The island is a singleplayer, first person shooter mod. There are no puzzles here, just pure, intense action. And who are your enemies? An army made up solely of zombies, particularly fast zombies, and their headcrabs. Where is this taking place? Any random island; the location is irrelevant. This mod will be best suited to skilled action-oriented gamers. The mod is eight maps in length and includes many of the Source engine's advanced features and effects. Work on The Island is complete and the mod is currently available for download. I would just like to apologise for the release date being two months later than originally planned. Man made hell :-)

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The Island released

The Island released

News 13 comments

Work on The Island is complete and the mod is currently available for download. I would just like to apologise for the release date being two months later...

New In-Game Screenshots


At first I want to thanks to all people who wanted to help me with translation of mod but I think that 38 translators is more than I need :-) so thanks...

Comming soon!

Comming soon!

News 9 comments

The Island is singleplayer first person shoter mod for Half-Life 2 where aren't any logical obstacles. It's just PURE and very hard action...