Witness the major conflicts fought during the Galactic Civil War between the Rebel Alliance that seeks to restore order in the galaxy and the Galactic Empire that dominates the galaxy at its whim. The Mod allows you to play as the Galactic Empire or the Rebel Alliance, in the civil war that occurs two decades after the Clone wars and the Great Jedi purge as depicted in the original Star Wars trilogy, Andor, Rogue One, Solo, and Extended Universe lore. It is one of the most ambitious total conversion for multi award-winning rts Company Of Heroes, with unique, quality custom content and original gameplay. Version 1.0 out now!

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Clone Wars Era. (Games : Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts : Mods : Star Wars Frontlines - The Galactic Civil War : Forum : Gameplay & Concepts : Clone Wars Era.) Locked
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Apr 26 2016 Anchor

Here's the commanders trees I thought up:


"Without Number," which focuses on producing very cheap (but extremely weak) units. Left is infantry...1 point: Mass production (speeds up recruitment time and decreases resource cost); 3 points: Redesigned Schematics (makes production of infantry almost instant, but decreases overall health and damage by 50 percent); 5 points: Without Numbers (doubles squad size, bringing it back on par with the normal droid force HP and DPS wise, and halving pop cost). Right is Armor... 2 Points: Rush Production (halves production time and HP pool); 7 Points: They're like Roaches (brings health back up by 25 percent of its normal value, and give the vehicle a chance to survive fatal hits with 1 hp left).

"Grievous' Command," this is the "Elite" branch of the CIS forces. Left side affects the basic units available to all trees...At 2 points: Reprogramed Targeting (as the name says, basically makes the forces of the CIS accurate enough to match base clone troopers); and at 3: Phrik Armor (doubles the damage resistance of all CIS units). On the right is a mix of support and unit deployment...At 3 points: Orbital Strike (basically a artillery bombardment reskinned); 5 points: Body Guards (deploys four of General Grievous' Body Guard droids. These droids are able to absorb a lot of damage from all sources, and deal massive damage to infantry); and lastly 7 Points: General's Strategy (a large boost to the speed and fire power of all units for a minute).

Lastly for the droids we have the "Unconventional Forces." Left...3 points: Commando Production [replaces the standard infantry with Commando Droids, which deal more damage and have more abilities (such as disguising, climbing cliffs, carrying more special weapons, ect)...But have less health overall than a standard droid, to represent the fact that their armor is thinner due to needing more processing power to access their abilities]; 5 points Exotic Technology (the effect varies per unit...But basically what I think it should do is increase damage but decrease health as each unit has weaker armor overall to compensate for their newly increased independence...That or just give additional special or heavy weapons per squad). Right...1 Point: Trandoshian Slavers {deploys a small slaver ship [basically a mobile barracks (deploys dirt cheap trandoshians capable of camouflaging)]}; 3 Points: Trando Mercs [allows the slaver ship to deploy heavier Trandoshian units (basically the mercs and heavy gunners from the Republic Commando game)]; 7 Points: Assault Tank (deploys the super tank from the Clone Wars series).

As for the Republic:

"Armored Division," the mailed fist of the Republic. Left: 3 Points: AT-XT (replacement for the AT-RT, it is equipped with a heavier armament and armor...Consider it an intermediary between the AT-RT and the AT-ST); 5 Points: Juggernaut [deploys one A6 Juggernaut Transport (less heavily armed than an AT-TE but with a bigger transport capacity and much faster)]; and 7 Points AT-AT Prototype [weaker version of the AT-AT all around, but much more effective than an AT-TE with the ability to deploy specialist infantry (small squad armed with all LMG equivalents) every five minutes]. Right...4 Points: Rapid Assault (all Republic forces move at about triple the speed, but their vision is decreased by half for around a minute); and at 6: Armored Infantry (increases the armor of all infantry by about fifty percent).

