I think that is intentional, and it's not a problem even if it isn't. However, the melee attacks causing AoE damage and moral damage to all units, including himself, make it impossible for me to use him in melee combat - which I'm sure you can imagine, is terrible. An Ork Warboss that can't enter melee? Heresy. Now, the only pertinent information I can give you is this: I didn't play the Ork campaign before I also installed the Apocalypse mod, so I can't be sure that the two mods aren't interfering with one another - but from what I know about the packaging and initiation of these mods, that such interference is somewhat unlikely. However, I thought you should know there are several other mods installed as well - I tend to like your mod the best. :) So after trying out the other mods, I reinitialized TWM. I love the Tryanids, so I am loathe to uninstall the other mods, but I'm more than willing to if you think the other mods might be the issue. Let me know if you have any ideas - either way I will keep playing. The mod you made just keeps the game alive for me.

Mar 14 2013 Anchor

I've got the same problem as Around12Ferrets but I have used 7-Zip like you said, at first it shows that 12 files are established "errors", then at the end of the extraction, 75/75 files are errors.
This has become quite a strenuous process now, I've read the instructions from step to step too many times, and I fall every time at the first hurdle, any ideas?
Help would be greatly appreciated

Mar 15 2013 Anchor

SP4RT4NT4PPL35, did you run 7-Zip with administrator privileges? You may find that doing so helps. I am not sure what your problem is, but it sounds like your computer is not allowing the files to be extracted to the location because the program 7-Zip doesn't have the authority to do so. I can't be sure, because I run all my main programs, including 7-Zip with administrator privileges automatically, but it's worth a try if you haven't done so already. Another option is to try and unzip the files to your desktop, or a folder like "my documents". After doing so, you can manually move the files to the destination folder without too much trouble... I have no relation to this mod, or to GrOrc, so my assistance is only offered as a third-person passerby. The mod is great though, and I hate to have you miss out on it, so I hope I was able to help.

Mar 18 2013 Anchor

I seem to have a problem with the game crashing to desktop when I play skirmish matches with a mate online. I looked at the similar issue someone had above when they tried to load 8 player matches but I cant seem to pin my problem down. Sometimes its fine, sometimes it CTDs mid game and other times it CTDs when I click quit battle at the end. It doesn't seem to be caused by the number of players as I've had 6 player matches work while 4 player matches haven't. It usually happens about 20 minutes into games. Hazarding a guess I would think it's the number of units on the map causing the game to die but I can't see why. I only have a modest 4gm memory and 2gb graphics card but my mate is having the same issue with 4gb graphics and 16gb memory. Sometimes it's happening at exactly the same time on both our computers.

Any ideas what could be causing this?

Otherwise the mod is great. Would love to see a few more units that aren't in it and the new stuff looks great.

Mar 19 2013 Anchor

ThatGallantGent wrote: I seem to have a problem with the game crashing to desktop when I play skirmish matches with a mate online.

Hey ThatGallantGent, I also have had this issue before. What OS are you running? If you are running Windows 7 or higher, you may need to play the game in compatibility mode. Also, I'm not sure how you connect with your mate, but sometimes creating a virtual network through a program like Hamachi can help prevent sync errors. Also, for your info, physical distance can cause sync errors, which can cause game failure. Not sure how far away your friend lives, but that may also be an issue. A decent bandwidth allotment wouldn't hurt either, in case you are bottle-necking, which would also cause sync errors and inevitable failure. 3mb< will suffice. One final thing, I have noticed that persistent bodies can cause trouble as well for multiplayer games over the net. If all else fails, I'd try turning off the mod, and see if the original game crashes when you play with your mate. If it does, then I would fresh install the game and the mod.

Mar 19 2013 Anchor

To ThatGallantGent. Also look on Titanium Wars FAQ, item 2.8.

Edited by: GrOrc

Mar 23 2013 Anchor

Firstborne wrote: SP4RT4NT4PPL35, did you run 7-Zip with administrator privileges? You may find that doing so helps... After doing so, you can manually move the files to the destination folder without too much trouble... I have no relation to this mod, or to GrOrc, so my assistance is only offered as a third-person passerby. The mod is great though, and I hate to have you miss out on it, so I hope I was able to help.

Sorted just like you said! Thank you soo much for your help Firstborne, I really appreciate it! :D
...and GrOrc, in relation to the mod, well played mate, it's brilliant!

Edited by: SP4RT4NT4PPL35

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