This is me and TheBackPackPlayer / JonathanBergEkvall's second custom story. We have improved a lot of stuff in this one, we hope you will like this custom story. - JUSTINE EXPANSION PACK IS NEEDED TO PLAY THIS -

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 23)

No very good level design, but gameplay and story are quite original.


Uniquely good. However, the puzzle is tiresome.

mapeado muy pero que MUY repetitivo, un bug bastante chungo en la bañera (al cual solo podes salir con un objeto) y paredes traspasables al vacio si haces ciertas cosas.
No recomiendo PARA NADA esta custom history

-Great storyline, and good voice acting
-Scare factor level was "hell-on-earth"

-Bland design, empty
-Repetitive puzzles

Storyline: ✔

Might not have been the most creative, but it was easy to follow. Was overall good. 8/10

Level design: ⁓

Most of the areas felt really bland, due to emptiness. Playing the same map over and over again got a little annoying too, but I liked the way the map changed a little every time. 5/10

Scare factor: ✔

Spot-on. Very, very scary with that music, and clever monster placements. 9/10

Puzzles: ⁓

They were fine, but way too repetitive. Always to find an item to get past door. Items were hid pretty well, and lot's of items were used, however. 6/10


Looking the comments and rating I thought this was going to be not that good. But in subjective opinion, this was amazing. But, as I'm trying to make objective reviews, I need to give the score it deserves objectively. If I would tell my subjective opinion, I would really easily give this 8 or 9.

This was the first part of the trilogy I played, and I'm going to play rest of them after this. So far, I have good expectations from the other stories.

Score: 7/10 - Good


Well, I don't know where to begin, I'm flattered! This is a really nice level! Let's state what I rate about levels: The Scares, The Ambience Sounds, the room decoration, the monster AI level (based on path nodes), Puzzle style, the amount of oil given (it is a really huge factor of a nice story), the duration, the story, the monsters used and the effort put.

This level did not have any really bad cons based on the list above!
Here it comes

- Relatively small amount of oil that barely makes the story (I won't reduce score for that)

- Nice scares with atmosphere
- Nice and scary ambience sounds
- Nice room decoration - with custom objects -!
- Medium monster AI level, but not bad.
- Nice layout and puzzle style - quest items hard to find.
- Quite nice duration - not long but not that short either.
- Perfect story that is discovered slowly.
- Nice effort and awesome idea.

These pros and cons should maybe make a 9/10 but the oil problem was slight so it is not worth removing a point for that.

Keep the awesome work up, I am looking forward to seeing more custom stories from you and NEVER GIVE UP! ;)


TroHea says

Agree Disagree

It was interesting to see what you could make out of the same map all the time.
However: I would've liked more puzzles and not just hardcore searching all around. But anyway the mapping was good and I haven't seen this concept before. Only by playing I could see how hard it must be to get new ideas for the same room again and again so it wasn't lazy work at all.

The story could've been a bit more interesting since it was a little bit short for this mod.

8/10 - awesome work! I will look out for the sequel.


paul84 says

Agree Disagree

Good :)

checker12317 / Lord Dragneel

So. Warum habe ich diese CS mit 9/10 Punkten bewertet ?
Fang ich mal von vorne an (Spoiler sind in diesem Review sind vorhanden)

1. Die Map
Die Map's ähneln sich sehr stark, sind fast sogar identisch.
Eigentlich kommt "nur" immer was dazu, was allerdings wenn man die Story genau betrachtet ziemlich interessant ist, und auch sinn ergibt.
Man könnte natürlich sagen, dass man jetzt immer nur auf dem gleichen Gebiet unter fast gleichen Bedingungen nen Hammer, ne Nadel oder nen Schlüssel sucht, damit würde man aber falsch liegen. Es kommen räume dazu, Absperrungen oder einfach Veränderungen im Raum.

2.Musik / Atmosphäre
Diese CS baut mit ihrer Musik anfangs eine beruhigende Atmosphäre auf.
Dies soll sich allerdings schnell ändern.
Ist man 2 mal an der "Mapchange-Tür" angekommen, ändert sich nicht nur die Musik, sondern damit auch die Atmosphäre und die anzahl, der "wesen" auf der Map.
Nicht nur, dass es es einem schwerer macht, die Map abzusuchen, es wird auch massiv druck auf den Spieler ausgeübt, sodass Ich selbst mal eine Pause einlegen musste. Und die Gesetzten Monster sind auch gut überlegt.

Was man vielleicht hätte machen können, ist die Story weiterzuführen. das Ende ist etwas abrupt und hätte bei der Story besser eingeleitet werden können, wobei ich die Idee der Ersteller auch interessant fand.
Ich hoffe auf einen nächsten teil, da diese Story mich wirklich gefesselt hat.

Für fragen bitte an die oben genannten Mails wenden, mich hier kontaktieren oder auf den genannten Steam-Namen anfragen.


HumiliatoR says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree (1)

It was kind of refreshing but still overall really bland designing, maps well short and just plain boring, I really like how story is progressing with wife problems etc. But, what I really didn't enjoy was repeating that same level with JUST couple adjusments like "brightning room or darkening or making it really RED couple times" that was good, but not enough to satisfy my experience, I really like this idea, but I wasn't so exited after all. I always cheched that bed what is happening after reading those notes. But still I wasn't satisfied how badly everything ends, don't get me wrong I liked atmosphere which is pretty poor, but still I liked gameplay somehow, but you could make monsters even interesting and make some new places like really that "Storage or cellar" kind of maps. I really didn't like that same desing over and over. You really can spend time some map designing and making it more complicated and more spended quality time after all.


- Places and how it fits that story
- Endings mucic was pretty nice
- Story and how I felt into it


- Music was kind of repetitive even if I die facing that monster
- Repetitive puzzles
- Lacking ideas when progressing through
- I kind of wanted even more after all

I really liked story, but executing it, I wanted more and ever more complicated design. That was big flaw, because one map wasn't overall that complicated or confusing overall.

Really well effort - 6/10


kdog8520 says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

This custom story wasn't too bad when it comes to the bare bones but, for something new and exciting there wasn't much meat on the once juicy bone.

Voice acting was interesting but, it seemed wasted on only notes. Also the voices weren't the best in acting either. The first guy playing the protagonist wasn't terrible but, the long pauses of the doctor made him seem like he shouldn't probably be a doctor in the first place.

The story itself was a little boring for while it did leave me intrigued on what happened to your son, the ending made me wish for a more fulfilling meal. I also didn't like how the mother left the protagonist for the son killing himself? A little over the top maybe? I don't know, I'm not married.

The level design was interesting but, made little entertainment later on in the story although the door with the statues guarding it made by lips drip with interest of what lied beyond. I was disappointed to see it didn't have a bigger part to the story in whole.

I did like the whole "walk the same hall" idea of the custom story but, it got tiresome as nothing exciting started to happen except for monsters that appeared who caused scurrying around corners and nothing more.

Ending music was spot on and the scary music of the levels made me scared to take another step through a door.

Although I say all these negatives, this custom story kept me entertained where as I played through the whole thing. That is quite rare for many custom stories I play as they are either too difficult or boring.

I have to rate this custom story a 6/10 and although that may be too harsh, I usually compare people to my custom stories and whether or not this is their first, second, or third one.