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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 33)
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Quit job, eat Ramen, release mod quickly, go back to work.


Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

I waited for you, ManSh00ter. I waited for you.


Good karma+3 votes
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

He reskinned and remodeled all the ships. The old screenshots are kind of inaccurate now.

Why did he redo them? Cause he can.

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Oh, hey, I remember you saying you reworked some of the lore a while back. Care to post the revised lore? Do want.

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ Charybdis Titan

A titan with a black hole at the center named after a whirlpool-monster-thing. How appropriate.

Looks kick ***.


Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ Dawn of Victory

Mod looks very awesome. New interface, icons, etc. are very schmexy. Looking forward to playing! Keep up the fantastic work, chaps.

Good karma+2 votes
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Excitement. I has it.

Good karma+3 votes
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Near the same time? Excellent, that means I will spend every waking moment on Sins instead of most of my waking moments.

Also, the Xin have one Titan, right? As far as I know, each faction is going to have two. Will you be adding another Xin titan, then?


Still need to donate. Been holding on to that money for years now(actually true) and it is burning a hole in my pocket.

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Are we talking Duke Nukem soon, or before the year is out soon?

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Dear Mansh00ter, this December, I will have been stalking this mod religiously for three years.


I can has soon?

Good karma+2 votes
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Been nearly a month since the last update. Not that you could possibly be busy or anything like that, but any update on the progress so far?

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Not to mention "Sovereign" was not even its real name, its real name is Nazara. But yeah, totally unrelated.

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Opinion =/= Facts.

The face-to-face slugfests between relatively nimble frigates that occur in the vanilla version is kind of silly. Unless warfare has severely degraded in the future, lining troops up and having them kick one another in the shins is a bad idea. That is not strategy, that is a contest of who has the biggest boots.

Also, the pathfinding works just fine. I get a spark of joy in my heart when I see a pair of Cobalt frigates drill their way through a hapless LRM frigate.

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

My body cannot contain the extreme want.
So much want.

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Interdictors look sexy. Nice work, Mansh00ter. When can we expect the cinematic trailer?

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

"the events that have so shook our society have long been foretold in a prehistoric calendar which supposedly also foretells a catastrophe of immeasurable proportions to follow soon after."

>prehistoric calender
>Dec 2012

Tentative release date of mid 2012, then?

Good karma0 votes
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Dear ManSh00ter, I know you wont give us an ETA, but I was wondering... What do you have left to complete? I know that you were working on coding, and then you started to go back and re-texture and re-model. Was coding completed? Is modeling the only thing left?


Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

At first I was like ^_^
But then I was like ;_;

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Dear Mansh00ter,


Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Mansh00ter, Glad to see that you are updating more - even tiny little screenshots give us obsessed fans hope. As always, I am very much looking toward this undoubtedly fantastic mod.


Good karma+2 votes
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Dear ManSh00ter,

It's been more than two weeks since the last post where you said you would release Dynamic combat, etc. in a week.

What happen?

Hast thou been consumed by the never-ending toils of the real world once again?

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

I am still very eagerly awaiting moar info. Out of curiosity, how much of the mod is complete? I know you had said that you were pretty much done with modeling (unless I'm mistaken) and that you were mainly working on coding. Is that correct? Will the Xin capships have new unique abilities? Or are they just going to be copy-pastes from the other races? Also, what are some of the new planet types going to be?

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Sweeeet. I've been excited about this mod for a long, long time. Oh, and the research lab looks bad ***. Can't wait to play!

Good karma+2 votes
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

In the immortal words of the developer of Duke Nukem Forever... "when it's done". Or so I imagine. Real life issues tend to get in the way of this one-man-mod-developer stuff. But burn my soul I'd wish he'd get it done.

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Dear ManSh00ter: Give me the mod. I demand it.
Fine. I'll settle for more screenies.

I think you should just drop everything and devote all your time to the mod. I mean, what else are you going to do? Work? Have a social life? Enjoy life? That's for squares. The mod scene is where it's at. Besides, our lust for awesome must be sated. Preferably with more videos and screenshots.

EDIT* Still got a donation bouncing around in my pocket.

Good karma+2 votes
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Dear Mansh00ter: I love you. Will you have my babies? The Citadel model is beautiful, the attention to detail is fantastic, and far superior to anything in the vanilla game. Have you applied for a job at Ironclad games? Srsly, do it, do it naow.

Good karma0 votes
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

ManSh00ter, you are one evil bastard. Tempting us with all these images that melt your eyes with the sheer power of awesome. Then you slip away and stay hush hush about everything. A suspicious man might call you a grade-A troll. But me? I just want more eye-melting-awesome. Also, did you create an official site for this mod? I still have a donation that is burning a hole in my pocket. :p

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

ManSh00ter, the wait is driving me mad! How long until we see the next trailer?

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Yes, I was aware. I am using the distant stars mod right now, and for whatever reason, Dynamic Battle won't work with it. So... I'm sort of out of luck, there.

Good karma+1 vote
Reclusiarch - - 33 comments @ The Last Stand

Yes, I had heard that the AI was impossible to mod... I had hoped Entrenchment had changed that. Ah well. Will they at least move and fire at the same time? The face to face unmoving slugfests bore me..

Good karma+1 vote