Do you expect anything else you cur?IT IS THE MOD THAT SHALL BRING TO YOU THE GREATEST EXPERIENCE OF EXCESS! Prepare your body and your soul,for the 3rd Legion's full might descends upon you!

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 31)

This mod have more unique units and ideas than anything I have ever seen GW did for the EC legion. The fact that it already has traitor primaris instead of "lol, super-super marine is the greatest and purest" is enough to give give it a 10/10.

Also, the EC AI is brutal and unforgiving. I used tons of earthshaker rounds and lost so many baneblades trying to get through theirs bases in team games. Great job.

one of the best race mods so far, I hope you guys create Death Guard for us one day and I would love to help if you ever need help with creating icons just PM me

This is hands down one of the best race mods i've ever gotten to experience. The Emperor's Children are perfectly represented. Sonic weapons almost everywhere, perverse voice lines, sexy cultists/daemons, corrupted sisters and even Fulgrim himself! This has further solidified that Kekoulis is the most talented modder in the DoW 1 community. If it were not for him this mod wouldn't be as amazing as it is. Everyone should definitely give this mod a try, even if you prefer Khorne over Slaanesh.

very sexy


Awesome mod, I loved the female twist, which imo fits slaanesh perfectly.

Gorgeous mod! All fluffy or good extrapolation, sexy models and voices, interesting units, choices between Slaaneshi Sisterhood and Emperor's Children Legion!
My only complaints that I want to have base Noise Marines a more diverse number of weapons...

Pretty much the most solid representation of the Traitor Marines of Slaanesh I've seen. A super shooty army, tons of sonic guns, and more double entendres than you could shake your stick at.

pinnacle of perfection of many of Kekoulis projects he and his fellow modders working to deliver u the best mods of dow ever existed . praise all the modders for delivering for u the Ultimate experience in the 40K universe.

Love always win! xD