Five Elite Mercenaries are send to an Island in middle of the 1980'. The Task: Find and Eliminate a local Drug Baron. Features: new Physic, real Sunmovement, Day/Night Change, Hunger/Food system, realistic (!) Weather system, Light/Dark viewing system for AI, 5 different Fractions on the Island. Complete Realistic simulation of nearly all things, including Sleep. New weapons, new Vehicles. Vehicles driving system is now exact (!) like GTA IV , FireSystem,... this mod is Heavily inspired by GTA, IGI, FarCry.

Forum Thread
FIXED) Some problems with white fog (Games : Far Cry : Mods : FarCry Operation Clearing : Forum : Fixed Bugs : FIXED) Some problems with white fog) Locked
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Nov 10 2012 Anchor

I have some problems with white fog when I work with ClearingDevKid. There is some white fog close to me in editor mode and white environment during playmode (in editor and in game too) when I am inside VisArea on InOutside trigger.
(Theese problems are only with one PC (Windows XP Professional SP3 ver. 2003 2.00 GHz, 3.00 RAM)
This video should show everything:

...maybe this happens for weak graphics.

pvcf Germany
Nov 12 2012 Anchor

sorry for late answer, but i dont get a message if a new post is done in the forum :(
many thanx for the video! first, i have reworked the fog system a little bit, also the sun routine is now better.
will send you the actual update tonight.

hmmmmmmmm, it is because the world fog is switched "on" and fogscaler is active and the viewingrange in
visarea or InOutside trigger is very low and fog thickness is to high (set this in clearingworld trigger).
i know its currently not so good adjustable, will be fixed.
as first aid pls deactivate the fogscaler
opcl_fps_scalerusefog = "0"
you can do this by doubble click in editor console command line, scroll to the opcl section
does this help ?
full command list

can you pls switch on the distance scaler statistics on sreen on make a screenshot, so i can see like here the actual fog settings?
User Posted Image 500kb
opcl_fps_showscaleinfo = "1" or set it in menu in game.

or do it in menu :
User Posted Image

to your other questions:
the fog color is taken from daytime if you have placed a clearingdaynight entity, currently on day it is white, on night its black and grey in between (fog now take the color from worldcolor).
if you dont have placed it the fog color should be taken from environment setting.

the fog distance is generated dynamicly, depending on actual viewingrange (and currently player z position, but this is not yet very perfect, you can switch it off in actual build).
so the engine have a maxviewingrange and a "fockthickness", which is subtracted percentual from maxviewingrange (end of screen).
you can set the FogThickness in clearingworldtrigger (but i find it byself currently awefull, will change it, but have no idea how to solve it better than with fogthickness because of distancescaler).

maybe you can try this settings (and maybe tell me here your settings !)

opcl_fps_scalemode = "0"
opcl_fps_scalerlimitshadowviewdist = "0"
opcl_fps_scalerusefog = "1"
opcl_fps_showscaleinfo = "1"
opcl_maxviewrange = "1000"
opcl_minviewrange = "250"
opcl_ShowGameStats = "1"
opcl_viewingrangeheightscaler = "1"

KeepMinViewRange = off
PercentScalerFogStart =20
PercentScalerFogThikness =50

with this i have only distance fog and no fog indoors (only at distance).

you can also place a fog area and choose inside specific fog colors, depending on daytime!

hmm if no ClearingWorldTrigger is set in the map, very very low default values was given for fogthickness, maybe that was the failer, have taken the values from above for this emergency routine in actual update!

also notice that ClearingInOutdoor trigger and Visarea switch to INDOOR mode, both reduce the viewingrange drastically (first one to given value, second one to setted size). the fog ofcourse is "attached to this". you should use those both things only in buildings with walls and windows.
they are designed to keep performance if you are in closed rooms! otherless cryengine WILL render all things outside! this need MUCH MUCH cpu time and will kill your FPS.
if they woudl switch off the fog, you wont would only a blue sky wallpaper in 20m distance.
i know that portals for VisArea have a different effect, and if you really need that function (far distance fog by viewing from Visarea trough a portal to outside i maybe can include a special mode for that!)

damn, in actual update there is still a problem with white fog in close distance and a strange bug with some special settings with sky :/

Edited by: pvcf

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