Hello, this is sw33tsp0t. Thank you for your Interest in Diablo II Singleplayer Enhancement mod.

This mod Is a Single Player Enhancement Mod for Diablo II *(V1.13C CLASSIC)*. It changes many factors and Increases Single Player Value, and Ultimately Makes the Single player Portion of Diablo II As good As it Can Possibly Be.

**Update Summer 2021** - Mod Will Be Re-Released for Diablo 2 Ressurection!!! Currently Need Someone or a Team to Help Test the Mod for Diablo II Ressurection New Diablo Game Release by Blizzard, Fall 2021. If it is possible we will port over Diablo II SPEM to Ressurection, if not I Will Need a Team of Advanced Individuals to port the mod over to DII:Resserection!!! PM Me for more Info!! Thank You!

Major Change to Diablo II Enhancement Mod as of August 26, 2011 Mod has been Updated to Version 1.6 Final, See Description for Details. Mod has also been Revamped for PlugY Unity Support, to work in Union with PlugY, There are two Versions for this. Pick the one you would like :), Cheers -sw33t

Diablo II SP Enhancement Mod v1.5 + PlugY Survival Pack v10.00
- Disable access to Battle.net.
- Infinite storage space in the stash (up to 4,294,967,296 personal pages!)
- Shared storage space in the stash (up to 4,294,967,296 shared pages too!)
- Enabled the ladder only runewords out of realms.
- Local World Event and Uber Quest for singleplayer and multiplayer off-realm !
- Can open Cow Level Portal even when player have kill the Cow King in that difficulty.
- Unassign assigned skills and stats points.
- Change the selected language.
- Always regenerate maps in SinglePlayer like in MultiPlayer.
- Automatically execute /players X when you launch a new game.
- Added some pages for display more characters stats like �MF;.
- Display item level in its popup.
- Launch any number of Diablo II games on the same computer.
- Increase the stash to 10x10 squares.
- Change the save path directory.
- Always display Mana and Life values above the globes.
- D2 can load all files, even those opened with Microsoft Excel (disabled by default).
- Display the stats current value (without magical bonus) like Magic/gold find or maximum resistances.
- PlugY is localized in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish.

All base stats have been increased by +5 on all classes.
Stamina Base stats have been increased by +10 on all classes
Book of Town Portal and Book of Identify now has 100 Scroll Max.
All Potions are Now Stackable into Groups of 5.
Arrows and Bolts Stack Amount and Drop Amount have been Increased a Good Bit.
Gold Inventory Amount has been Increased to Maximum Storage Amount
Gold Storage No Longer Has Level Cap. Maximum Gold Storage from Start.
Skeleton Keys have been Increased to 255 Stackable.
Now there are 10 Stats per Level Up.
Amazon Paladin Barbarian Druid and Assassin's Default Block level has been increased.
Nightmare and Hell Elemental Resist Level Reduction has Been Reduced 30%.
Inventory and Stash size has been maxed out.
Belts potion storage has Doubled.
Rune Rarity 40% Less Rare
Level 180 Cap
Flumilating and Gas Shrines Drop More Potions/More Effects.
Uber Gems After Perfect Gems (Converts to about 8-10 Perfects)
New Crafting Recipies
All Old Imported Blizzard Runewords + Current Ones Beefed Up.
Increased Gambling Rarities to Influence Gambling Again.
Increased Difficulties for Nightmare and Hell Slightly for All New Powerful Items and RW's.
Increased /Players X Command to be Capped at 128 Players. for MAXIMUM Challenge. (Designed for Super-Geared Toons)

v1.5 Release Codename: Ubercraft
****Very Important Note: If you Craft something Wrong, and Wasted your PRECIOUS Items in the Crafting/Runeword,
Simply, CTRL+ALT+DELETE and END PROCESS TREE >>Game.exe<<, You will Retain All of your Items! Works Every Time!

