This mod aims to bring the Royal Hungarian Army and the Red Army to Company of Heroes based around the late-war (1944-1945) Eastern Front. Our mod will be a total conversion and the existing VCOH factions will be replaced. Our primary goal is to deliver a fun and balanced experience without straying too much from the path of realism. In addition, we have plans to add a "realistic" mode later on. For the mod, we plan to include battles such as the Battle of Debrecen, the Battle of Torda and even the Siege of Budapest, among many others. We will see you on the battlefield!

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Balance Suggestions (Games : Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts : Mods : Fate of Hungary : Forum : Balance Suggestions) New Thread
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Feel free to add your balance-related suggestions in here. We'll do our best to look at all of them. Well-made and properly presented suggestions have a higher chance of being considered for development.