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Comment History
RainPain478 - - 11 comments @ Released: Reign of the Old Republic v3.1.3

I am having the same problem as you, so far I only found this problem every time I attack Geonosis.

As far as I know there is a limit of maps that you can put on conquest mode. If you use too many the game crashes. I think 30 planets is the max that it can support without crashing. But I am worried about Geonosis because is a vanilla map of the game and I don't know if a map of the actual game can be removed like mod maps.

Good karma+1 vote
RainPain478 - - 11 comments @ Reign of the Old Republic v3.1.3

Thank you again for all your woek and dedication this time with the galactic conquest mode. It is really well done but I am having problems. My game crashes every time I attack Geonosis. Right now it only happens to me on that planet. I don't know uf it is just me or those are the glitches that you were trying to fix all these last days. I don't know if you will have to keep updating the mod.

In any case I can still play on instant action and wait for another update. Thank you for all your work. It has been years since I wanted something like this ;)

Good karma+1 vote
RainPain478 - - 11 comments @ Reign of the Old Republic v3.1.3

Thank you Yeyos for this fantastic mod and for all your hard work. It was worth the waiting. The models are perfect, the space battle map is really well done and the same can be said for the vehicles. I hope to see soon the galactic conquest of this eras! I will be expecting it.

Good karma+2 votes
RainPain478 - - 11 comments @ Update Part 3: Reign of the Old Republic v3.0.0

Can't wait to play a galactic conquest with each faction. How many planets are available for galactic conquest so far?

Good karma+1 vote
RainPain478 - - 11 comments @ Update Part 3: Reign of the Old Republic v3.0.0

Awesome! Completeley savage! I have seen all your updates but this one with the galactic conquest and the space battles is the perfect final touch for an awesome mod. I have been wanting something like this for years and you sir were able to make it possible. A thousand of thank you for thus awesome work.

Can't wait to see news about the reign of the new republic mod too.

By the way I have a question, the space battles and galactic conquest is for the Great Galactic War era only or the Great Galactic war and the Jedi Civil war era too?

Good karma+1 vote
RainPain478 - - 11 comments @ Reign of the New Republic in Development, cont'd

The models look phenomenal, especially this version of Luke. This is what we should have got on the sequels film. Can't wait to see Luke fighting against Caedus on the battlefield!

Good karma+3 votes
RainPain478 - - 11 comments @ Reign of the New Republic in Development

The new mod is really promising! Keep up the good work! I can't wait to play it. In the meantime i am still enjoying the old republic.

Good karma+2 votes
RainPain478 - - 11 comments @ Reign of the Old Republic v2.1.0 (Outdated)

Yeyos, you have created a fantastic mod. I've been looking for a mod like this from the old republic for so long! I'm enjoying it a lot!

I have sent you a private message with all the problems I have found in case you want to make arrangements. Most of them are from the Jedi Civil War. There are two or three that are annoying like Coruscant, Tantive IV and Svolten.

You have done a magnificent job, you can feel very proud of it. The movements of the saber units and the heroes are great with those pirouettes they do in the air. I have also found few errors in the sound but in general it works really well.

Amazing mod friend, keep it up. Looking forward to seeing how you surprise me with the other mods ;)

Good karma+1 vote
RainPain478 - - 11 comments @ Heroes Of The Galaxy v1.04

The nid is awesime but I wanted to ask you something. Uf i do a galactic conquest with the Republic will I be able to use Anakin? Or I can only use Anakin with the galactic empire?

Good karma+1 vote
RainPain478 - - 11 comments @ Battlefront II Expanded Conflicts

Este mod es una pasada, ya tengo ganas de probar todo lo nuevo que has incluido. Me encanta que lo hayas mejorado más todavía. No sé si te sirvieron los enlaces que te pasé. Espero que algún día en el futuro puedas hacer la guerra de los neo cruzados mandalorianos contra Revan, Malak, la Exiliada y la antigua república. Cuenta con mi total apoyo al mod, sigue con este excelente trabajo!

PD: He visto que al final has empezado a hacer un mod de la segunda guerra civil galáctica. Tengo mucha curiosidad por ver los personajes que incluirás en la nueva república contra la confederación de Corelia, me imagino de los libros del universo expandido como Jacen Solo y Jaina Solo, un más viejo Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia y Chewie, Mara Jade, Anakin Solo (aunque creo que Anakin al igual que Chewie .oría antes de la guerra), Ben Skywalker o Tenel Ka. Y por el lado de los rebeldes de Corelia, la sith Lumiya, Trackan Sal Solo y el sith alias de Jacen Solo, Darth Caedus. Y no sé si habría algun heroe mas de esa facción, no recuerdo mucho los libros. Pero vaya que puedes hacer un pedazo de mod muy interesante y muy único que creo que nadie ha hecho todavía.

Good karma+3 votes
RainPain478 - - 11 comments @ Reign of the Old Republic

I am playing it right now and it is awesome! I want to help you with the mod. Here are some links that you could use.

Assets for the Manadalorian Neo Crusaders classes:

In this mod of the Old Republic there are some assets you could use for more heroes. I think you have to ask permission first though. But maybe you could use the models of Eleena Daru or Darth Vindican.

And for space battles:

There is one map with ships for the Jedi Civil War era in the Conversion pack. The map is called Space of Rakata Prime.

And for the Great Galactic Civil War:

There is a map called Space of Tython that has interesting assets you could use.

I am very interested to see what more you can do with this mod.

For the Mandalorian Wars this was the page I was talking about:

You already have the Republic side of the Jedi Civil war. The other faction would be the Neo Crusaders instead of the Sith Empire. For heroes of the Manadalorians you could use Manadalore the Great, Canderous Ordo, maybe a Mandalorian with a dark saber...) and for the Republic the ones that went to war (Revan, Malak and the Jedi Exile Meetra Surik). The conversion pack also has some Jedi like Vandar Tokare or Vrook Lamar.

I hope you could use some of this info to even improve the fantastic job you have made so far. I wish I could be of more use, but I know zero about modding this wonderful game.

Good karma+1 vote