Five Elite Mercenaries are send to an Island in middle of the 1980'. The Task: Find and Eliminate a local Drug Baron. Features: new Physic, real Sunmovement, Day/Night Change, Hunger/Food system, realistic (!) Weather system, Light/Dark viewing system for AI, 5 different Fractions on the Island. Complete Realistic simulation of nearly all things, including Sleep. New weapons, new Vehicles. Vehicles driving system is now exact (!) like GTA IV , FireSystem,... this mod is Heavily inspired by GTA, IGI, FarCry.

Forum Thread
fixed bugs april 2015 (Games : Far Cry : Mods : FarCry Operation Clearing : Forum : Fixed Bugs : fixed bugs april 2015) Locked
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pvcf Germany
Apr 19 2015 Anchor

--> FIXED--during characterselect the push able info was visible

--> FIXED--it seems after third person view the pickup&holdroutine; [ ] is not working anymore (it was contacting a pickuptoitem which switched it off forever( basepickup))

-->DONE --stonhit have now own soundtables for all metalmaterials

--> FIXED--stonehit can cause oilleak on barrel

--> FIXED--clearingsavetrigger does not spawn savehut symbol icon and no radar object symbol

--> FIXED--ingame ai sightmanagement was always off ingame (hud on reset bug)

--> FIXED--tagpoint out of range is rotated depending on angle (it should not be)

--> FIXED--watervolumes have no fog (+ new underwater FX)

--> FIXED--drowning wav is played to often, no waiting for play finish (added timer in hud.lua)

--> FIXED--taking apple from destroyable entity destroys the entity totally (state 2 !) (pickup self switch now off carry detection on contact)

--> FIXED--sell diamonds in baxters hut is not working (no money, no diamond reduce)

--> FIXED--third person shader is not nulled with pipe weapon (all this type of meleeweapons)

-->NOBUG--pickupjerrycan adds 100 litre fuel in pockets (it should add 0 ^^ ) (no bug, "o" ammo key gives also fuel

--> FIXED--ressurrected AI can't be pushed (add impulse)

--> FIXED--riggid body on death corpses is not more working at all, only with rock throw (farcry/bin32/CryEntitySystem.dll needed a fix)

-->DONE--add passive dynamic light shader on AI if flashlight is on (its on high spec active)

-->DONE--if player flashlight is on, shadow should be switched off

-->DONE--weapon melee do to less damage to simple entities (its now 3 times stronger)

-->DONE--realistic reload: ammo in mag should be nullified as the animation starts, not at end

--> FIXED--jack carver quicksave seems to steal savepoint from other maps "Players_QuickSave.sav"

--> FIXED--loading a quicksaved game in desertbase caused a constant waterface animation

--> NOBUG--after loading quicksave go to menu in desertbase cause critical error (to much memory usage)

--> FIXED----after loading quicksave desertbase the clock was switched off

--> FIXED--after loading quicksave vehicles are empty of fuel if they was not driven before

--> NOBUG--after loading quicksave vehicles does not decrase self.benzin by driving --DOES NOT HAPPENED AGAIN

--> FIXED--after loading quicksave (ingame or from menu) the hud is turned off complete with string "0"

--> FIXED--after qicksave process the virtualupdatetable must be new created

--> FIXED--stop update the virtual table if quicksave is done

-->DONE--change soundroutines from clearingsound, vehicleradio to streaming sound opcl_dostreamsound = 1/0 (useless, streaming does not have effect !)

--> FIXED--in fishing mov seq the hud layz playercam get active and spawn third person model and switch cam
--------(proxy trigger can now stop and restart playerlazycam routines)

-->failsave routines added--total bodycount is not correct working

--> FIXED--have had the non movement bug (it was a additional second non documented but accepted parameter in wpn binding)

--> FIXED--chainsaw does not refill itself automaticly anymore

--> FIXED--weapon melee does no damage anymore (new global melee dmg routine in basicweapon DoMeleeDamage(shooter)

-->DONE--vehicle gun fire need activated (need a xtra condition)

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