Following the demise of ShubNiggurath the gates to a new dimension were flung open to the realm of mankind. Seizing this opportunity the human civilization on earth spent the next five years building a colony in the new dimension. The humans call this new bastion of human civilization Forge City.......... Through the chaos...

RSS Reviews

wampa-stompa says

Agree Disagree

THE unofficial Mission Pack 3! Download and play now. With Nehahra, they tried to implement a cohesive storyline for Quake so expect lots of unskippable cutscenes and voice acting (all characters by the same guy!). the game's story involving the military and scientists because the best stories always involve military and science fiction - not fairies and twinkliedoos and trees. Nehahra directly follows the 2 hour long machinima titled 'The Seal of Nehahra' (2000) which can be found here at moddb or on YouTube these days.

There also exists an addon called Nehahra Permutation Of Rotten. Get it!


Cosqui says

Agree Disagree

Really cool


mystery8 says

Agree Disagree



KingRandom says


rikuthefox says


hgdagon says


D3ads says


vIE888 says