"Special Forces Battalion." Left Infantry... 2 Points: Elite Training (accuracy and health of regular troops is increased); 3 Points: Commando Drop {a captured CIS ship is rammed into the ground where it acts about the same as a British Glider [allows recruitment of four different Commando Squads (Assault, heavier armored basic troops in a nutshell; Anti-Armor, 2 RPGs and Two ARs with grenades; Sniper, 2 sniper rifles and 2 ARs also with grenades; Command, 1 RPG 1 Sniper and 2 ARs with grenades), each commando squad can climb cliffs]}; 5 points: ARC Troopers Deploy, a Gunship (like the one in the original CW series) comes in from off map and deploys 12 Arcs (varied weapons, each one can be commanded individually like a sniper)...Right is Fleet Support... 3 points: Precision Bombing run (three bombers hit a targeted area with bombs, dealing high damage to armor and structures) and at 7 points: Orbital Bombardment (much like Artillery strikes in the original...But lasts longer, has more rounds drop, and is a little more accurate).

And lastly "Infantry Division." Right...3 Points: Fire and Maneuver (for one minute infantry can fire as accurately as if they were standing still); 5 Points: Assault Package [all squads gain additional grenade options (which recharge faster) and faster firing weapons]; and 7 Points: Heavy Infantry (increases the health and armor of all infantry squads). Left...2 Points: Squad Medic (adds a soldier to each squad that heals squads slowly over time); and at 5 points: Light Artillery (allows deployment of Stun Tanks).

ebonhawk31 Creator
Apr 28 2016 Anchor

This are great ideas!

as soon as the GCW is finished will try to tackle on this

this could be a DLC type of add on for me..

Apr 29 2016 Anchor

If you want I can try and think up units for each side.

Apr 30 2016 Anchor

I like most of these... but there are a few abilities that look too much like upgrades that permanently change units stats... I'm not fond of these as I prefer to have active abilities...

Generally speaking, I like the CIS trees more than the Republic ones, which I believe are too close from the vanilla US...

I'll have to think futher about it, keep it up with units ideas sir :)

Edited by: .Eol.

May 2 2016 Anchor

Here's the CIS roster I've thought up:


Droid Engineers {come in a squad of six, and armed with blaster rifles. Droid Engineers fulfil the role of combat engineers, able to build the structures the CIS needs and rapidly repair CIS vehicles. They can be upgraded down two paths using two upgrade packages. The first option is Sapper Droids; Sappers sacrifice their repair time to carry a variety of special weapons useful for storming defenses and destroying weapons emplacements [basically they exchange one blaster for a chem thrower (CIS Flamethrower equivalent) and two for light repeating blasters (essentially SMGs); they also carry demolition charges, satchel charges, incendiary grenades, and sticky bombs]. The second option is Combat Engineers; this variant has much faster repair times, the option to capture enemy points that have been locked down (takes two minutes, and has a five minute cool down, but obviously saves resources...To further balance this if the unit is shot at the cap resets completely), as well as deploy defenses in areas outside of CIS control (however, it costs more resources...ranging from barely anything for mines to double or even triple for bigger defenses like Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Infantry emplacements)...However in exchange for this their blasters decrease in range and accuracy.}

B-1 Battle Droids {The most basic full combat squad in the CIS arsenal, they come in packs of twelve armed with basic blaster rifles and frag grenades. They can be upgraded down three paths. Recon Squad, Assault Droids, and Tank Hunters. Recon Troops exchange their blasters for semi auto rifles and a sniper rifle, they sacrifice some armor to move at a more rapid pace than the other squads, they also have a larger sight radius and can stealth when in cover [but ONLY when in cover or garrisoned (think of it as the Poor Man's version of the Commando Droid, only good against infantry)]. The Assault Droids fill the gap between basic B-1s and the B-2, they are a "jack-of-all-trades" type...They carry a variety of weapons: to start off with every basic blaster is exchanged for a medium repeating blaster (an STG-44 equivalent); they also carry thermal dets, slowly rechargeable AT missiles, incendiary grenades, and smoke grenades; and have slightly more health than a B-1. Tank Hunters are exactly what the name says, a squad specialized in killing armored vehicles [they carry six AT missiles, however to balance this each warhead is weaker than their Republic counterpart (because other wise they could easily destroy even AT-TEs); they can fire AT Grenades (equivalent to sticky Grenades) from their blasters; and lastly they can deploy mines anywhere, but it costs much more than an engineer doing so].}