New Changes 1.5 FINAL:
Book of Skill Drop Quest FIXED!!!
Book of Lam Esens Tomb Quest FIXED!!!
Skeleton Keys are capped at 255 per stack.
Uber Gems After Perfect Gems, (Diablo Devil Star Shape) (Much Higher Bonuses, 2 Perfects Same Type + Transmute Cube = 1 Ubergem) Converts to about 3-4 Perfect Gems = 1 Uber Gem
Uber Gems are Proportionally Correct for thier Intent and Uber/hell/Beefy Runeword Standards.

*!Warning!* Item Stats are Re-rolled per Uber craft recipe

Made New And Better Uber craft Transmogrify Cube Recipes. --(SEE 1.6 CHANGES)--
-2 Perfect Gems (Same Type) = Super (Uber) Gem (Devil Star Shape) +++

Put In ALL old Runewords (Check v1.6 Full Mod Guide Download) OR, (v1.6 Full Mod Download)

D2SP Enhancement Mod Ubercraft 1.5b
Beefed up Damage of Ubergems. They Now do And Effect Much Higher Stats.

Changed the Elemental Resist Penalty for Nightmare and Hell by +10 Points, Do to the Fact of all the
Awesome New Resists all element features.


Changes 1.6

3 perfect skulls + hel rune + rare weapon = fully socketed rare weapon
prefixes added : 90 - 160 enhanced damage percent
75 - 130 normal damage addon
(extra random prefixes may apply)

3 perfect skulls + hel rune + rare armor = fully socketed rare armor
prefixes added : 80 - 130 enhanced defense percent
90 - 160 hit recovery percent
(extra random prefixes may apply)

3 perfect gems + 1 jewel + magic weapon = fully socketed magic weapon
prefixes added : 65 - 130 enhanced damage percent
40 - 95 magic damage addon
(extra random prefixes may apply)

3 perfect gems + 1 jewel + magic armor = fully socketed magic armor
prefixes added : 60 - 95 enhanced armor percent
70 - 125 hit recovery percent
(extra random prefixes may apply)

Fully Socketable Unique Weapons Now have Lower Rune Requirement to do the Recipe,
Due to the Fact that Pul Rune was A Little too Steep to do Many Socket Recipes.

The Countess Drops these Runes as well.

Lowered Rune Rarities AGAIN, from 15% less rare to 45% less rare (30% Rarity Change)
(Nearly half as common to find Runes, And thier Level) IE. Should Find a Vex Now.

Beefed Up Old Runewords:
Ancients Pledge
Doom (Very Cold/Hit Proc Effective Now)
Steel (Effective Low End RW)
Call to Arms (Granted Skill Effective/Dmg%)
Famine (Faster/More Dmg)
Bound by Duty
Holy Thunder

Increased Gambling Rarities to Influence Gambling Again. You Can Now Get Rares and Uniques by Gambling.
As well As Super and Ultra Versions of Items/Uniques/Sets.

Keep in Mind with Uber Gems, the Repair Cost is Pretty High, Due to The Gems.
So Gold is Still a Key Issue.

On the Items except for Yellow, Item has to be the Proper Type to Be one of them.
IE. no Cleaver for Hexfire.

Gambling for a Yellow Rare item Has Been Increased 33%
Gambling for a Set Item has Been Increased to 1/5 of a Yellow Rare Item
Gambling for a Unique Item has Been Increased to 1/8 of a Yellow Rare Item
Gambling for a Uber Item has Been Increased to 1/20 of a Yellow Rare Item
Gambling for a Ultra Item has Been Increased to 1/40 of a Yellow Rare Item

Increased Difficulties for Nightmare and Hell,

Lifesteal and Manasteal (Leech)
are 25% Less Effective in Nightmare, and 50% Less Effective in Hell.

Monsters Skill Bonus Has Been Increased

Death and XP Penalties have Stayed the Same.

Elemental Resist Penalty has been Increased by 25%, -40 In Nightmare -80 in Hell.

Monster Curses Have Been Increased +30% More Effective In Nightmare and Hell.

