A mod made by a few people who have been playing Victoria 2 for almost 10 years. Download it if you're tired of iron shortages in the 1870s, of incompetent ai's which constantly rebel spiral, of France being absolutely useless as a nation, of railroading, of bloat, of countries never increasing their starting literacy, of the game running extremely slowly and of Russia never modernizing. DO NOT DOWNLOAD IF: You like blobbing mindlessly, you like railroading, you like microstates, you like dozens of unique cultures in Africa, you like a braindead AI, you like reforming into a social-democracy. Credits to: Blood & Iron, PDM, Manifest Destiny submod and Sucession submod.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 16)



I actually have to do a little thinking. (AI is not uselessly incompetent.)

Fun with mates.

Crazy Africas as there is alot to colonize via the colony mechanic, and Libera and Ethiopia can go to down. (But it could do with a Kongo, Uganda or Toucalor.)

No annoying railroading, unlike alot of mods these days where many Asian uncivs you can't do anything due to isolationism. (PERU IS JAPAN, TENNOHAIKO BANZAI!)

Tribal pop (No pioneer pop though but I assume thats coming.)

Biggo Lanfang.

Yellow Ancap America

Few CB Restrictions (So you can Krakow to your hearts content.)

Great Friendly Dev


Just a wee lack of a flavor for some of the uncivs and secondaries. (Ill get to see about porting some of the stuff from GFM or TGC over the summer.)

Immigration is a little unintuitive (Colonies don't get many immigrants without transportation reform.)

A little light on reforms.

A little lacking in flags and pretty map colours.

Military Industrial Complex is a little too strong.

Could do with some decisions to change RGO's (The events are not always reliable in my experience.)

Lots of money if you don't go crazy with forts, could do with adding flat costs to certain constructions money wise, or maybe to throw into research or direct migration campaigns.

Best mod for Victoria 2 by far.


the ai is actually somewhat competent now

It's Stellaris meets Victoria 2
Makes the game much less linear for better or worse.

way better than hpm

very nice

A three for a mod made by a third world larper.


Great Mod. Based Creator.