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Gothic 2 - Requiem features a whole new weapon skill system, new forging system, new quests, new characters, new textures, new weapons and armor, improved AI, new & tweaked monsters and much much more!

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Game issues, installation I just cant solve... (Games : Gothic II - The Night of the Raven : Mods : Gothic 2 - Requiem : Forum : Discussion Megathread : Game issues, installation I just cant solve...) Locked
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Dec 23 2015 Anchor

I have several questions that I cant find anywhere here. I hope Im asking on the right section. I have the feeling that I do not have options like mana regen available anywhere, I cannot use hotkeys mana potion and health potion, I dont have option "more keys" in controls menu, but I did everything exactly as was in instructions, already installed the game twice, but it is still the same, dunno what to do...


1. G2RequiemBETA1

2. RequiemBetaHotfixes

3. Requiem20Nov2


1] I installed all 3 downloaded parts from downloading section according to instructions, is there a way to find out it works as it should? By which I mean I have installed the last version properly.

2] If I delete those 4 .zen files, game shows message boxes with information that those files are missing, so how can I delete them if the game need them? Cause somewhere I found advice that it is better to delete them in order to make some script work properly

-------------------------------In-game issues------------------------------------------------------

1] If I start bleeding it never stops, so I cant move and just waiting to die. Can I end this anyway? Even though I win a fight Im destined to die with this condition...

2] Since there is a bug with learning weapons, is there way to learn this by cheat? I googled and found out only cheats to change strength or basic attributes, but never the fighting skill itself.

Thank you for any help :]

Dec 23 2015 Anchor
hanis32 wrote:

I do not have options like mana regen available anywhere, I cannot use hotkeys mana potion and health potion, I dont have option "more keys" in controls menu, but I did everything exactly as was in instructions, already installed the game twice, but it is still the same, dunno what to do...

I think mana regen is busted atm but if next patch came along it will be fixed so don't bother about that atm i think it you need to have 100 mana too learn it if you have that much mana (pure mana with out buffs from items) then it works i didn't play mage yet so someone maybe can help you with that for more info.

The poiton hot keys should work by default but if don't you need to enabel it via Gothic.ini you need to Ctrl + F and serch for this "usePotionKey" then there is 0 then set it too 1 then it should work and you can look around in the ini file everything have a description what it does but be carefull.

1] I installed all 3 downloaded parts from downloading section according to instructions, is there a way to find out it works as it should? By which I mean I have installed the last version properly.

You wil see it right away in the tower it will be everything diffrent and Xardas dialog will be have more lines in them as well.

2] If I delete those 4 .zen files, game shows message boxes with information that those files are missing, so how can I delete them if the game need them? Cause somewhere I found advice that it is better to delete them in order to make some script work properly.

Those file automatly will be deleted if you instaled the latest patch. If not there is a really good description where you did download it read it through carefull to fully understand where's where.

1] If I start bleeding it never stops, so I cant move and just waiting to die. Can I end this anyway? Even though I win a fight Im destined to die with this condition...

That shouldn't be in the mod if you have the latest version installed casue lots of ppl complain about it so Vic and BG decide to took it out for the time being.

2] Since there is a bug with learning weapons, is there way to learn this by cheat? I googled and found out only cheats to change strength or basic attributes, but never the fighting skill itself.

This should work as well i mean i had no problem to get Master 2 handed stance and Master 1 handed when i was playing my Paladin run (witch was get fcked bye a bug that i didn't know how to avoid)

Thank you for any help :]

Im sure more ppl will help you out after holidays! and Happy Holidays :)

Edited by: fint

Dec 23 2015 Anchor

Thank you :]

Well, the last update is Requiem 1.3 Patch (20Nov) (INSTALL 1.1PATCH FIRST) I presume. This is what i installed last. So, if this is truly the last update, I dont see where can I make mistake, its only extracting files into folder, which I tried about 5 times on clean installation but it still looks that its not working as it should. Dunno what to do... I tried to copy it in one go, i tried to run the game between updates, but still the same result.

Dec 26 2015 Anchor

did you install the report version system pack and gmdk2.6 +gmdk2.6a before installing the mod?


(in order of installation)

Dec 28 2015 Anchor

I did. Everything according to descriptions. But I think its possible I have German version Gold Edition Gothic II:

3.Download and install 'g2notr-systempack-1.1.exe'
IMPORTANT: During installation, install language version of your Gothic.

