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The story directly ties into the HL2 universe. You play as Jim Reed, a member of the rebellion alliance, who is currently stationed at the Jensen Rebel Base, just a few miles north of Nova Prospekt. Jim is a victim of insomnia, and as a result, can sometimes be narcoleptic from the loss of sleep. Jim is tasked with driving Freeman's old buggy to the now abandoned Nova Prospekt to find a rebel squad that the Jensen Base lost contact with two days ago. While driving to the prison, Jim's buggy is hit by a headcrab canister and tossed off the road and down a rocky mountainside. When Jim wakes up, he finds himself on a table in what looks to be a dark and dirty emergency room. He cautiously walks out of the door into a pitch black corridor, and wonders to himself where he is. He then realizes that his mission is no longer to find where the lost squad is, but to find out where he is, and how he can get out.

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Operation Harbinger mod goes official!

Operation Harbinger mod goes official!


After finally posting our mod on various sites, we've been rewarded with a ton of great feedback! We've posted our mod on FPSbanana, here on Moddb and...

Work Continues...

Work Continues...

News 1 comment

We are still hard at work on DayBreak. we have a few melee weapons done and a few firearms also. We are still in need of an animator and coder though...