While AWAAP development is still paused, hope is at hands: "Bandits, coming in at eight o'clock high...break, break, break,........Gold Wing take those fighters, Natley and McArthur with me, we're going after the bombers....I'm going in on the leader.........got him! his starboard engine's burning up.....follow my lead men, tally ho!" ".......Damn it Gold Wing keep those fighters off us, I'm being torn to pieces......primary fuel lines been hit.....Jesus, keep them off me you bastards....those last two bombers aren't going to shoot themselves down....good God they've got the Bristol, her tanks have blown, she's going down!" A Wing And A Prayer is a total conversion for the Homeworld 2 engine, moving the action from space combat to early twentieth century aerial battles between a variety of fictional aircraft and airships, ranging from scout fighters up to ironclad super Zeppelins. Drawing on the style of games like "Crimson...

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Aircraft Stats (Games : Homeworld 2 : Mods : A Wing And A Prayer : Forum : AWAAP Works in Progress and Sneak Peeks : Aircraft Stats) Locked
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Feb 11 2007 Anchor

Choice of aircraft based on performance will be an important aspect of a Wing and a Prayer, and will help to determine a players approach to combat. Here I will give an example using the British and German fighter aircraft (stats are subject to change)

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If we imagine a situation where a wing of Fokker Dr.1's and a wing of Sopwith Camels attack each other, we can then start to see how their individual abilities become important. The Camel's more powerful engine and larger wings make it faster on the flat and in a dive, while the Fokkers compact design give it an edge when turning and climbing. Both planes have identical weaponry, which means the deciding factor in this battle will be how the players attack each other, and how this relates to the aircrafts statistics.

Sopwith Camel Strategy
The player commanding the Camels will benefit from attacking from above, or on the level, as the Camel's will be able to quickly catch up to and engage the Fokkers. A dive from up high might be a good approach, as the Camels will be able to move into position quickly behind the enemy aircraft, although the Fokker's superior turning will allow it to react to this fairly quickly. Alternativley the player could dive the Camels onto the Fokkers, and continue down after the attack to avoid them, although the loss of altitude would eventually force the Camels to climb which would lend itself to the Fokkers superior rate of climb. Above all The Camel's speed advantage will allow the player to withdraw them from the battle, while for the player controlling the Fokkers it can only be a fight to the death.

Edited by (in order): DrZais, DrZais

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