After completion of the SOL Knossos gate the GTVA sends a small recon fleet to investigate. Upon exiting subspace they realize nothing is familiar. With no way to return they begin to colonize. The native factions, TEC, Advent and Vasari take notice of the intrusion and some believe they should be removed. The GTVA was not prepared for this eventuality and sent older Great War era vessels, and in order to survive they must scramble to construct the more advanced vessels from home. However a old foe may be lurking in the shadows.

Forum Thread
A few bugs (Games : Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion : Mods : Decent Freespace Into Chaos : Forum : Bug Reports : A few bugs) Locked
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Oct 2 2018 Anchor

1) Everytime a new GTFr Chronos(The trading port freighter) is created, i get a voice popup saying "Reinforcements here, standing by for orders" as if it was a military ship that i queued.

2) The Repair platform repairs 750hp/s for 10s which means ships become invincible when parked near one, i managed to destroy a 20-30 pirate fleet with one GTC Ticonderoga.


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3) The GTB Boanerges Research isn't working, whenever i try to build a wing in my Hecate it tells me that i'm missing 1 point of Heavy Bombers research (unless i missed it), even though i researched the GTB Boanerges itself.


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4) (Very minor, it might even be intended) The Huge Cargo Holds asks for the Orbital Refinement research, but it isn't connect to it with an arrow.


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5) The GTB Zeus is mispelled as Zues.


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Sorry if it's too big, and image heavy, it's my first time posting here and unless i missed it i can't hide images in a drop down menu, like some forums with the spoiler tag.

Edited by: Sir_Whiskers

Oct 2 2018 Anchor

Thank you again for the report.

1.I'm still getting sounds for the vessels, but will remove the sounds for the freighters.

2.The repair platform I agree is way overpowered I noticed that during play testing. I will recalculate the value for the repair ability.

3.That should be a simple fix. Im still ironing out the research and should have icons in the next couple of updates.

4.I used the TEC research as a template and will be overhauling the entire research in time.

5.I will have that corrected for the next update.

Keep these reports coming.

Oct 3 2018 Anchor

I found a few more,

1) Either the Fenris or Leviathan has the Intercept (which asks for 1 point in Support Operations) ability but there's no research for it, unless i missed it.

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2) The Orion Mk2 has a dedicated research assigned to it, but it is instead unlocked at Heavy Beam Cannons as shown in the picture, i'm actually building one without the "proper" research

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3) The capital ship factory has the titan factory icon when zoomed out, while in the left menu it has the proper icon, this can be easily ignored if the buildings are placeholder.

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4) We have 2 envoys in the game, the Hippocrates, which starts unlocked, and the vanilla one

5) I found this tooltip damage thing in an enemy refinery ship (i forgot to build a refinery of my own to check if it affected mine aswell)

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6) The early research for the GTSG Alastor currently serves no purpose as it can't be built, the only sentry guns that can be built are the Cerberus (which start unlocked) and Mjolnirs.

7) About the Mjolnirs, just making sure if the beam is supposed to be the current one and not a normal green one, shown in image.

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Oct 3 2018 Anchor

Thanks again,

1. The intercept ability was an over sight and will be corrected

2. Orion MK2 should be its own research.

3. I am currently in the process of redoing Icons and Pictures this will be fixed

4. I had two in for testing purposes. The TEC Envoy will be removed.

5. I noticed that while correcting images. It has been corrected.

6. The Alastor ability was being revamped.

7. Yes that is the intended look.

Edited by: Riesstiu

Oct 3 2018 Anchor

I didn't want to create a new thread just to ask this, but i forgot to ask when discussing the sentry guns: does the Cerberus target fighters/bombers? Because I've been using them to shield Mjolnirs as a sort of "fighter screen" since they do so little damage and have short range, they're pretty useless against cruisers and higher (as they should be if they can target strike craft).

I haven't been able to test it because i never managed to have only Cerberus vs enemy strike craft to test it.

Oct 3 2018 Anchor

The Cerberus is primarily used against strike craft. Recommended defense is 2 repair stations, 2 Mjolnir beams, 2 hangers with the rest being the sentries and a third repair if you can. This can repel all but the most dedicated assaults. However after the repair bay nerf I'm not sure how effective this will be in the future.

Edited by: Riesstiu

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