SoGE is a Star Wars Total Conversion for SoaSE: Rebellion with it's roots in the Homeworld 2 mod Star Wars: Warlords which features the two primarily sides of the Galactic Civil War, the Clone Wars, and the Yuuzhan Vong War. The current public version works for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion 1.90 and, with or without, all DLC. Rated #6 players choice in MOTY 2014. An editors choice in MOTY 2015.


Sins of a Galactic Empire (SOGE) 2.0E release for Sins of a Solar Empire Entrenchment v1.053 and v1.051 A Star Wars total conversion mod for Sins of a Solar Empire 29-12-2011

SoGE - 2.0E (Not for Rebellion)
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 83)
Arrowstorm12 - - 40 comments

Whoo! It's released! Thank you for making this awesome mod. :D

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lordlandraid - - 334 comments

Wow, came out 8 days early. Sweet!

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jaeger1088 - - 68 comments


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lordlandraid - - 334 comments

Anybody else getting a ton of 'string not found' listings when they go into the map designer?

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Sloosecannon Creator
Sloosecannon - - 809 comments

I don't know, not being one to use it. But it wouldn't suprise me... Are you using the mod's galaxyscenariodefs file?

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Yanxa - - 400 comments

Is it compatible with 1.053?

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Sloosecannon Creator
Sloosecannon - - 809 comments

Sins of a Galactic Empire (SOGE) 2.0E release for Sins of a Solar Empire Entrenchment v1.053 and v1.051


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jaeger1088 - - 68 comments

is it compatible with 1.05?

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Sloosecannon Creator
Sloosecannon - - 809 comments

Sins of a Galactic Empire (SOGE) 2.0E release for Sins of a Solar Empire Entrenchment v1.053 and v1.051


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SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments

Well I have 1.05 version of entrenchment and it works for me.

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Lavo Creator
Lavo - - 2,041 comments

Odds are this will work with Entrenchment 1.041, but this has not been tested.

IIRC there have not been any game breaking changes from 1.041 to 1.053; all the ships and abilities are 1.041 compatible, just the planets mod might not, hence the disclaimer.

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starewars - - 246 comments

Some of the effects appear as white squares, just clouds of white squares.... A lot do in fact...

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Sloosecannon Creator
Sloosecannon - - 809 comments

Which effects? If it's just random, then that's your graphics card...
If there are specific effects though, then it's probably missing files. I haven't seen any problem with disappearing effects in my version (granted it's the closed beta, but they should be pretty close to the same)

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Sloosecannon Creator
Sloosecannon - - 809 comments

Uh oh... I can confirm... Missile trails for one, maybe more... Do we have missing effect files?

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starewars - - 246 comments

When they hyperspace, some ships, usually frigates, just have white plumes, or sometimes they don't. It seems random, some effects have them, others don't.

Some missiles have them, I've seen that, but some others don't, mainly the Empire's.

I reDL'd and still have the problems, is it just me?

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Sloosecannon Creator
Sloosecannon - - 809 comments

Nope that's not just you, I'm getting that on my end too...

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Lavo Creator
Lavo - - 2,041 comments

The missile trails is NOT a glitch, they are in fact white. If we were missing files you would see a bunch of black boxes; as that is what Sins "creates" in places of missing files. If you have suggestions as to what colors to use, or even custom missile particles, I'm all ears.

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Sloosecannon Creator
Sloosecannon - - 809 comments

Yeah, my problem was from too much disk usage (building an installer at the same time lol)

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rSlade - - 373 comments

Having same white squares with hyperspace and ships explosion while playing Empire.
And sentinel landing craft is missing textures.

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starewars - - 246 comments

Just wanted to add that other then the above, if is just me, the mods amazing.

The detail you put into some of the ships is amazing, even the low-life Frigates look stunning.

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Imperator_RAD-X - - 492 comments

Weird, i have version v1.051 BUT when i try to play a game it says "DEFEATED!" as soon as i go in it, i dont know why it says that but i think the problem is converting this version with the other. I will redownload and report anything if its the same again. Cant wait to play it FULLY though ^^
EDIT: I crash on the loading sometimes to. I think its the vong

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Sloosecannon Creator
Sloosecannon - - 809 comments

Hmm... Someone else reported the same thing too...

Yeah try to re download and re install... not sure why that's happening...

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Imperator_RAD-X - - 492 comments

Ok, i manually installed patch 1.051 to 1.053 (I dont know if 1.052 was needed FIRST but oh well). The star destroyer had roughly only its bridge and engines showing and everything was invisible. The game also had no projectiles shooting out of any ship even at highest graphics and i fear it will happen to other ships to. It's a fantastic mod but i am just getting tons of problems on my side.

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Sloosecannon Creator
Sloosecannon - - 809 comments

That is very odd... I have never seen/heard of that problem before.

Umm... What are your system specs? The disappearing objects thing has happened before (granted on a much smaller scale...) when I was running max graphics on only one graphics card because some idiot disabled his SLI setup...

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UKA91 - - 19 comments

I'm getting various errors while playing SOGE.
My game is up to date but I'm playing via Steam.

I've got 2 major errors which were very odd.
1. The first time my game crashes while I played with Republic and CIS.
2. I had a mini dump once again. While I played with 1 New Republic, 2 Yuuzhan Vong and 2 Empire factions.

Does anybody have any idea what's the problem? Or does anybody have the same problem like I have..


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Sloosecannon Creator
Sloosecannon - - 809 comments

Keep re-loading... I got a crash as well, but that was just after I enabled the new version...

I think these may be enable-time crashes but I'll look into them...

