It lives! You play as Dan Davidson, a high ranking security guard, and is stationed in Sector Omega with a team of 8 guards total. One day you are told by some big shot government man and a a few nervous scientists that Alpha Sector is under code black quarantine. Must be just a chemical spill right? Some following days, in the lower levels of Omega, there is a mass power failure occurs followed by strange alien lifeforms start teleporting in and infesting the base. A few hours of saving lives and taking risks, the military arrives for rescue! Wait...why are they shooting everyone? The non-stop xenian creatures and trigger happy troopers left you and your team no choice but to hide in Alpha Sector where dark and even more unknown dangers await.

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It's back! It's alive! It's okay!

It's back! It's alive! It's okay!


So I revived this mod that was on hiatus for way too long because the development of SHAFT and just being flat out indecisive about what to do and where...