Assassin Droid (A lone operative, the Assassin Droid carries a powerful and accurate sniper rifle. The Assassin can fire rather quickly when in cover or garrisoned, and decimate entire attacking infantry platoons in short order if not rooted out...A task made harder by it's ability to stealth and deploy smoke grenades to break visual contact. Assassin Droids are extremely fragile though, and if caught out in the open they will be easy prey.)

B-2 Super Battle Droids [The Heavy Hitters of the CIS Infantry (with the exception of tree specific units). SBD squads at their base form is six droids all armed with their wrist mounted blasters (how this would work animation wise I'm not sure, so maybe you could instead have them carry the same guns as the Assault Droids to represent the same rate of fire), wrist rocket launcher (which acts like the Panzer Faust, but with a much lower damage output and a faster recharge), and have nearly double the health of a B-1 squad. They can be specialized as either Toxin Droids or Jetpack Droids. The Toxin Droids are very nasty anti infantry squads, carrying three heavy chem throwers (essentially a higher DPS chemthrower) and with slightly higher health (their weakness is that they half the recharge rate of their wrist mounted rockets, and can die quickly if flanked as the tanks on their backs are very fragile). The Jetpack Droids are basic SBDs with jetpacks to enable quick relocation when an area gets too dangerous even for these droids, they can also drop thermal dets while they are in motion while flying (at the same time though the jet packs make the SBDs more vulnerable to flanking attacks, as a good shot can knock them out of the sky)]

Droideka [Comes in squads of three. The Destroyer Droid is, when in combat a very tough Anti-Infantry emplacement (easily able to shred anything not garrisoned using their repeating blasters and relying on their shields to defend them from all but the most severe counter attack...Or just attack with a vehicle like the TX-130 which the blasters are ineffective against); however when in motion the Droideka is very vulnerable (it's vision when in ball form is decreased to a fourth of it's usual range, and it obviously can't deploy it's Energy Shield while in ball form) however it is very fast...This makes the Droideka a good hit and run unit if managed properly, or a good defender in all infantry games...However it cannot garrison structures].

Tree Specific Infantry:

Body Guards {General Grievous' personal guards, the Magna Guard is a very dangerous combatant to face for infantry [they carry Elector Staffs that allow them to swiftly dispatch enemy soldiers in close quarters as well as deflect some anti infantry fire (say a 25 percent chance to deflect it harmlessly away), as well as radiation grenades (anti-infantry grenades), and rapid fire rocket launchers (a very quickly recharging rifle grenades basically)], however at they are very weak against vehicles...if they can hit them, as the Magna Guard is a very agile model. They come in squads of 4.}

Commando Droids [The Commando Droid model comes in squads of eight. They are equipped with customized blasters that have higher accuracy than a basic blaster, and deal more damage all around (not enough to seriously threaten anything heavier than an AT-RT, but they will give light armored foes reason to be more hesitant in engaging in combat); carry additional cool down weapons usually reserved for Assault and Sapper droids (basically the grenades and other rechargeables); they can stealth; and climb up cliff sides.]

