The mod you are trying to view has ceased development and consequently been archived. If you are a member of this mod, can demonstrate that it is being actively developed and will be able to keep this profile up to date with the latest news, images, videos and downloads, please contact us with all details and we will consider its re-activation.

My name is John Dalton. I have been fighting in the biggest war mankind has ever seen. And that is all I know. They tell me that my parents are dead. They tell me that they found me in a graveyard, disfigured, mutlilated, and clinging to life. I should have been dead, they say. I would have been better off dead. But they brought me here. They kept me alive. And this is why I fight. I can't remember ever holding a gun in my life. But from the moment they handed me one, it felt right. I knew that this is what I was meant to do. I was a born killer - and killing is what I did best. For months on end, we fought them. We single handedly held off the uprising, and I spearheaded every attack, somehow escaping every battle unscathed. But now, something is wrong. Even in the most unlikely of hiding places, the Combine are finding us. Our numbers are slowly decimating. And... things have been disturbing me. Dreams. Nightmares, in fact. Of places that I've never seen in my life, but seem...

RSS RIP NightFall

It is with a heavy heart that today we announce that NightFall will not continue development. While we have been pushing for a release for nearly 6 months now, the team has unfortunately lacked the drive, motivation and dedication to complete our work. NightFall has had a very interesting history -

Posted by on

It is with a heavy heart that today we announce that NightFall will not continue development. While we have been pushing for a release for nearly 6 months now, the team has unfortunately lacked the drive, motivation and dedication to complete our work.

NightFall has had a very interesting history - for those of you that followed the mod, you will know that we had alot of ups and downs. This rollercoaster ride, especially the downs, have affected the team more than we possibly expected, and as a result the mod is not what we wanted it to be today.

To all the fans out there who followed us throughout our development, we thank you for your support throughout the years. From a humble map-pack to a full-blown total conversion, NightFall was a learning experience for every one of us on the development team. We all leave it with very few regrets, knowing that we are both better modders and better people as a result of the time we spent working together.

Zavaro - - 15 comments

This is a sad day, indeed.

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MrTambourineMan - - 717 comments

Yeah, it's bad to see a mod die, but in this case I'd say NF was victim of their too big ambitions...

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norton2 - - 320 comments

Why dont you distribute your content instead of incinerating everything

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MomoJak00 - - 63 comments

This is way too sad. :( I wondered why I wasn't seeing any more info for this mod... And it was so promising.
I think that Crispy's got a good idea, as well. If you can find your way to making that a reality, it's be great.

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sk8ordie97 - - 36 comments

OMG NOOOO!!! Well miss you guyssss

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SinKing - - 3,119 comments

Oh Jesus - that's sad news! I've been very interested in Nightfall and thought this one would make it to gold status. It's a shame, because you seemed to have organised a team and put up a lot of development already.
Perhaps something else can grow from what you got till now. Sad to see another mod die, which would have deseved better. Now I only hope the same thing won't happen to Nuclear Dawn and Dreamscape, as these are my most anticipated HL2 mods now.

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Crispy - - 602 comments

It's really saddening to see this mod. I can very much empathise with how you feel, just be confident you did what you had to and that you all learnt a lot from the experience.

Have you guys considered an Open Source / Creative Commons release of what you have so far (including the HL stuff)? I heard some of it was in a fully playable state, and it would certainly be worth at least showcasing it in a final showreel/video at the very least. Even better would be if some of you guys worked on a 'Post Mortem' feature for the Moddb. I know it sounds morbid, but it would help others learn from your mistakes. It would be a very humbling act.

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sk8ordie97 - - 36 comments

someones gotta pick this one back up this was too good to die

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JangoFett21 - - 107 comments

Oh noes! Never good to hear that :( ! I hope you all have nice, friendly and warm mod homes to go to :)

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Metafiz - - 504 comments

I second the post mortem. Would good for yourselves and educate the rest of ModDB

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Snake-Eater2k6 - - 33 comments

I honestly didnt think that was going to happen, this mod was up to such a professional standard ( well in my opion ) and you guys were churning out some great stuff. You will be sorely missed, but now you guys know you have talent why not put together something else???

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Sallycin - - 635 comments

It's sad to see it all fall apart, so much great work was put into it. Best of luck to all team members in any future projects they should work on.

