This is an expansion mod for Legend Farewell Edition 8.33 It will make Hexen's sequel: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel compatible with Legend Farewell Edition 8.33 (currently it is not) - and will match it in terms of level design. Scratch that, it will SURPASS in terms of level design! You will need both Hexen and Legend 8.33 to run this mod. It is not a standalone production. Good chance though, that you won't need the Deathkings expansion to play it...

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All Hexen and Heretic mods: progress, status, updates & ETAs

All Hexen and Heretic mods: progress, status, updates & ETAs

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Progress, status, developer's comments and the events that led to various priority decisions regarding the current mods-in-development, as well as the...

Deathkings: The Return and Legend 8.43 - development side-by-side, release date - this fall!

Deathkings: The Return and Legend 8.43 - development side-by-side, release date - this fall!

News 2 comments

Deathkings: The Return and Legend 8.43 - two Hexen flagship mods are being worked on in parallel, with one ambitious plan in mind: launch both mods mid-to-late...

Deathkings: The Return - ETA looms close!

Deathkings: The Return - ETA looms close!


Deathkings: The Return (episode 1) has entered the testing stage. The level redesign part is finally complete and now, gameplay balance testing is under...