Quake <-- Nethack. Yes, it is that simple.

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Inspiration(1) (Games : Quake : Mods : Quake Hack : Forum : Quake-Hack Lore : Inspiration(1)) Locked
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Dec 15 2015 Anchor

This is the first of a series that will likely be the core of the first news release on QH.

Usually in posts, I write about technical details. Programming, problem solving.
How to do tricky things. Keep track of revision changes, give notes on new
features, bug fixes. And so on.

It is not nearly as often that I divulge motivation or where ideas come from.

Quake Hack and the map hack tech are pretty radical ideas.
These days open world games are all the rage. From blocky minecraft to the
pretty island in Just cause 3.

An open world quake game?
I doubt anyone even imagined that in 1996 just after the original released.
We were all getting used to the true 3D the engine provided.

So, what has driven me to take 20 year old tech and make pure wonder with it?

Chaos mod map specs v1:

Realms of Chaos (mk1 guesses)

Lower reaches
Upper reaches
Too Dark Park - very CD cover-esque
Fire swamp - you get one guess
Ruby's demise - gem of Wishmaster fame
Main hall (middle hell?)
Eastern Anarchy
M (Master?)

Why guesses? The original spec was on a hard drive that died somewhen between 2001 - 2004.
I had just typed it up and the drive was dead days later. It never made it into the backup queue!
(Yes, I backup daily now. Sometimes instantly if I do some major stuff...)

Chaos mod map specs v2:

Realms of Chaos (mk2 ideas)

Remorhaz Bane		Ice, snow, raw rock, crystal - Altarbeta blue look & feel
Killmoulis Arcana	foresty type area, ruins here and there, misty
Grimlock		Dark, very Zerstorer, most certainly a graveyard (TDP idea)
Vortex Litharge		Everfalling corridor (with perm. grav wells)
Occlument Augury	Temple of vision - pillars & mist idea (center)
Spectre Vitriol		Lava, fires, underground look, Dante's inferno type
Archon Radix		dm4 style with archon-board core (escher?)
Adepts Lament		swamp with warp drawing
Quaesitor Thaumaturge	The castle mk2, for sure

Edited by: numbersix

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