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Aeneas2020 - - 922 comments

what a shame sorry to hear this guys

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TKAzA - - 3,154 comments

Its been shelved not killed bare this in mind.

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Hunt77 - - 240 comments

My hope of ever seeing a really good HL2 SP mod just got a little grimmer. The only ones to come close is Riot Act and City Rebellion.
I wish you guys luck with whatever you are going to.

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Wraiyth Author
Wraiyth - - 483 comments

Indeed, and we'll freely admit that we were way too ambitious from the word go. >2 years is a long time to work on a project without a release, and frankly the screw-ups we made at the start of the development cycle crippled us alot because of that.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Dib765 - - 104 comments


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VV!ND. - - 9 comments

It seems as though most of the HL2 mods are slowly dying out... I remember there was a period of time when moddb's home page would be flooded with HL2 mod news and media release daily... Now you barely get any for a fortnight...

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Berrie - - 4 comments

Just registered here to say, sorry to see you guys go.
It was one of the two mods I was looking forward to the most and considering you guys kept on goin I hadn't expected it.
Best of luck in the future

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sickre - - 208 comments

Can't all the content be donated to MODDB?

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Tatsur0 - - 1,068 comments

Sorry to hear the sad news. I know you and the rest put a lot of hard work into it while still contributing to the community. Hit me up on MSN when you get a chance.


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Capital88 - - 324 comments

That is very sad indeed...

You guys worked hard and what you were able to produce was very impressive. Sorry to see you go...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Hendrix - - 806 comments

unlucky guys R.I.P

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KodY - - 102 comments

That is one bad message you bring us there :(

Whats with all the quality content? The maps, the enemies, the characters ...

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Pvt.B - - 43 comments

TKAza, your comment made a dark day brighter

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junegloom - - 891 comments

another overly ambitious mod bites the dust. goddamn i hate this scene sometimes.

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Mrksmt9 - - 888 comments

Is their any way we can see or download the maps you have already??? So we can learn from the pure genius of the mapping and level design quality?

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Undying_Zombie - - 495 comments

I had a strange feeling this was going to happen.

Perhaps the next project you guys partake in, either being done together or with other people, to be more successful than this project was.

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nervousquirrel - - 51 comments

Ah, what a shame. You all did some quality work.

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THElastNINJA - - 920 comments

This is happening with all the good looking mods :( I have doubts every time i see a real amazing mod.I'm afraid to get too excited about it because there is a bigger possibility that it will never see the day.Sadly :( So much great work

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leilei - - 5,721 comments

...and the Source engine continues to prove itself as the great engine of indie development.

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Wraiyth Author
Wraiyth - - 483 comments

TKAzA is partially right. We will look back on the mod in the future and decide whether we think its worth persuing the project once again. We may feel that we can complete it, we may feel that some of the content can be expressed through our other work. We don't want anyone to be under any illusions that NF may come back, so for all purposes, the mod is no longer in active development

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Orion - - 587 comments

I aint a major watcher of this mod but I have come across it on my travels here on ModDb in the past, and from what I have seen so far, all I can say is that you should definitely not allow all this hard work go to waste..! You've collectively (as a team) created some quality work and deserves to eventually and somehow become a published reality..! Not to mention, you're fans deserve it too..! ;)

I'm sorry to hear this news also, much like all those that commented above... I may not have been a watcher, but I surely would have downloaded and given this mod a shot, once released... Just do what ya can to save what's been done to date and eventually get it published somehow... It would be worth the wait from a fans point of view... and well worth the effort in the end from a developers point of view! But that's just my opinion..! lol.

Whatever may happen... I wish you the best of luck for the future! ;)

Oh and btw... I'm gonna Watch this mod now just incase it may eventually be revived one day..! One can only hope! lol. Good luck! :)

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ChopperDave - - 36 comments

I think God just killed a kitten :(.

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rofl106 - - 503 comments

I think I second that

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Zorrentos - - 1,323 comments

it's a sad day for modding. I hope someone ressurect this, cause it looked pretty damn good!

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masterguns124 - - 101 comments


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Ennui - - 419 comments

RIP, this is terrible news :(

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Beefeater-nine - - 56 comments

Oh no! :(

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Callinstead09 - - 2,062 comments

"We all leave it with very few regrets, knowing that we are both better modders and better people as a result of the time we spent working together." ---- Oh Don't make me ******* puke!!

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Armageddon104 - - 3,128 comments


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