Give your bots the CPU cycles they deserve. They have earned it ! Hardware Accelerated Battlefield AI (HABAI) improves AI bot performance. At the present time it is only available for the Forgotten Hope mod for Battlefield 2. Support for other mods like AIX2 may followas well as ArmA2:OA. What does this mean ? For the player it means more intense gameplay, with bots using and performing better with weapons and vehicles. That means blistering game play with more bullets flying, more explosions, more aggressive AI, more fun ! Mods without servers full of human players can be given a new lease of life. The AI is more difficult to play with as it responds faster. Clans can use this mod to improve training in BF2 with bots. The mod will also allow easy switching of maps using the in game map voting menu. There will also a be a custom quick start GUI so single player and coop players can get quickly into a multicore accelerated game with the AI.

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HABAI testing release for ArmA:OA

HABAI testing release for ArmA:OA

Singleplayer Map 8 comments

The idea here is to encourage testing of the ArmA2:OA set up and development of creative ideas for making the ArmA2:OA AI game as fun as possible. This...