Trandoshian Slavers (Weak disposable scouts, they are equipped with shotguns and can camouflage when not moving. They are best used enmasse or to find weak points before hitting the enemy with real forces...A task made easier as they come in groups of 16)

Trandoshian Mercs [Harder to kill than basic B1s, and more deadly. A Trando Merc squad comes equipped with rappelling gear, smgs, and various grenades useable in a variety of situations. Trando Mercs can be upgraded to carry concussion rifles (essentially grenade launchers, but slow firing) or to deploy basic defenses (trenches, mines, and Anti Infantry Defenses) without sacrificing their combat potential]

Trando Heavy Merc [The ultimate anti-infantry monster on the Seperatist side. The Heavy Merc carries a heavy repeating blaster as easily as a regular human carries a rifle, and can put out accurate devastating support fire even when on the move. Armored in the equivalent to light to medium vehicle plating, this bruiser is very hard to kill. On top of this he carries a variety of grenades (mainly anti-tank and building) and a personal bacta canister (allowing the unit to heal itself up to half health once every three minutes). The sole down side to this creature is his slow speed, making him easy prey for vehicles and long range weapons]


STAP (a light scout vehicle, it carries dual light blaster cannons giving it the edge against other recon vehicles...however it will fall quickly to any resistance beyond basic recon vehicles...It can un capture points, but this is not recommended, as if spotted while capturing it will be especially easy to kill, as it relies solely upon it's speed to survive)

AAT {Medium Assault tank. It has good armor and decent mobility, along with a decent arsenal [one main gun (good against vehicles), two side medium blaster cannons (faster firing and good against infantry and medium vehicles), and several rocket tubes (which can fire either anti personnel or vehicle payloads at the user's command)]}

Snail Tank [And extremely fast light tank, equipped with dual blast cannons (essentially giant shot guns) for anti infantry duty and dual missile launchers, it is well armed; however it's weapons are fixed facing forward, so some caution must be exercised when it comes to how to deploy this tank]

Hailfire Droid [A fragile artillery vehicle, the Hailfire droid has twin rapid fire blasters (equivalent to HMGs) and dual rocket pods (essentially the same thing as a calliope or nebelwerfer...except for ALOT more rockets)...This unit must be protected at all times or your opponent will kill it easily]

MTT [Heavy Assault Vehicle. This is by far the hardest to kill vehicle in the CIS arsenal save for the Super Tank. Good fire power (twin heavy blasters linked in two pods on either side of it's front), super heavy armor, but incredibly slow speed. The MTT's role is to get right in the opposing base and deploy B1s(which it can build)]

Tree Specific vehicles:

Assault Tank [The CIS Super Tank is the ultimate weapon of the Confederacy. Boasting similar armor to the MTT, but with more firepower (twin medium blaster pods, missile launchers, twin turreted heavy cannon) and a higher speed. Only one Super Tank can be deployed at any one time.]

May 4 2016 Anchor

What do you think about a Mandalorian commando squad ?? I'd like to see Mandalorian as a doctrine unit !

These are nice ideas by the way

Edited by: .Eol.

May 4 2016 Anchor

If you want Mandolorians in, I can change the "Without Numbers" tree to have the Trandos (as well as the cost decrease that they already have) and then remodel the "Unconventional Warfare" tree to focus around the Mandos...Of course this rework would be after I give you the rough for the Republic.

Also I remember you said that you didn't like the Republic' Trees that much, while I work on their roster can you tell me what abilities you would like different or replaced? That way I can work on improving their tree while I work on the Pub roster.

May 5 2016 Anchor

For me Mandalorian should go in the unconventional tree. The Trandos should be as you said, very large disposable squad for surprise attacks, while Mandos should come later and be more elite troopers. This would allow to have more units and different tactics on the battlefield, thus increasing the interest of this tree.

About the Republic trees, just give me a bit more time ;)

Edited by: .Eol.