Ive chosen German according to base game language, reinstalled and it still looks the same.

Another thing is that even though I set usePoti in ini file every time i try to use F1 or F2 it writes i dont need that, even though I dont have full healthbar or mana.

Thx for help :]

Edited by: hanis32

Dec 29 2015 Anchor

also try checking the folders where you put the mod files to see if some of them arent missing ( happened to me) and launch gothicstarter.exe as admin

Dec 30 2015 Anchor

Yes the files were not there. So I moved them there (into modv) and started gothicstarter.exe as admin. Now I get acces violation :D, but I think this is the step somewhere :] thx

Dec 30 2015 Anchor

the mod files get moved to appdata folder but i fixed it just by putting new mod files in the game folder again

Jan 3 2016 Anchor

Okay, i tried what you said for several times. The files WERE dissapearing as you said, but the main problem now is that when I start the new game, there is a first movie about how you defeated sleeper, and when it ends I get ACCES VIOLATION ERROR which says something like "Gothic II - 2.6 fix has caused acces violation". I start gothic_starter as admin and this is what happens.

Then I tried to start base Gothic game it worked.

Then I tried to start Gothic_starter without Adming rights and suddenly - it loaded. And at the start of the game I have new Character Pane - i see mana regen and everything that was mentioned so I think it works. So Thank everyone very much, you helped me a lot, hope this will help anyone else having issues, thanks a lot.

Only problem is that now I have exam month and I just made it work, so this is gonna be tough :D

Jan 4 2016 Anchor

do the files dissapear everytime you play or did it happen only once?

hanis32 wrote:

Only problem is that now I have exam month and I just made it work, so this is gonna be tough :D

same here havent had much time to play :P

Jan 5 2016 Anchor

Sometimes. They sometimes dissapear and sometimes they dont. Only thing I noticed is, that when I have acces violation when loading game, file ***_worlds dissapears. The others are stable now.

Jan 8 2016 Anchor

I get this alot too q.q

Hey Guys !

I'm all jolly I know ! Here's Why

Found the fix to at least most of the Access Violation Problems (fix)

So let's take it in steps a lot of you got this me too:

1. Go to your Gothic II folder and go to folder Properties.
2. Go to Security tab and Edit all permissions to Full Control
3. GothicII.exe (or Whatever yours' called) set it to Windows XP SP2 Compatibility Run and Always Run as Admin

4. Here's the tricky one: -- > Go to Computer and Right Click for Properties (PC specs basically 5. Go to Advanced system Settings --> And Under Performance --> Settings

6.Go to [Data Execution Prevention] tab and "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select:"
7.Add your Gotic II.exe , and your two Gothic Modification Starters and in case you still have your VDFS Init Tools in your system folders add those too but optional.

That honestly did the trick for me at least in case of Access Violation, this is not anecdotal I won't blabber how it works too tired lol but I'll tell you that I spent about 6 hours figuring it out so it's worth a shot.

All the best,

James out.

--EDIT: If you still encounter problems after all these steps I can suggest to unninstall the "g2notr-systempack-1.1" yes, I repeat unninstall the systempack, it has worked wonders for me, everything else is fine, good luck.

(well you should be aware that if you do install everything else and choose English or whatever else the normal unmodded NOTR gothic will still be set to german but you're after requiem here so it's okay it won't change the requiem language)

Edited by: James4him

Jan 15 2016 Anchor

Hm, now I have problem with second loading. I am able to load the game, but when I try to load from game, it crashes. I can play with that, but cannot get to new world. So im stuck. Tried everything from the above. Dunno what to do.

EDIT: Found out that this happens only with new saves. The old saves I have work perfectly, I can load them over and over again, but when I load new ones Im not anymore able to load another saves. I think they are corrupted somehow, but dunno what to do with it...

Edited by: hanis32

Feb 1 2016 Anchor

Hi i have a solution for you dont do anything what is here. Nothing about properties etc. Just instal the game as is written in the instuctions, then play, if you will have the errors it is okey place the files back to the mod and then the most important, why you have the erros. Go to the folder and DELETE, LightPresets.zen in _work/data/presets/ FireTree_Lamp, FireTree_Lamp1 and FireTree_Medium.zen in work/data/worlds/.

If it still doesn't start, using GothicStarter launch the vanilla game first, then Requiem.

I dont want to také kredit for this because it is already mentioned in

Edited by: Foxiver

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