

In 1648, Europe was emerging from the devastating effects of the Thirty Years' War, a conflict that had profoundly reshaped the political and religious landscape. The Peace of Westphalia, signed in 1648, marked the end of this war and brought significant changes to the continent. The treaty recognized the independence of the Dutch Republic from Spanish rule, solidified the sovereignty of numerous German states, and established the principle of cuius regio, eius religio, allowing rulers to determine the religious affiliation of their territories.

In the east, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth remained a key player, stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. However, the state faced internal challenges, including cossacks unrest and tensions with its neighbors. The Ottoman Empire, extending its influence into Eastern Europe, continued to engage in territorial disputes and military campaigns against Danubians and Habsburg Monarchy.

Meanwhile, the Russian Tsardom, under the rule of the Romanov dynasty, was gradually expanding its territories eastward and consolidating power. The Eastern European landscape was thus marked by a complex interplay of rivalries, territorial shifts, and ongoing conflicts, setting the stage for further geopolitical developments in the years to come.

Embark on a journey across diverse landscapes of 17th century Europe! Travel from the icy expanses of Sweden to the sun-soaked Peloponnese, in this captivating campaign map, with a total of eight playable factions, including: Habsburg Monarchy, Ottoman Empire, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Zaporozhian Cossacks, Danubian Principalities, Crimean Khanate, Kingdom of Sweden, and the Tsardom of Russia. Will you lead the mighty Ottoman forces to victory, navigate the complexities of the Commonwealth, or carve out your destiny as the ruler of the Russian lands? The choices are vast, the challenges immense – the fate of empires lies in your hands. Will you rise to the occasion and shape the course of history?

Historical Accurate Outfits

Authentic Weapons

Early Modern Architecture


Immerse yourself in the multiplayer mode with seven fully playable factions, each with its own unique traits and units. Engage in battles set in meticulously crafted maps that transport you to the heart of the 17th century. Feel the weight of history in your hands as you wield muskets, strategically position artillery for maximum impact, and unleash the explosive potential of grenades to turn the tide of battle. The game's attention to detail ensures an authentic and immersive experience, where every weapon has its own unique characteristics, adding depth and complexity to your tactical choices.

Whether you're a history enthusiast or a gaming strategist, these features provide an unparalleled level of engagement. Step onto the battlefield armed with muskets, cannons, and grenades, and experience the sights and sounds of 17th-century warfare in a way that will keep you on the edge of your seat.


The Deluge

Try also the original The Deluge mod for Mount&Blade Warband!

"The impressive setting alone undoubtedly leaves a great impression, but even more applause is due to the creators for the multitude of gameplay changes: they refined the basics (controls, ballistics, physics), and also introduced dozens, if not hundreds, of innovations."


"Easily the best made mod I have ever played on any game, you guys should develop your own game this was very historically accurate, best naval combat I have ever seen in a game. The graphics are beautiful, sounds are beautiful, uniforms and weapons too, best invasion mode out of any game I have played. In conclusion so professional it could be a triple A title, but I am glad it isn't :D"

Ragnosos 10/10

"The best multiplayer mod for Mount & Blade warband, hands down. The small but dedicated team behind "The Deluge" is one virtuoso bunch of chaps that I hold to an unusually high degree of respect and dignity. Groundbreaking."

HannesFury 10/10

"This mod is simply incredible. Forget about the 19th century, 17th century warfare here we go!"

Porkell 10/10


Our media and contact

The easiest form of contact with Deluge Team is our Discord group: there, you can also find the latest information about the mod and recruitment to our team. However, 3D and 2D graphic designers, as well as programmers, are always welcome :)



No Patronite!!! We are not a bunch of scammers who pretend to make mod, collect money, and then release some crap or nothing at all. The mod will be released when it's ready: no one is funding us, so no one has the right to rush us, complain, or nitpick.

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Official FAQ 2023

+ [Kiedy będzie premiera moda?]
Prace nadal trwają, chociaż przez ograniczenia zasobów ludzkich są okresy, kiedy idą bardzo wolno. Na razie nie ogłosiliśmy żadnej daty, ale chcielibyśmy (to nie deklaracja) wydać moda chociaż w ograniczonym kształcie w 2024.

- [When will the mod be released?]
The work is still going on, although due to human resource limitations there are periods when they go very slowly. For now we haven't announced any date, but we would like (this is not a declaration) to release the mod at least in a limited form in 2024.

+ [Będzie to mod singleplayer, czy multiplayer?]
Docelowo oba, ale naszym priorytetem jest multiplayer.

- [Will it be a singleplayer mod or multiplayer?]
Ultimately both, but our priority is multiplayer.

+ [Gdzie mod będzie dostępny?]
Mod będzie dostępny za darmo na Steam Workshop oraz modbb. Na ten moment nie rozważaliśmy jeszcze innych platform dystrybucji.

- [Where will the mod be available?]
The mod will be available for free on Steam Workshop and modbb. At this point we have not yet considered other distribution platforms.

+ [Jak duży nacisk będzie położony na historyczność?]
Pod względem wizualnym (modele i tekstury) nasz zespół historyków czuwa nad tym, aby wszystko było jak najwierniejsze historii. Jeśli chodzi o gameplay, to tutaj będziemy stawiali przede wszystkim na wygodną rozgrywkę i kompetetywny charakter gry. Niekoniecznie w dniu premiery, ale planujemy też dodać tryb historyczny do przełączenia w ustawieniach, który będzie bardziej wierny historii, ale kosztem gameplayu.

