A full equipment and game balance rework for the official campaign.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 11)

Besides a few overpowered perks, this is an excellent addition to the redux changes.


This (+ Redux) is the vanilla Fallout Tactics.


Simple rebalance of vanilla, just how I like it.


Fantastic work. Absolutely insane amount of detail. I cannot imagine the time investment here. Great job!


As obvserved,

This ambitious mod attempts to:

1) Make every type of weapon useful:

Pistols are fired more often per turn
Long-range rifles are to pick off enemies at range
Shotguns are for short range and crowd control
Going unarmed or melee are high-risk high-reward choices

2) Tweak perks with an emphasis on new requirements
thereby rewarding actually going over 100 in certain skills

3) Balance the conceptual excesses of Redux; rolling back the fictionalization of real-life weapons and adding new content in the form of real-life weapons with realistic ranges and balanced damage systems

A brilliant work in progress all Tactics players new and old may eagerly support


simsto says

Agree Disagree

Includes a lot of new guns that adds more fun to the game.


Good basic concept! balance overhaul that makes the game very fun.


Flo_W says

Agree Disagree

bug fixes + improved gameplay by making all weapons usefull amd added objects,sprites


DrakeAkavir says


Rainmakerkun says