Gameplay video here: On google video Antfarm: Spheres is a mod designed to show off the capabilities of the Antfarm: Spheres patchest. It is a two-d platformer build on the Half-Life 2 Deathmatch engine. Think 16-player metroid with gravity guns, in-game voice chat, and the rendering capabilities of the Source engine. The game is team-based, and you armed only with your gravity gun, must grab combine energy balls to disintegrate your opponents or to push them to their dooms. In pour new "Invasion" style of game play, the Combine and the Rebels compete to control a galactic warpway that can only be reached in the second dimension. In invasion style games each team will compete to control a switch located in the center area of the map. The team that last touched the switch will be allowed to send members of their team into their teams designated teleporter area and will gain one point for every teammate that successfully enters the teleporter while the switch is activated in favor...

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stampp says


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