Shortly after the end of portal 2, the Aperture Science virtual Reality systems crash in VR bay 09, not a big deal right? aperture is behind you. Or is it?
your vision goes static, then black, then you heard a click, lights turning off, you feel alone, dark, scared, somewhat dead. But then, you hear another click, lights turn back on, you cant keep your eyes closed any longer due to brightness, wait, when did you close your eyes. You open your eyes, just as the virtual reality tube in VR bay 09 opens up to release its subject, the simulation was over.
Aperture Science Virtual Reality Bay 09
Status: Offline
It was all fake1 A simulation. But how much, the entire part? Wait, no. there was something off, from when GLaDOS woke you up after the battle with Wheatley, to the static.

This mod gives a new ending to portal 2. A ending, that proves the other one, was a virtual reality simulation.
No, Chell must make her way through Aperture, past GLaDOS, ad even back, into VR.

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Giga_DVD - - 10 comments you need oculus rift?

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Guest - - 705,747 comments

Wheres the download?

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NitronUMK - - 1 comments

Пфф самая обычная концовка

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