The envisionment of SIN is to bring you what was promised by GSC for STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl, instead of the gutted retail release we were left with. SIN aims to cover every aspect imaginable from gameplay intended to genuinely scare the player, to graphics for the absolute best visual experience, cut mutants, absolute realism, optimisations, stability, and a complete game mechanics overhaul, all without breaking the story. The idea is to present the player with a complete retail experience for the purist that liked SoC but wished it was far more fleshed out. In no way what so ever does SIN try to be like old beta or alpha builds of SoC, SIN aims to enhance everything SoC already has and give it continuity with CS and CoP - nothing more, nothing less.

Forum Thread
TK Suggestions (Games : S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl : Mods : STALKER: Singularity (SIN) : Forum : Suggestions : TK Suggestions) Locked
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Jan 8 2012 Anchor

Title says it all really. Here all you fans of the TK mod can have your say about its curent build quality and stability. Feel free to suggest anything you feel would make the mod better, etc. Do remember while I can do 90% of things, scripting is not my forte. Being a one-man mod team I just haven't found the time to learn scripting. So if anyone is a scripter with a idea, by all means hit me with a PM or leave a comment and maybe we can work something out :)

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