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starewars - - 246 comments

My game seems to crash about 20 minutes in on the Star Wars map you made, starting to think I installed it wrong or something lol.

It's happened three times so far,
1. CIS, Republic, Vong
2. CIS, Republic, Vong
3. Empire, Rebellion, Vong

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Sloosecannon Creator
Sloosecannon - - 809 comments

That may be because that version isn't compatible... try with a normal map...

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starewars - - 246 comments

Okay, I tried it with my friend as well, it seems to crash regardless, about 30-40 minutes in. I don't now if something triggers it or not, but my friend got it from an ISD model missing, engines only or something like that.

I've played the CIS mainly, keeping crashing well into the game... These seem like simple litter errors, I think runtime errors.

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starewars - - 246 comments

I can't play this mod, I really really like it but it wont stop crashing... Is there anything I or my friend can do to stop it? We have the latest Entrenchment

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Lavo Creator
Lavo - - 2,041 comments

Try editing the EnabledMods.txt file in your C:\Users\*Username*\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods-Entrenchment v1.05x folder so that SOGE is set to load when Sins boots up.

Sins may minidump on the first boot, but it should be fine on the second boot; I have NO idea why this happens but it's known to happen, I've experienced it personally.

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Nasigno - - 1 comments

This has been something I noticed when playing both in 1.05 and 1.053, the issue is the game reaches its maximum memory limit being around 2 gig and then mini-dumps. The work around that I found was switching the effects down below Highest, had a full play through well into about 3 hours with no mini-dumps, not sure if it works with pirates yet though.

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starewars - - 246 comments

Version 0
enabledModNameCount 1
enabledModName "SOGE" "

Looks okay to me :\

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Klose - - 11 comments

What if I have the previous mod unzipped should I delete that or is the SOGE 2 mod will overwrite it.

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Lavo Creator
Lavo - - 2,041 comments

This is a stand-alone, full version. You should rename or delete your 1.0E folder, in order to maintain the correct checksum.

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gabastrophe - - 3 comments

first i want say. this is a brilliant mod and looks great. But i have the same crash problems. regardless of what race I play the game will crash after a playtime since 10-20min. i redownloadet the file, reinstall several times. installed that mod.txt. . it still does not work. i' m freaking out, i like the mod really. i tried to play and safe often. But that destroys the game right. and if you forget it once, it punishes you. have the german version of the game and the trinity edition. can this be the problem? but the oder 2 mods on diplomacy works without problems. my version of entrechemen is 1.53. It is really a very good mod. and I would like to thank again the modders who have done a really great work. Maybe you can fix the problem.I know nothing of modding. so i can only wait and hope. I hope you can understand the text (google translate for me ;) )
Greetings from Switzerland

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Lavo Creator
Lavo - - 2,041 comments

I will make a version of the mod without any of the files converted to bin from txt. This version will be larger in size, and take longer to load, but it might be more stable.

Try lowering your graphic settings, this might be causing issues as well, SoGE is VERY resource intensive.

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Sloosecannon Creator
Sloosecannon - - 809 comments

Hmm... I thought binning the files made it less resource intensive...
But that seems to be the problem...

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Lavo Creator
Lavo - - 2,041 comments

It makes it less resource intensive, though there may be compression errors. People should also lower their graphics settings, as that is likely a large source of crashing as well.

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starewars - - 246 comments

It worked! Thanks!!

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gabastrophe - - 3 comments

thx. i have all graphic settings on highest. i will try this.

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gabastrophe - - 3 comments

now after 3h and 3 min playing. there is no more crashing. the graphic settings are the problem. i now playing only on high. and it works

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nooobie117 - - 240 comments

:D Im so happy!

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diabolicalteddys - - 1 comments

Hey im trying to install this mod and so far i cant find the path you guys have listed
C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods-Entrenchment v1.053\
So i was wondering if somebody could walk me through it because the sight with the instructions is down

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Lavo Creator
Lavo - - 2,041 comments

Load up Sins, go: Options -> Mods -> Show Mods Folder

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Deszeraeth - - 1 comments

Is there a chance we can get a list (or screenshot) of all graphic options that we can/cant use for maximum quality that is still stable?

I run several computers with the same issue as far as "random" crashes, the flagship computer is an i7 3.2-4.0ghz with 12gb 1.6ghz RAM, nvidia GTX 590 + GTX 285 all dx libraries installed and tried with latest beta and release drivers from the 280.x family onward. I would like to shy away from playing this game on minimum graphics.

I do know i can easily run the default game with all options on, high unit caps, and multiple players/PCs without an issue if a comparison helps.

Thank you for your time!

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Lavo Creator
Lavo - - 2,041 comments

Lowering anything that's on "Highest" down to "High" should eliminate the random crashing. In addition, disable "Use Colored Skyboxes", "Use Deep Space Skyboxes", and "Bloom Enabled" under the Effects page.

In all honesty, there has not been extensive testing on this crash issue, mainly as it's utterly baffled us and due to a lack of time to spare. I have a theory, based on sloose's findings, on the root cause of the issue. This will be included in the next patch and should help improve stability.

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Imperator_RAD-X - - 492 comments
Im not advertising, but this might help alot, it has practically ALL of the patches you need in order to play... the latest ones, if you cant do it via impulse this is the way to do it manually. This MAY help in getting the mod to work so manually making Entrenchment 1.053 from 1.052 such and such. Hope this helps

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Imperator_RAD-X - - 492 comments


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Lavo Creator
Lavo - - 2,041 comments

It should work fine with Trinity; just use it with Entrenchment. I know that there are Trinity users that play SoGE just fine.

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