With my changes for the campaign AIs, the story will feel more as it is supposed to, in my opinion ;) This is no real mod for FA, you only need to replace files of your FA installation. Easy installation and lots of fun changes ^^

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More of a request really... (Games : Supreme Commander : Mods : Forged Alliance Enhanced Campaign AI : Forum : Suggestions : More of a request really...) Locked
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Sep 11 2012 Anchor

Hey so I love the changes you've made so far but I was wondering if you could custom tailor something. I would love to see the following things:

-1st mission
I would like to see fletcher rebuild firebases, at least the 2 right outside his base, as you push the seraphim back.

-2nd mission
I would like to see the loyalists begin rebuilding firebases. I'm talking about the bases that are destroyed at the first part of the map. True that might be where many people would build but personally I use the mod enabler so resource rich mod is fun.
I think it would be awesome to have the loyalists in the next stage of the map be targeted by the qai and celene. It would be a neat moment to either try to save them or watch the previous rescue team get crushed by enemies.
If the above thing were implemented make it an optional objective to save the loyalists in the canyons, then when the last stage of the map begins have them expand to qai and celene's previous position and build a full scale base there.

This is as far as I have gotten in the campaign so far so I may add more in the future. Again feel free to say no and It'll save me some typing but It would be neat to have this, at least to me.

Sep 13 2012 Anchor

Oh, it would be very neat for me too! Do believe me when I say that I LOVE this request of yours and will certainly try to implement it asap!

But, I do have a bit of bad news =/ I already tried to make Fletcher rebuild those expansions of his, but so far I did not succeed. I simply did not find a way so far.

- 1st mision
You must understand, those are 3 bases. Each base has it's own engineer functions, be it either assist factories or rebuild the base. I've been experimenting a bit by letting the base create an engineer platoon and send them to the expansion, but since those engineer were part of a platoon, they did not "implement" themselves in the base.

There is an expand function available in the game, but it only send engineers to the base area once. Once built and destroyed, the main base will not expand again =/

- 2nd mission
The same goes for this mission. Once the expanding engineer is destroyed, it remains destroyed and will not be rebuilt =(
Also, I believe I already overpowered Thalia, as she is capable to destroy the Order base even without a T3 land factory. If she DOES upgrade her left land factory, she'll be a beast even when attacking the prison bases. Unfortunately, she hasn't upgraded it so far during my tests and I can't figure out why...
Anyway, I'll try to let her rebuild one of the bases, the one near the HydroCarbon powerplant alright? ;)

2nd, your idea of making those backup loyalists be under siege is great, really! An objective can easily be added, and I already found some unused dialogue I can use for this objective. Great idea!
Letting them expand is even better. It would fit with QAI's defenses, now that the monkeylords will be rebuilt.
I also love the challenge of creating that new base. I will of course not use the existing base templates but create on of my own =) Just give me time, and I'll try to give you a nice looking base with some basic defenses (that area is mainly no longer under attack, as QAI needs to fend off Celene much more now)

So, in general, thank you for playing the mod, enjoying the changes and suggesting this great stuff! I'll post images of my progress when it comes ;)


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Good news for you. I have found a way to make them rebuild the expansions an infinite amount of times! It took me a whole day of trying different functions, sometimes ruining the mission scripting (xD) but I have at last found The Way... ^^

Right now, Celene (2nd mission, last objective) will rebuild her north and south expansions using the center expansion base's engineers. There is something however, that this kind of ruins the other bases' engineer build, as they don't build all of them anymore now. But the best part of course is that all expansions will be rebuilt. QAI does the same, but center to north (not south for him)
I know it might sound weird that I use the expansions for rebuilds, but using the main base will make QAI and Celene send out their ACU's out in the open. Also, Celene attacks with Colossi now, so that is NOT a good thing for QAI to do =)

Going to implement the same feature for Fletcher now in the first mission. I'll consider adding another expansion, perhaps the one just east of his middle one.

Next up will be the new objective you suggested, defend the loyalist backup commanders. I'll also be adding ACU's to the bases which produce units. I'm also working on that base template already, and it's nearly finished!
Pictures will come online soon ;)


Edited by: gregory1001

Sep 17 2012 Anchor

Hey just got my internet back so I figured I'd tell you what little I've played so far and that it's awesome you've figured this out and are working on it. Simply. Awesome.

2nd mission- 1st part: Upgrade Celene's base's defenses and give it one or more air factories. I'd like to see a constant battle for air supremacy, it'd be neat.

3rd mission- 1st part: Rhiza does not rebuild the rubble on the north of the island. That should probably be rebuilt.

That's all I've done over the weekend. Again, awesome to hear the progress.

Sep 18 2012 Anchor

2nd mission:
- Yeah, I guess celene is easily defeated in the first part now, especially on easy. I'll give her some more Oblivion Point Defenses, and the new Air factory is a good idea. Just like I gave her a T3 land factory I'll add a T3 Air factory as well, just for the pleasure of fighting for air dominance ;)

3rd mission:
- I'll consider it for you. I mean, it would be nice for her to rebuild those artillery pieces. Really, I like your ideas and I'll consider them for sure.


Sep 24 2012 Anchor

Hey, so I noticed that you were making another comm for mission 5! AWESOME!

I have alot to say but first I'm going to do this in just vanilla supcom fa so that my mods don't affect my viewpoints. Expect another week or so before I can give any more suggestions.

HOLY CRAP I didn't expect to be so busy, oh well. Anyways I noticed you have been making steady progress, which is always awesome to see. Heres what I can think of right now.

Mission 1: Make the seraphim commander send engineers to the old base of gari to make an expansion, based mainly on air units but also creating land to attack the player or constable graham. This would allow the seraphim a location to build a fleet of air units (Air Superiority) to tango with fletcher's air fleet (Gunships).
This would also make a base that could directly threaten the player if it is allowed to grow too much. With this you could make the objective to defend the civilians in constable grahams base continue to the next part, therefore creating more challenge to keep the seraphim back.
Also make the seraphim commander construct yothotha's to attack fletcher with.

Mission 2: Like I said, 1 or 2 more T3 air factories to challenge loyalist air superiority. Also shields and more guns on those little defencive lines the first base has would prevent the large amount of loyalist land units from overwhelming it.
On the last part of this mission, beef the hell out of qai. He dies so easily to celene and the loyalists that usually it's only a matter of time before a galactic collosus catches his acu rebuilding one of his air staging pads. More soul rippers and air superiority fighters, and constant waves of spiderbots if possible.
Maybe on hard difficulty or something make a mobile artillery experimental slowly approach celene's base, putting pressure on the player to protect their newfound ally.

Mission 3: The base to the west of the princess on the final part of this mission seems like it barely contributes anything and is only a buffer for the other guy. So why not embrace that role and make it focus on keeping rhiza and the player back, more factories and defences focusing on attack the player and rhiza's positions.

Mission 4: This one is hard to change anymore since the mission itself is pretty rigid in idea. So I can't really help with that.

Mission 5: The assisting cybran acu is an awsome idea, and I look forward to seeing that. I have nothing for this one either, fletcher's expansion is a good idea as well.

Mission 6: Still got nothing.

Overall: I'll try and get an idea for the later missions but currently with all the stuff I have to do it will take awhile, oh well.

Edited by: Cyrus67

Oct 8 2012 Anchor

hi i love the mod and i was wondering in the the second mission could you make the base defenses of qai's main base seperate from the main engineering grid? i mean to fix him wandering out and getting destroyed

Edited by: AppleShape

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