- [How much emphasis will be placed on historicity?]
In terms of assets (models and textures), our team of historians will ensure that everything is as true to history as possible. In terms of gameplay, here we will focus primarily on comfortable gameplay and the competetive nature of the game. Not necessarily on release day, but we also plan to add a historical mode to switch in the settings, which will be more faithful to history, but at the expense of gameplay.

+ [Jakie nacje będą dostępne w grze?]
W kampanii singleplayer: Monarchia Habsburgów (Austria), Polska, Ksiestwa Naddunajskie (ich kultury będą jednak oddzielne), Szwecja, Moskwa, Wojsko Zaporoskie, Chanat Krymski oraz Imperium Osmańskie (Turcja). W trybie multiplayer ze względu na balans jednostek Chanat Krymski nie będzie oddzielną frakcją, zamiast tego tatarskie jednostki będą do wyboru w ramach frakcji Imperium Osmańskiego.

- [What nations will be available in the game?]
In the singleplayer campaign: the Habsburg Monarchy (Austria), Poland, the Danube Duchies (their cultures will be separate, however), Sweden, Moscow, the Zaporozhian Army, the Crimean Khanate and the Ottoman (Turkey). In multiplayer mode, due to the unit balance, the Crimean Khanate will not be a separate faction; instead, Tatar units will be selectable within the Ottoman Empire faction.

+ [Czy mod będzie zawierał nowe mechaniki gry?]
Tak, to modyfikacja typu totalna konwersja, więc będzie zawierać nie tylko swoje modele, ale również animacje, czy unikalne mechaniki, zarówno w rozgrywce (jak system walki), jak i w kampanii singleplayer.

- [Will the mod include new game mechanics?]
Yes, it's a total conversion type modification, so it will include not only its own models, but also animations or unique mechanics, both in gameplay (like the combat system) and in the singleplayer campaign.

+ [Jaki będzie zasięg mapy kampanii?]
W osi północ-południe od Szwecji do Konstantynopola, a w osi wschód-zachód od Austrii po rosyjski Ural.

- [What will be the extent of the campaign map?]
On a north-south axis from Sweden to Constantinople, and on an east-west axis from Austria to the russian Urals.

+ [Czy planujecie singleplayerową kampanię w trybie kooperacji?]
Na ten moment nie.

- [Are you planning a singleplayer campaign in co-op mode?]
At this point, no.

Official Discord server

Official Discord server

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Join our official Discord server now (click on the link below)!

The Deluge II Development Diary 2: Factions

The Deluge II Development Diary 2: Factions

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It's finally here, our new devblog about factions in our mod.

The Deluge II Development Diary 1: The World

The Deluge II Development Diary 1: The World

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The Deluge: With Fire And Sword is a upcoming modification for Mount & Blade Bannerlord game. The action of project takes place in the eastern part of...

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VENDETTAS - - 18 comments

Yeah guys, good luck. I'll be checking this page about once per half a year, I really liked With Fire And Sword official DLC, and I hope this mod will be a great spiritual successor. Take your time. Most of the games I play are decade(or two) old anyways, lol.

Ideally hope to play the Campaign for Cossack Hetmanate, combined with Bannerlord COOP mod, once that releases. But depending on how much the experience mechanically differs from vanilla, it may not work that great, or at all.

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adammalinowski1939 - - 1 comments

Hej czy jest szansa dostania się do testów ów zacnej modyfikacji?

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piul - - 47 comments

god save this mod team

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Guest - - 700,057 comments

Your discord server link is no longer valid.

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Guest - - 700,057 comments

Siemanko. Nie mogę się doczekać aż w końcu wypuścicie moda nawet w okrojonej wersji. Możliwość zagrania wojskami polskimi z okresu 17 wieku przy dość ładnej oprawie graficznej jaką serwuje bannerlord to mój mokry sen. Jak potrzebujecie beta testera to ja jestem chętny ;>>
Dc: Iksymo#9444

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Deluge_Devs Creator
Deluge_Devs - - 20 comments

We encourage you to join our Discord server. There, we'll let you know when the open beta tests come out.

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Guest - - 700,057 comments

please anatolia and safavid azerbaijan

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Deluge_Devs Creator
Deluge_Devs - - 20 comments

Hello. It's not gonna happen for the 1.0 release sadly, but there is a chance for it later :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
VladDod - - 6 comments

Clarification, if we take the historical authenticity of the names of the states, then it is more correct to call the Tsardom of Russia. - the Tsardom of Moscow, because the proper name as Russia or, more correctly, the Russian Empire, appears in 1721, when Tsar Peter I renames the Tsardom of Moscow to the Russian Empire. This is the same as calling the then Zaporozhian Cossacks Ukraine in modern terms, and the Ottoman Empire the Turkish Empire and the Habsburg Empire the Empire of Austria...

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Deluge_Devs Creator
Deluge_Devs - - 20 comments

Hello VladDod. Yes, you're right. In game it will be called properly, it's just a typo on the promotional map.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
YourStepDad - - 357 comments

Muscovite Tsardom then, I think, would sound better.

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