" No one in living memory can comprehend the language of the gods, but perhaps a chance encounter with a cosmic soothsayer can lead to some vague understanding, that even such low-class nous can decipher." A mod being made by Amnesia Pandemiac - a special event including experienced developers - about an epidemic situation in another world, we can all relate to..

RSS News
A happy New Year, and a peaceful retirement!

A happy New Year, and a peaceful retirement!

News 2 comments

The promised day has come once more, and the final one at that.

Esophagus - Private testing

Esophagus - Private testing

News 1 comment

The "promised day" has arrived, and well.. you can play something, if you're willing!

Esophagus - Breaking down ambition, and a "cry for help"

Esophagus - Breaking down ambition, and a "cry for help"

News 2 comments

As the mod was expected to receive updates before the summer ends, here we go. There are quite a few things that needs explanation!

Cardia demo trailer and release date

Cardia demo trailer and release date

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I'm happy to announce enough work has been completed that I can show the Pandemia project in a demo release this summer.

An unfortunate delay, yet plenty of good news

An unfortunate delay, yet plenty of good news

News 3 comments

Due to my immense discomfort, the demo of Pandemia Escondida had to be pushed next year. Let's see why that is.

Pandemia - The summer results, Cardia demo

Pandemia - The summer results, Cardia demo

News 1 comment

As expected, there was a lot of work going on in the summer, let's see the details.

Lead update, May - Demo incoming

Lead update, May - Demo incoming


Hey! It's been a few months. Some other participants and me have since finished Elden Ring, and the work has been resumed.

The coming of Elden Ring and the current situation

The coming of Elden Ring and the current situation


Hi! Amidst the ukranian crysis I thought about sharing a progress report and where things are going. Here it goes..

2022 New Year update

2022 New Year update

News 3 comments

Happy new year folks! A lot has happened in the last few months, involving most of my mods, so I thought you'd be given an update on the progress of my...

2021 October project lead update

2021 October project lead update


Hey folks! I'm glad so many of you are still interested in a mod like this at this time. So i thought I'd share some info about where we are, and what...