Legend:Farewell Edition is a heavily modified upgrade-remake of Hexen in a classic style, but with a darker and a much more aggressive atmosphere. Featuring almost twice the length of the game, revised and extended levels, more decorations, precision-refined gothic design, new weapons, enemies and effects, 6 characters, plenty of secret areas and even an expanded storyline with custom-made story arcs and endings for the DLC heroes. More action, more locations, more magic, more HEXEN!

RSS News
Legend 9: The Next Generation

Legend 9: The Next Generation


The ambitious Hexen remake boldly goes where no mod has gone before, while launching the new 6-level demo into the stratosphere of classic fantasy action...

Legend:Forgotten Chapter - Hexen's flagship mod now has a little brother!

Legend:Forgotten Chapter - Hexen's flagship mod now has a little brother!

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Legend Farewell Edition 9 - ventures into a spin-off mod mid-development. This completely standalone adventure invites you to take on the new ultra-detailed...

Hexen Legend 8.43 - ETA : end of April

Hexen Legend 8.43 - ETA : end of April

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As the number of fixes, adjustments and improvements in the new version kept climbing up exponentially - meeting the previous ETA quickly became unrealistic...

All Hexen and Heretic mods: progress, status, updates & ETAs

All Hexen and Heretic mods: progress, status, updates & ETAs

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Progress, status, developer's comments and the events that led to various priority decisions regarding the current mods-in-development, as well as the...

Hexen Legend 9: The mod that is not to be...

Hexen Legend 9: The mod that is not to be...


The next version of the flagship Hexen mod is being developed at full speed. But exactly how far will it take the mod? Find out what awaits this ultra...

Deathkings: The Return and Legend 8.43 - development side-by-side, release date - this fall!

Deathkings: The Return and Legend 8.43 - development side-by-side, release date - this fall!

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Deathkings: The Return and Legend 8.43 - two Hexen flagship mods are being worked on in parallel, with one ambitious plan in mind: launch both mods mid-to-late...

Deathkings: The Return - ETA looms close!

Deathkings: The Return - ETA looms close!


Deathkings: The Return (episode 1) has entered the testing stage. The level redesign part is finally complete and now, gameplay balance testing is under...

New Hexen Mod on the horizon....that, and other updates

New Hexen Mod on the horizon....that, and other updates


Deathkings of the Dark Citadel - picks designer's interest for expanding Legend-8.33-based Hexen mod universe, - and the gears start grinding! While other...

Mercenary: Dark Power - release date confirmed!

Mercenary: Dark Power - release date confirmed!


With the looming release of the final series of upgrades and mods - led by the DLC "Mercenary: Dark Power" and Legend Farewell Edition version 8.33, HexenMageTower...

Legend 8.3: grinding their bones into the dust of the past!

Legend 8.3: grinding their bones into the dust of the past!

News 6 comments

Legend Farewell Edition - on the way to the saga's conclusion (version 8.3) After an unsuccessful previous release, HMT Studios are adamant regarding...

Hexen : Legend - Farewell Edition post-release mega-trailer launched

Hexen : Legend - Farewell Edition post-release mega-trailer launched

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Finally, there is a presentation which does justice to the most ambitious Hexen tribute to date.