The TC takes place after the first film. It follows around a Mobile Infantry Elite Commando veteran (the player) going onto missions alone (sometimes with allies) in Arachnid planets. The player starts out by escaping from Starhip Sparta, before landing to Kaliatho. The objectives were either to rescue officers, to investigate facilities that have lost contact, or to hold off against Arachnid assaults. The TC has new planets. They are Kaliatho, Gamma, Planet 3, and more.

Some of the weapons are from the movie. Weapons written in Bold were exclusive to this game.

  • Foot: Replaced the Mighty Foot.
  • Rotary Cannon: Replaced the Chaingun Cannon.
  • Bio-Rifle MPS 10 Corroder: Replaced the Shrink Ray.
  • RetroRadon Bomb: Replaced the Laser Tripbomb.
  • Plasma Rifle: Replaced the Freezethrower.

Other features

  • Allied M.I's, also known as "Fake M.I's".
  • Various types of Arachnids to be fought.
  • New map format, known as .SST, replacing .MAP formats.

Berislav Markovic (Moloch)

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Starship Troopers: Terran Command has finally launched on Steam to very positive reviews, putting the defeat of the Arachnids and survival of humanity in the player's hands. The franchise has had quite a storied modding history, however, with numerous games having been converted to this universe - so here's five Starship Trooper total conversions if you want even more bugs to fry!

Starship Troopers: 1st Interstellar War

By Starside R&D

Ticonderoga Station In-Game

Enter the Terrans. The Federation is as big as the Arachnid empire and have an instinctive fear of bugs. Couple that with an advanced space military and technology and you have a big problem for the Arachnids. This new threat was so great that even forcing the skinnies to fight wouldn't be enough. New and bigger, more powerful warship were bred to combat this new threat to their total dominance of the galaxy.

Starship Troopers Doom

By LAKTUL_v2.4

Screenshot Doom 20180803 133813

DOOM's already about fighting back hordes of demons in an effort to save humanity and the world - with a kickass attitude and gung-ho approach to fighting the spawn of hell. Replace the demons with bugs and weapons with sci-fi rifles and, well, alright then - you've got yourself a Starship Troopers experience. Battle the bugs, hold the line, and don't give up - or maybe you'll get shot yourself!

Starship Troopers: The Homefront Campaign

By Wordsarecool


A mod for the Axis and Allies RTS adding a new campaign and new maps, new units, and two new factions; the Strategically Integrated Coalition of Nations (SICON for short) and the Arachnid Empire. After SICON victory on the "bugs"' home planet of Klendathua, and the supposed destruction of the Arachnid queen in space, the great bug was thought to be over. This all changed when the bugs launched a surprise attack. It is up to you as a SICON general to stop the arachnid's offensive, and save humanity from annihilation.

Starship Troopers TC

By Berislav Markovic (Moloch)


The TC takes place after the first film. It follows around a Mobile Infantry Elite Commando veteran (the player) going onto missions alone (sometimes with allies) in Arachnid planets. The player starts out by escaping from Starhip Sparta, before landing to Kaliatho. The objectives were either to rescue officers, to investigate facilities that have lost contact, or to hold off against Arachnid assaults. The TC has new planets. They are Kaliatho, Gamma, Planet 3, and more.

Starship Troopers: Opposition

By Opposition Team

Image 1

Starship Troopers: Opposition provides a wide range of weapons, equipment and characters from the Starship Troopers Universe. Take part in the war as a soldier of the Terran Federation or be a Bug from the Arachnid Empire. Its your choice! ARMA's tactical combat adds even more weight to every loss and sacrifice in the name of humanity, with greater numbers and stakes on the table for every squadmate.

Doing Their Part

Starship Troopers: Terran Command is the second title by developer The Artistocrats, taking strategy and tactics into the gung-ho militarism of the iconic sci-fi franchise. Not making too many jumps to the video game medium, Terran Command is a unique case for the series but takes players back to familiar territory with the objective of wiping the battlefield clear of everything that moves. Originally slated for a late March release, it was pushed back just before the deadline to June - and that appears to have been worth the wait.

Image 5

Starship Troopers: Terran Command sees players controlling the
militaristic, gung-ho humans as they fight back swarms of alien bugs

The Only Good Bug...

The game features an intense 12-15 hour long singleplayer campaign, building up the alien threat and necessity of base management until a climax featuring an all-out survival against overwhelming numbers of bugs. Whilst the campaign has been phenomenally received, players have also criticised the game's lack of skirmish or conquest modes - as in, once the campaign's done, so are you. It's not clear at this time if the developers plan to expand the foundation of the game with these - or add the also hotly-requested and fabled mod support - but it appears like it might be worthwhile given the apparent quality of what's already there.

Image 2

Unlike other strategy games, Terran Command puts total focus on the singleplayer
campaign with no capacity to play as the Arachnids or against AI in skirmish modes

Knife To A Nuke Fight

The game's available on Steam for £23.79 GBP/$29.99 USD, with Very Positive reviews. Powered by Unreal Engine 5, it's part of the vanguard of early titles showcasing the engine's versatility, and an exciting new experience for Starship Troopers and strategy fans.

The Story thus far

The Story thus far


Every story has a beginning, here is the events that have transpired to lead you to the situation you got yourself in... the events after the first movie...

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SST 19 bonus maps

SST 19 bonus maps

Full Version 1 comment

This contains a bonus 19 maps for eduke32 version...

SST eduke32

SST eduke32

Full Version

This is the improved version of the TC that was made for EDuke32

Starship Troopers TC v1

Starship Troopers TC v1

Full Version

The TC takes place after the first film. It follows around a Mobile Infantry Elite Commando veteran (the player) going onto missions alone (sometimes...

pscplayer - - 29 comments

Another old one I remember duking

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Marceloff - - 511 comments


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BrandeX - - 25 comments

I wish there were a ST mod based upon the real story, and not the ghetto movies...

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Guest - - 705,748 comments

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Luktom100 - - 79 comments

Could someone fix Morita and Shotgun sprites for Widescreen ?? It really isnt that much appealing for an eye, when they are cut like this

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Luktom100 - - 79 comments

Also, this is one of tbe best DUKE tc's EVER!!
It has just everything, awesome shooting, kick *** music, interesting levels and that chilling SC-FI\HORROR themed atmosphere. Overall its just great.

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Guest - - 705,748 comments

Oh man I love this mod, I still remember being a part of the
StarShipTroopers TC forum for what seems the longest time,

waiting for every little bit of news, talking with people there,
The Internet was so new, and my biggest worry was how I could
possibly download this enormous 25 megabyte TC,

I think I did it in 2 steps, with some sort of download continuer thingy..

oh those dialup days.

anyhoo, The TC came out and it was amazing,
It very well made, the best Duke TC ever imo.

I even send Moloch a postcard from my home town Naarden,
that way I'd get my own personal TC password, if you put it in
you'd get your own name on the start screen thingy exe.

Good times,

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Lord-Doomhammer - - 33 comments

I remember playing this Mod a few years ago. It's awesome! :)

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