While AWAAP development is still paused, hope is at hands: "Bandits, coming in at eight o'clock high...break, break, break,........Gold Wing take those fighters, Natley and McArthur with me, we're going after the bombers....I'm going in on the leader.........got him! his starboard engine's burning up.....follow my lead men, tally ho!" ".......Damn it Gold Wing keep those fighters off us, I'm being torn to pieces......primary fuel lines been hit.....Jesus, keep them off me you bastards....those last two bombers aren't going to shoot themselves down....good God they've got the Bristol, her tanks have blown, she's going down!" A Wing And A Prayer is a total conversion for the Homeworld 2 engine, moving the action from space combat to early twentieth century aerial battles between a variety of fictional aircraft and airships, ranging from scout fighters up to ironclad super Zeppelins. Drawing on the style of games like "Crimson...

Forum Thread
Unit Speech (Games : Homeworld 2 : Mods : A Wing And A Prayer : Forum : AWAAP Discussion and Ideas : Unit Speech) Locked
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Feb 11 2007 Anchor

Eventually I hope to replace much of the unit speech with custom responses, all of them side specific.
These are the ideas I've come up with so far, feel free to post any responses or suggestions, <> signifies that a suitable phrase hasn't been found yet. Also any German speakers who can suggest suitable responses (prefferably ones that have some meaning to English speakers ie "schweinehund") please get in touch, as I haven't spoken German for years and it now seems to be limted to Ich sprechen kein deustch...

Move order responses
British: Orders received
Roger that, base
German: Ja mein Oberleutnant

Enemy spotted
British: Bandits spotted, Tally ho!
Break, Break, Break!
German: Achtung schweinehund!

Under attack/death
British: I’m taking fire!
I’m breaking up!
German: Nein! Nein! Nein!

low Fuel
British: Fuel low, returning to base
German: <>

Enemy outnumbered
British: We’ve caught them with their pants down
Never saw us coming
German: <>

Friendlies outnumbered
British: They’re all over us
Too many of them
German: <>

Mar 8 2007 Anchor

I've just watched an old ww2movie on tv, sometimes you heared the german radio messages. So i thougth maybe i should write some of them down, and then i've found this thread.

Move order responses
British: Orders received
Roger that, base
German: Jawohl mein Oberleutnant (In the german army "Jawohl" is something like "yes, sir!", its basicly more respectful towards your commander... and sounds much better *g*)
Befehle erhalten (orders received)
Verstanden (pretty like Understood)

Enemy spotted
British: Bandits spotted, Tally ho!
Break, Break, Break!
German: Achtung schweinehunde! (schweinehunde = plural)
Feindliche Flugzeuge in Sicht! (Enemy Aircrafts in sight!)

Under attack/death
British: I’m taking fire!
I’m breaking up!
German: Wir werden angegriffen! (We are under attack!) [3times nein doesnt say anything exept that something is wrong, but i dont think a pilot would ever say that 0o]
Meine Machine fällt auseinander, ich stürze ab! (My machine is dieing, im going down!) [Germans often called aircrafts just "Machine(n)" in radio messages]

low Fuel
British: Fuel low, returning to base
German: Treibstoffvorräte gehen zur Neige, kehre zurück zur Basis (Same as "Fuel low, returning to base", just what you hear from german pilots, even today)

Enemy outnumbered
British: We’ve caught them with their pants down
Never saw us coming
German: Wir haben die Bastarde erwischt (We've caught the bastards)
Die haben keine Chance gegen uns (They don't stand a chance agains us)

Friendlies outnumbered
British: They’re all over us
Too many of them
German: Zuviele Feindmachinen, Wir brauchen Unterstützung! (To many enemy aircrafts, we ned reinforcements)
Es sind zu viele für uns (They are to many for us)

Edited by: FullMetalFox

Mar 8 2007 Anchor

Great stuff, thanks FoxDF.
I was planning to use fairly simplistic German unit speech that could be understood by someone who's german consists of the kind of stuff they say in war movies. That way its easier to understand what the units under your command are saying if you dont speak german. Failing that the authentic approach is definitely the way to go.

Mar 8 2007 Anchor

I think what FOX posted is quite good but personally I would say this part needs a bit of overthinking. Letme think about suggestions, as soon as I have them structured I post them.

Mar 28 2007 Anchor

We might actually end up just using German accents, I know that not very genuine but then again this is an alternative history mod rather than something steeped in realism. I think it would be more entertaining and more in fitting with the style of cheesy war films and games that this mod is inspired by.

There would be spatterings of proper German, but probably only well known phrases that most people would recognise.

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