Operation: Black Mesa is a total remake of Half Life: Opposing Force. Using the Source engine, the developers plan to recreate the Black Mesa research Facility as it was seen by Corporal Adrian Shephard of the H.E.C.U. Half-life: Opposing Force is still an amazing game, although it is not nearly as amazing as it was when it was released.

RSS Tutorials
Voice Acting Tutorial #3

Voice Acting Tutorial #3

Voice Acting Tutorial 2 comments

In this third and final VA tutorial, I cover the basics in editing your recorded file and preparing it for sendoff!

Voice Acting Tutorial #2

Voice Acting Tutorial #2

Voice Acting Tutorial 3 comments

In this tutorial we get down and dirty with the text content and record the line!

Voice Acting Tutorial #1

Voice Acting Tutorial #1

Voice Acting Tutorial 4 comments

Hello and welcome to this Voice Acting tutorial! I thought I'd write a short piece on what I consider to be relevant for a Voice actor in training. This...