While AWAAP development is still paused, hope is at hands: "Bandits, coming in at eight o'clock high...break, break, break,........Gold Wing take those fighters, Natley and McArthur with me, we're going after the bombers....I'm going in on the leader.........got him! his starboard engine's burning up.....follow my lead men, tally ho!" ".......Damn it Gold Wing keep those fighters off us, I'm being torn to pieces......primary fuel lines been hit.....Jesus, keep them off me you bastards....those last two bombers aren't going to shoot themselves down....good God they've got the Bristol, her tanks have blown, she's going down!" A Wing And A Prayer is a total conversion for the Homeworld 2 engine, moving the action from space combat to early twentieth century aerial battles between a variety of fictional aircraft and airships, ranging from scout fighters up to ironclad super Zeppelins. Drawing on the style of games like "Crimson...

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The Free for all AWAAP ideas thread (Games : Homeworld 2 : Mods : A Wing And A Prayer : Forum : AWAAP Discussion and Ideas : The Free for all AWAAP ideas thread) Locked
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Mar 11 2007 Anchor
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Think you've got a gameplay idea for AWAAP? post it here

Mar 20 2007 Anchor

1 suggestion. If it is possible it might be a nice thing to put a ground to the battle arena. In other words... a bottom in the map defined by a cloudy layer and, depending the map, maybe different weather conditions some in which you might be able to see a ground texture of a countryside scenery or city. Like in "Last Exile"... a very good anime to draw ideas from, because of its old zeppelin yet fantastic setting.

Mar 21 2007 Anchor

yeah, I've been working on the basis of having a cloudy 'floor' to the levels, although that may be too much of a strain to have that many clouds alongside the ones in the playable area. Another alternative is to design a floor into the skybox, another issue that needs looking at.

Mar 21 2007 Anchor

I would say a cloud design in the sky box would be much better since it would be less strenuous to the computers.

Mar 22 2007 Anchor

Yeah thats what I was thinking, it also might look alot better than trying to create a cloud blanket below.

Originally I was thinking of having aircraft dissappear into the cloud when they die but really the strain of having so many aircraft still on screen despite not being involved in battle is probably far too much. Better to have them dive and explode probably.

May 8 2007 Anchor

Maybe a few things that the Brits could say,

"Chocks away!" when taking off
"Watch out for the Hun in the sun!" something British fighters might say.
Bombers could hum the tune from "Dambusters"
The British theme music could be the march from the end of the movie 'The Battle of Britain'

I also think the factions should have a few totally unique units each rather than have their own versions of the same generic classes.
The movies 'castle in the sky' and 'porko rosso' might be a good source for inspiration?

The mod looks incredible btw, the artwork is stunning.

May 9 2007 Anchor

Haha I like those, amazinlg I hadn't thought of 'Chocks away!' even though its such a famous phrase, nice one!

As for theme music the ingame music (if there is any) will probably be original stuff, simply because of possible legal issues. I'm not really too sure what the law is surrounding copyrighted music in mods, but most teams seem to steer clear of it, probably with good reason.

What I am planning is to do a couple of trailers once we reach a stage where there is enough ingame action to make something fairly watchable. I'd like to do two, one for Britain and one for Germany, both basically propoganda films of zeppelins, bombers and fighters blowing the enemy apart. For that I was thinking it might be easier to get away with copyrighted music, although again I need to check up on this.

I was toying with using an extract from Beethovens Ninth Symphony, fourth movement as the German music, because its a nice German march (Kubrick uses a synth version in A Clockwork Orange during the scene when the main character is watching a sort of Nazi propoganda film) and for the British I've got a few ideas, but I'm quite temped by the William Tell Overture (used alot for cartoon chase scenes, horse races etc). It'd be nice to use a British composer for the British film though.

I haven't seen Castle in the Sky, although I really liked Porco Rosso. It was quite close to the style of design I want to achieve, although other than that it was typical Myzaki madness.

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