-Added full Socket Recipe to Set items (Full Sockets for what the Item can Hold)
1 Magic Ring + 1 Magic Amulet + 1 Regular Emerald + 1 Set Weapon = Fully Socketed Set Weapon
1 Magic Ring + 1 Magic Amulet + 1 Regular Emerald + 1 Set Armor = Fully Socketed Set Armor

-Added Full Socket Recipe to Unique Items
1 Lum Rune + 1 Io Rune + Perfect Topaz = Fully Socketed Unique Weapon
1 Lum Rune + 1 Io Rune + Perfect Amythest = Fully Socketed Unique Armor

Check Mod Screenshots for Sample.

If your toon Is Uber-Geared, Type (Press Enter Ingame) and Type, /players X (X = 1-128) Players the Game thinks is playing at the time with PlugY Enabled, This Feature Means Better Loot, Much More XP, and Harder Mobs.) for MUCH more of a challenge if your uber-geared.

***Known Bugs & Issues***
-The Icon files for All items, are small, due to the maximum inventory and Cube/trade page size. When you go to the bank it will have 10x10 Squares, along with 4 million pages. There are also many features to the stash. The only thing here is the Small Icon files for the gear and Items,
Looks kind of funny when in the bank stash. Everything fits properly, it just looks a little wierd. ;)

IF THERE ARE ANY ISSUES/BUGS/CRASHES PLEASE Inform me here on ModDB Or at my email - fallout102606@hotmail.com
I Will get to work on them and try to fix them Asap.

**For anyone who Appreciates and Likes my Work, I Would Gladly Accept a Small Donation via Paypal, For Future and Current Modding Projects Support. Send it to matthew.justin.cartwright@gmail.com via Paypal. Thank You!**

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Diablo II stores all of its registration to your system through Registry Keys, so in doing this impossible feat, we will have to modify
the Registry Entries.

this can only be done through regedit.exe

go to taskbar, run > regedit


delete string INSTALL PATH.

(this will allow multiple previous archived installs of d2 to run seperate mods or configurations of d2 LOD apon).

now, navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\Diablo II]

and delete string INSTALL PATH.

this is the two Diablo II Registry entries that control game save path, install path, and anything to store Diablo II to the system.

Doing this will allow diablo to forget its Default Install Path, allowing a fresh new Official Version to be installed.


After you have installed all mods on one directory, and have it fully functioning, do as stated abouve ^^, and download OFFICIAL BNET D2 + LOD.
it will allow u to install fresh 'legitamate' copy of d2 for vanilla online play.
do the steps abouve & you can have another one FOR MODDED PLAY!!


P.S. just incase you want a vanilla install and a modded install, or even multiple modded installs of d2 to run seperately


Diablo II SPEM Unity Mod v1.6.6 Final (ReCap) and Future

Diablo II SPEM Unity Mod v1.6.6 Final (ReCap) and Future

News 4 comments

The mod has come a long way since 1.0 that was a standalone, now we have plugy v10.00 unity courtesy of yvonne nikolas and zomb's skiller just got introduced...

Diablo II SPEM Halloween 2018 Update

Diablo II SPEM Halloween 2018 Update

News 12 comments

Hello Diablo Fans!! Diablo II Single Player Enhancement Mod went Final in 1.6 Full Final Release, Now I would like to ask the community feedback as to...

Diablo II Singleplayer Enhancement Mod 1.6 Is Released!

Diablo II Singleplayer Enhancement Mod 1.6 Is Released!

News 10 comments

The New version of D2SPEM has Many Additions, And Fixes with Rebalancing. Mod has Been Made Better than Its Previous version 1.5 Final. Please read the...

Diablo II Singleplayer Enhancement Mod v1.5 Has Gone Final!

Diablo II Singleplayer Enhancement Mod v1.5 Has Gone Final!

News 2 comments

Version 1.5 of Diablo II SP Enhancement Mod Has Went Final, The Old Imported Blizzard Runewords are Complete, and There Has been Some Fixes and Re-balancing...

