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Rewasder - - 6 comments @ Campaign Configurator v1.00

I've found a bug.

Without having gone into the game, I open the configurator, select increase cap by 20, 2x relic, Auto reinforcements, auto abilities, and fortress. Then close it with the X.
Then I click it again and it seems that rabbit speed, just below auto abilities, is also ticked.
I untick it and close it. Open it again and now Auto abilities is also unticked.
If I tick Rabbit speed, close and open again, auto abilities is also ticked.

It would seem that auto abilities and rabbit speed are ticked together, although I'm unsure what that means gameplay wise.

Good karma+2 votes
Rewasder - - 6 comments @ This is the May (Progress Report)

This has got me thinking... could a mandalorian faction be a thing in the future? Based around very strong infantry and supercomandos as a jetpack flying infantry as the fortress unit? Maybe even have less population but making their infantry really strong, like jedi level. That'd be cool, right?

Good karma+1 vote
Rewasder - - 6 comments @ Dawn of War 2: Retribution - Waaagh Mod v1.9.51b

Well, Crisis often come in squads of 3, and it would help with keeping them alive and give the squad more firepower.

But most importantly, as it would be a bigger squad, it would be easier to manage with the control groups going from 1-9, so you don't have that many squads, but those squads are more capable.

The heavy crisis, tbh, I'd make it an upgrade from the base crisis,like the veteran space marine units.

For the Riptide maybe you could chek Soulstorm's unification mod, the model and animations used for it there are better than the ones the Astartes mod uses.

Looking into the future maybe a unique reskin for the Farsight Enclaves would be amazing.

Good karma+2 votes
Rewasder - - 6 comments @ Dawn of War 2: Retribution - Waaagh Mod v1.9.51b

Me again, after playing a bit with the Tau, I would like to offer my opinion on balance and visuals.

Visually stunning but there is a problem with their vehicles, they look desproportionately big compared to the vehicles of other races, they probably need a 20-30% size reduction. And the other way around with the Riptide battlesuit, it looks kinda small, probably a 20-30% size increase for it woulc be great.

As of balance, I think Crisis battlesuits should come in squads of 3, maybe with 21 pop cost, like terminators. the weapon upgrades could affect the whole squad or substitute them for only two upgrades, an anti infantry and an anti-vehicle that distributes diferent weapons to the members of the squad. They should be able to get gun and shield drones, similarly for the Broadside, it should be able to get missile and shield drones. Stealthsuits should be able to jump, like other battlesuits.

That's what I saw playing as the Tau, I'll be playing against them a bit and be back if they have something op or too annoying.

Good karma+2 votes
Rewasder - - 6 comments @ Dawn of War 2: Retribution - Waaagh Mod v1.9.51b

Very cool, finally the Tau can fight in Elite!

Small question, with the alternative hero selection, some of the Space Marines and Eldar Commanders go missing, removing it returns most of them, but the ordo malleus are still missing.

The Eldar lose the exarch, the marines the techmarine and the ordo malleus the assassin and the grey knight. Removing the mod still leaves the assassin and the grey knight out.

Can't you make it so the new ui has the extra space for commanders and bring back the missing ones?

Good karma+2 votes
Rewasder - - 6 comments @ NO SUPPORT -Improved AI Mod (v18.01) & Popcap (500 pop) for Elite Mod (v2.9.8.4)

Is there a way to dible the "nuke" ability that everybody gets? And increase resource rate?

Good karma+1 vote