May 5 2016 Anchor

Unconventional Warfare Tree V-2

Left...3 points: Commando Production [replaces the standard infantry with Commando Droids, which deal more damage and have more abilities (such as disguising, climbing cliffs, carrying more special weapons, ect)...But have less health overall than a standard droid, to represent the fact that their armor is thinner due to needing more processing power to access their abilities]; 5 points Exotic Technology (the effect varies per unit...But basically what I think it should do is increase damage but decrease health as each unit has weaker armor overall to compensate for their newly increased independence...That or just give additional special or heavy weapons per squad). Right...1 Point: Trandoshian Slavers {deploys a small slaver ship [basically a mobile barracks (deploys dirt cheap trandoshians capable of camouflaging)]}; 3 Points: Trando Mercs [allows the slaver ship to deploy heavier Trandoshian units (just the mercs, as the Mandolorians will be basically taking the role of the Heavies)], 5 points Mandolorian Protectors {This is the OLD cannon/legend versions. a band of 200 or so Mandolorian Super Commandos recruited by the Rogue Arc Trooper Alpha 02 Spar. They can either be solo fighters or four man teams (at your discretion). If you decide on solo fighters, then they basically become a MUCH more dangerous version of the Trando heavy Merc [double what would have been the heavy's health and armor (gotta love that Mandolorian Iron armor); spawns with a medium repeater but can upgrade down three paths (Heavy Repeater/HMG that can be fired on the move with great accuracy, a sniper/assassin type that stealths and has grenades to aid it in breaking off contact when spotted, and Jetpack trooper which turns them basically into Jango Fett weapon wise with the jetpack); and this version also comes with rechargeable flamethrowers missiles like the SBD's wrist mounted launcher and various other cool downs to make it a threat against everything]...If you go the four man team then this is what I think they should do [twice the health of a solo operative, but much less armor (to compensate for having four troopers); they spawn with a weaker version of the solo operative's weapon (less damage and fire rate, but as there are four it turns out about the same); they have three upgrades (Assault, rapid fire weapons and abilities to allow faster movement and flanking dug in emplacements; anti armor, much like the Republic Commandos's Anti-Armor only more dangerous, this squad carries experimental rocket launchers which do double that of their Republic rivals however they fire half as fast to balance this; and lastly we have the jet trooper, essentially a squad of assault weapon wielders with jet packs...By assault I mean close quarters such as SMGs and dual pistols); as well as all the grenades and abilities one would expect of the true elite of the CIS].

Since I still like the Super Tank concept, they'll be the "ultimate" unit for the "Without Numbers" tree, slotting in where "Their like Roaches" is now, while that ability replaces the Rush Production ability.

May 5 2016 Anchor

Yeah, I like the mandalorians more than a super tank for an unconventional tactics doctrine ;p

Btw you realize that you only have 2 skills on your left side... so the super tank can fit as the third one.

May 5 2016 Anchor

That'll work...though in that case all the other trees need a third on the left...

May 6 2016 Anchor

Yea, command trees have 6 abilities... to balance the GCW ones, I decided to go with a total points cost of 6 per side for the Rebels and 7 per side for the Empire (to represent a bit slower gameplay) so all trees are equal.

Edited by: .Eol.

May 6 2016 Anchor

Unconventional Forces:

Infiltration (basically spawns three Commando Droid squads anywhere on the map)

Grievous' Command

Command Unit [allows deployment of B2 command droids (a single B-2 with less armor, but it provides a boost in accuracy and health to units in the area)]

Republic Unit Roster:


Republic Engineers {Four clone squad, armed with DC-15 Carbines, able to repair vehicles and construct buildings...Three upgrades...Republic Pilots [retain the carbines, they can repair vehicles much quicker than standard clone engineers, and can either call in or board a vehicle (if you call a new one in it is uncrewed and the pilots have to board it...either way if they board a vehicle it gains a self repair equivalent to that of an engineer squad)]; Republic EOD Squad (heavier armored, and immune to explosives...The EOD troops diffuse explosives at a quicker rate than other squads, and carry a minesweeper); and Republic Assault Engineers [Much like the CIS Sappers, the Assault Engineers are the full combat version of the Republic Engineers (they carry anti-building, anti-garrison, and anti-droid rechargeable...Ranging from demolition charges, to EMP grenades...their primary weapons are replaced with faster firing and more accurate weapons roughly equivalent to the STG-44 in the base game...They also carry a flamethrower)]...If you do not like the Pilots upgrade that can be removed and turned into a Republic Armored Division skill}