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Diablo II SPEM Unity Mod v1.6.6 Final (Skiller Merge) (([Patch]))

Diablo II SPEM Unity Mod v1.6.6 Final (Skiller Merge) (([Patch]))

Patch 2 comments

D2SPEM mod has been converged with skiller mod to make for better end game builds and do more damage than previous vanilla skills for better end game...

v1.6 Runeword and Recipies List Guide  *FINAL*

v1.6 Runeword and Recipies List Guide *FINAL*

Guide 1 comment

Here is a List of all of the new features of v1.6 Full, Includes all Blizzard Imported Old Runewords and Recipes. Download Now also Includes all Default...

Diablo II SP Enhancement Mod v1.6 Full

Diablo II SP Enhancement Mod v1.6 Full

Full Version 70 comments

Thank you for your Interest in Diablo II Singleplayer Enhancement Mod. The Mod has Been Updated to Version 1.6, See Description and Mod Summary/News for...

Diablo II SP Enhancement Mod v1.5+v1.6a Full Final

Diablo II SP Enhancement Mod v1.5+v1.6a Full Final

Full Version 1 comment

This Download Includes both Versions of the Mod, For Preferable Choice. This is the Release of the Completed Version of 1.5, Pick it up it contains ALL...

Diablo II SP Enhancement Mod v1.5b Stand-Alone

Diablo II SP Enhancement Mod v1.5b Stand-Alone

Full Version 3 comments

Release 2 (Alpha to Beta) Version of Diablo II SP Enhancement Mod v1.5 , Codenamed Ubercraft. New Additions Below.

Diablo II SP Enhancement Mod v1.5b + PlugY Unity

Diablo II SP Enhancement Mod v1.5b + PlugY Unity

Full Version

Release 2 (beta version) Of Diablo II SP Enhancement Mod v1.5 , code named Ubercraft.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 287)
minrva - - 1 comments

is there any way i could deactivate SPEM and only play with plugy if i so desired after installing?

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Gorwe - - 231 comments

Any chance for a port to D2:R? I mean, SPEM is very good, it'd be such a shame to have to choose between it and D2:R.

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Gorwe - - 231 comments

Any news?

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Frozenstein - - 99 comments

bro if you say you want to port it to D2R, it will definitely be possible. Here is a tutorial video where a guy breaksdown the method of how to unpack the game files (and more):


AAAAND he even mentions it will be possible to make singular MPQ mod files.

(dunno bout the rest but i'm excited beyond comprehension, its actually possible to mod this game OTL)

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Gorwe - - 231 comments

A bit more than 2 hours left. So, to finalize it, will you be updating it for D2R? And what's the general timeline when we can expect it. (I don't feel like playing completely vanilla D2 tbh)

Thanks for everything sw33t!

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Blu2000 - - 2 comments

I really love this mod and have used it for a long while and will keep using it. I welcome all of its additions, particularly the things that make it easier to reach Hell difficulty since it always took me ages to get there. Thank you for the good mod, sw33tsp0t.
Although I'm wondering if I did something wrong during the installation, if I'm doing something wrong in general, or if it just has a bunch of bugs that have gone unfixed for a while. There's some Runewords with missing or wrong stats, Potions cannot be stacked, Belt capacity is unchanged, Gambling only gives out Exceptional items after a certain point (Though that could just be my luck giving me confirmation bias, I have tried with over 300 (I stopped counting after the 300th attempt) gambles, with no Elite item in sight. All at level 95 through 99 and almost 100 now.)
Overall I'm really happy with the mod. I just wish there was a way to get these bugs fixed.

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Blu2000 - - 2 comments

Alright so to add to the list of bugs I did level up to 100 today which made me jump to level 181. Opening the character again results in going back to level 127, with the next point of experience earned levelling me up back to 181, effectively getting me infinite stat and skill points. I am very convinced I must have messed something up lol

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BuilderJim - - 34 comments

I literally cannot wait to play this mod.
But does anybody else get this popup error dialogue when trying to get it to work?

Checking library memory check failed.

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Gorwe - - 231 comments

Eh...Sweetspot? What are your plans now that the TCP / IP(LAN) support has been axed and that LazBro(Median XL) practically gave up on MXL for D2:R...

...does this change any of your plans?

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