Operation Wolfheart is a 1-level Crysis First Person Shooter Mod created by a team of 3rd-year students from the University of Salford. Set during the aftermath of World War 2, a veteran british army sniper is sent to retrieve a lost agent, and discovers a terrible secret.

RSS News
Final Week Rush.

Final Week Rush.


The final week is upon us, so here is the last of our updates for you before the trailer release on Monday 9th.

Dismembered Scientist

Dismembered Scientist


New scientists images have been uploaded and the remaining characters being modelled as we speak.

Change of Gameplay

Change of Gameplay


An update to all the change of gameplay we have implemented or plan to implement.

Introduction and Where we are, so far.

Introduction and Where we are, so far.


An introduction to our mod, as well as a runthrough of the various issues we have encountered, and a list of where we are up to so far.