Half-Life but maps are relit with modern RAD compiler, alongside updated weapons, NPCs and effects.

RSS Reviews

Greppy says

Agree (1) Disagree



Chilion.txt says

Agree (1) Disagree

I like the Changes and some other things like Sprinting


FireFox23 says

Agree Disagree



Nitestokeh says

Agree Disagree (2)

It's one bad design decision after another:
- Holstering was added back for no reason. This wouldn't be a problem if the original animations weren't so slow and pace-breaking and if you could fire while holding LMB after drawing a new weapon
- Entity pickups have collision now, ensuring you'll always be floating in the air for 1 second after picking them up and messing with your aim. Because of that they also may disappear completely or spawn in the wrong place, which happens in training room for instance
- Python dealing more damage means the skill required to use it is gone. The original balance required you to score headshots to master it, now you just kill every grunt effortlessly
- Thanks for giving me a pistol before getting a crowbar, now I have absolutely no reason to pick it and can stay helpless if my ammo runs out
- What's up with Otis randomly replacing Barney? Moreover, why does he still drop a 9mm pistol if he's holding a Deagle?
- Not only sprinting is rudimentary, it drains randomly if you exceed your normal jogging velocity in unintended ways, it won't randomly let you jump
- Forcing HD models on whether you like it or not. Really? Worse is that it's replaced randomly, meaning you'll still have Glock as a worldmodel
- Backporting HL2 sounds to HL1 while decreasing the sample rate. What's the point if it sounds worse and doesn't fit the original design?

As for the main course, which is supposed to be the new lighting, it does a terrible job of ruining the mood of iconic maps and making them either overbright or bland

This would make a great remaster by Bethesda


nonsense-me says