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Comment History
starman2fly - - 2 comments @ Experior

Nice Mod and fun to play Logan. On one play through I saw just a few small things that could be fixed. The one that needs fixing the most is that the locked door on the concrete building is non solid and you can go a little ways in and see the void. Maybe the trigger interferes? Other minor things are flashing rock walls and some ground and the road near the gate probably from overlapping brushes. Also fixing or adding ladder dismounts to some ladders(I only noticed it on the one in the building with the roof walkway). As far as gameplay, some reviewers don't like keys but I think your use of them is fine although I didn't see a use for the non-mine key. Also the padlock is gone on return. You could just flip to the open model and unlock the door on use instead. I made some maps for PlanetPhillip and some reviewers are set in their ways and don't like unbreakable padlocks but I think its a good way to show a metal grating door is locked and requires special means or powerful explosives to open. The open padlock model I use to show a door can be opened easily. I have to say when I came out of the start and saw the bridge with the Jalopy on the far side I thought powering down the bridge forcefield (which could use some powerline attachment) and getting in the car was the end objective. Maybe some underground power attach to the bridge can be shut off after the Antlion Boss battle? Anyway nice work and looking forward to final release and more in the future.

Good karma+1 vote
starman2fly - - 2 comments @ Fallingliquid

This is great work. Truly amazing. I made some maps for PlanetPhillip contests but nothing near this quality. Loved the Citizen Mods too.

Good karma+1 vote