Clone Troopers {Basic infantry of the Republic, they come in squads of eight soldiers, their standard load out includes DC-15 long barreled blasters EMP Grenades (before I continue I should mention that the EMP grenade is the Republic's rough equivalent to the Frag grenade) and rifle grenades. They have three upgrades (and I am aware that they are somewhat similar to the CIS in name and layout, but that's because those are gaps that need to be filled in the Republic's arsenal)...First up is Recon [a recon squad is fast moving and capable of camouflaging, their view radius is much larger than most other Republic squads...Their arsenal is one sniper rifle and seven DC-15 carbines modified for rapid fire in close quarters (essentially SMGs)]...Next is the Vanguard Squad [Tank hunters extraordinaire, a Vanguard squad carries three missile launchers and exchanges their weapons for SMG equivalents; as well as several anti-tank grenades and mines if a subtle ambush is needed]...last we have the Shock Trooper Squad [General purpose troops, but much more dangerous than CIS Assault droids, this is primarily due to the fact that this squad can be upgraded carry four LMG equivalents and four ARs (they start with all AR equivalents). The Shock Trooper is used to break enemy infantry formations and defenses. Standard combat doctrine for the use of Shock Troopers is to have a squad with LMGs suppress the defenders with a torrent of fire, and have a second squad charge in throwing grenades to destroy the pinned units.]}

Clone Sharpshooter [the Clone sharpshooter is very similar in task and function to the CIS Assassin Droid...however, while the CIS droid is more of a stationary ambusher, the Clone Sharpshooter is a more mobile unit (faster moving and able to fire at a faster rate while out of cover...However while in cover the accuracy of the Sharpshooter is increased at the cost of rate of fire)]

Clone Veterans {These elite soldiers are veterans who have survived up until this point from Geonosis...As such they are extremely dangerous. [Essentially they are smaller (five or six soldiers) squads of Clone Troopers with a higher health pool than their regular counterparts...They also start with all the gear of the upgraded Shock Troopers....To top it off they can be upgraded with jetpacks and EMP launchers (essentially 4 LMGs and 4 grenade Launchers) or additional grenades and LMGs]}

Clone Heavy Weapon Team (Three soldiers that can be upgraded to either carry an E-WEB or an AT gun)


Republic Commandos {Members of the Republic's special forces Cadre, Commandos are clones trained by instructors hired specifically by Jango Fett to turn them into highly lethal soldiers. [There are four Commando Squad types (Assault, heavier armored basic troops in a nutshell...In other words just ARs with grenades demo charges and other rechargeables; Anti-Armor, 2 RPGs and Two ARs; Sniper, 2 sniper rifles and 2 ARs; Command, 1 RPG 1 Sniper and 2 ARs), each commando squad can climb cliffs and stealth when in cover]}

ARC Troopers {The true Elite of the Republic; the ALPHA batch was the first "successful" ARC batch, and was trained directly by Jango Fett to be independent in comparison to the regular Clones. [Arcs are solo operatives. They spawn with random weapons, ranging from dual pistols (which I am not sure HOW you would make work amimation wise) to ARs, to gattling guns (or just HMG equivalents) to Quad Cannons (20 mm aa equivalent)...They have all the niceities you can expect from a Commando, but faster recharge rate...Plus a lot more health]}


BARC Speeder (A fast light vehicle with a anti infantry blaster underslung...it's sole purpose is as a recon unit...It is faster than a CIS STAP but it is weaker...Expect to lose BARCs to any opposition it cannot outrun or if it runs into an ambush...Or stays still.)

AT-RT (Light Walker, armed with a medium cannon and a mortar. The AT-RT is the first semi-serious threat the Republic can produce armor wise...It is fast and powerful, but it is easily dispatched...Especially as snipers can kill the driver)

IFT-X/TX-130 Fighter Tank [Medium hover tank. It is equipped with dual medium blasters with underslung missles (which could probably be represented by a cool down)...one on each side of the tank...and a powerful beam cannon ontop (don't rightly know how to clarify it...But it's good against all targets and can sweep side to side as it lasts a few seconds). It is fairly maneuverable, and able to dodge rounds with a good chance (say 33 percent)...Overall it is a solid combat vehicle...]

