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Comment History
TLStr1ker - - 2 comments @ Dreamsleeve: Cathedral of the Final Hour (Player Hub)

Eh, the word "Dude" being unisex is more of a new thing. The female variant used to be "Dudette."

Good karma+2 votes
TLStr1ker - - 2 comments @ Apotheosis

My Daedric Lord Hit List:

Molag Bal - He has to die because I'm taking his throne. Creator of vampires? The prince of domination and enslavement? Well, considering I'm a Necromancer, that's right up my alley for world domination.

Azura - I don't really dislike her, so I may consider letting her live, but if she gives me any lip or looks down on me for blackening her star, I'm going to make her suffer and beg for annihilation before, being the kind and merciful Necromancer I am, obliging her with a menacing smile.

Boethiah - Gonna die. Not even gonna waste my time trying to be civil with that one. Too many risks involved in letting it live.

Clavicus Vile - Dude's got a great sense of humor, and Barbas is a great dog. Hope he doesn't give me a reason to... overPOWER him. Yeah, bet some of you WISH I hadn't made that pun.

Hermaeus Mora - He's been very helpful. As long as I can keep him under my thumb, I'll let him live.

Hircine - Sporting chap. I'll let him live.

Malacath - Seems to be pretty honorable. Keeping him alive may help keep balance. On the other hand, if he doesn't like the way I do things and tries to get in my way, he and his entire race are screwed.

Mehrunes Dagon - Killing him will set a pretty good example for the others that I am not one to be trifled with. He'll probably be my first target.

Mephala - The dominions of Murder, Lies, and Sex? Hmm. I'll decide after meeting her.

Meridia - She doesn't like undead. I'm a Necromancer. Take a guess.

Namira - Think we'll get along just fine, as long as she doesn't eat my subjects (they're corpses, soooo yeah).

Nocturnal - I personally don't have a problem with Nocturnal... except for the whole Thieves guild questline requiring I pay with eternal servitude. If she agrees to dissolve the contract and serve me instead, she can be one of my concubines. Otherwise, luck isn't gonna be on the lady's side.

Peryite - My kingdom has no room for pests. He will die.

Sanguine - My favorite drinking buddy! Let's get some mead!

Sheogorath - I may love cheese, but considering he's potentially the strongest (next to Jyggalag) of the princes, I'm left with no choice but to destroy him completely and utterly. And I will do it with cheese.

Vaermina - I'm the only nightmare allowed to exist.

And last but not least...

Jyggalag - If he's introduced, I'm gonna go ham on him. He's the biggest threat to my reign, so he has to fall if he makes an appearance.

Good karma+5 votes