SPMA (The Republic's artillery. It is a lighly armored walker that has to set up before fireing, and has a minimum firing range...Beyond that it only has a light anti-infantry weapon for protection. However it far outranges the CIS Hailfire, and is able to fire fairly rapidly...say a shot every four seconds or so.)

AT-TE [The heaviest vehicle in the Republic's arsenal that is not tree specific. The AT-TE has four rapid fire light cannons (20MM equivalents) arrayed in front around the pilot section (which should probably be reinforced or something, as if someone can take control of their vehicle's turrets they could put this machine outta commission with one shot), a mass driver cannon (probably on par with the Tiger's 88 damage and AP wise), and two more light cannons in the rear. It can transport three squads of basic troopers or 4 squads of Veterans (for example...as it can also carry the commandos or ARCS)...The AT-TE is well armored, but this armored protection comes at a price, and it is a very slow vehicle in comparison to the other Republic vehicles)


AT-XT [The AT-XT replaces the AT-RT when unlocked. It is technically an older model than the AT-RT, however it is equipped with a heavier armament (dual rapid fire cannons, dual mortars, and a grenade launcher that could be equated to S-Mines) and armor...It is slightly slower than the AT-RT, but that is understandable as it can be classified as a medium walker in comparison]

Juggernaut [deploys one A6 Juggernaut Transport, limit of one at any one time. This is because I am getting conflicting info over the Juggernaut's armament...So I will just simplify (one heavy cannon mounted up top, two anti infantry cannons in front and two at the back, also a pair of medium cannons in the middle...one on each side)...It can carry six basic infantry squads or eight veterans (for example)...If there are no troops garrisoned inside it can be deployed as a mobile barracks (allowing training of CT and Vet squads)...It is not as well armored as a AT-TE, but better armored than an IFT-X]

AT-AT Prototype [weaker version of the AT-AT all around, but much more effective than an AT-TE (the cannons are more powerful, the armor is thicker, and it is slightly faster) with the ability to deploy specialist infantry (essentially an upgraded Shock Trooper variant with a different skin and a little more health) every five minutes]

I forgot the Stun Tank earlier, so here's it's info [a light fast artillery piece, the Stun Tank has less range than the SPMA (but makes up for this by being able to fire directly at it's target like a TD)...It is not well armored, and it doesn't have as good an anti infantry gun (say two ARs essentially)...However as it is a hover vehicle it is faster than most units that might try and kill it, and can relocate quickly...But it is very fragile, and if you do not manage it well you will loose it quickly, even to basic tank hunting infantry]

Infantry Tree: Infantry Support Tank [Custom unit I thought up...Essentially a deployable IFT-X tank with much heavier armor (to the point where it slows the tank quite considerably) and an additional light cannon on each side (for additional light armor and anti-infantry firepower)]

Armor: Mechanized Strike Force {Basically this deploys a group of six vehicles (3 AT-RTs, 2 IFT-X, and an AT-TE), and as you unlock the other vehicles on the tree they replace some of the vehicles (the XTs replacing the RTs...And the Prototype AT-AT replacing the AT-TE)...But obviously to use this ability will cost ALOT of resources...Like 5000 Manpower, 1000 Ammo, and 1000 Fuel (as this gives you a REALLY powerful task force you can use to overwhelm your opponent if you use it well)]

Spec Ops Battalion: Cross Training [Reskins all regular Infantry units on the map to have purple markings, and boosts their accuracy and health (this is actually a reference to a couple of scenes in the Republic Commando novels where they mention regular troopers being trained to fill Spec Ops roles due to a lack of Commandos by Nulls, Alphas, and Mando instructors)]

Any comments on it?

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