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R_U_NFAR - - 6 comments @ Warsword Conquest

I've noticed something odd, why is the prisoner management skill increasing the prisoner count in instances of 3 & 2, repeating that pattern? Instead of 5 like in Native or other mods?

Good karma+1 vote
R_U_NFAR - - 6 comments @ Perisno

I found this mod back in 2013, I'm so happy it is still being developed and growing. Im getting back into the game after a very, very long hiatus and can't wait to see what's changed in 6 years!

Good karma+3 votes
R_U_NFAR - - 6 comments @ High Above the ground

Also now I have some suggestions to make your mod awesome and better than any other, the ability to forge your own weapons and armor from raw materials (kind of like in skyrim) and/or the ability to forge enchantments into weapons and armor, like say you buy x amount of iron ingots from the shop or you mine/find/buy iron ore and you smelt the ore into bars then you take the bars and forge them into weapons and the chances of not bending/breaking/making to brittle/making to flexible depends on your forging skill level, also if you do this you should have many different forgeable materials and the better the material the higher the forge level you need to be able to forge with that material, and weapons and armor should break during battle and then you can repair them at the forge. Also other ideas that use the forge are being able to decorate your armor with say silver or gold (you can integrate that into relationship within a faction with say the more ornate and decorated your armor is the more of a chance you have of impressing lords with your wealth and or status at say feasts and or other social gatherings that include lords in the kingdoms you are serving under). Also an idea with factions I know factions can eventually disappear as the game progresses with or without your help, but what about faction being created by NPC's the same way you would create your own faction. Like take the NPC heroes and make them do the same thing that you are doing (fighting bandits, joining factions, creating your own faction, serving as a mercenary, and serving as a soldier in armies, also say they move around the same way you do and interact with them in new ways). I hope you find the forge a good idea, and I hope that you succeed in making your mod, and if you do I hope it is better than the Floris mod because that is the best mod I have found so far, good luck and I hope this was somewhat helpful.

Good karma+3 votes
R_U_NFAR - - 6 comments @ High Above the ground

Yes, I think you should add as much new things to your mod as possible, most of the mods I have seen only seem to add new troops, weapons, factions, and horses. From the pictures your mod looks really good so far, but what I’ve found makes a good mod is as many items as you can possibly think of, lots of new things, a gigantic troop upgrade tree, realistic faction relations and actions against one another, realistic interactions within a faction, redoing the tournaments (I suggest looking at how they did it on the Floris mod and coming up with you own), new horses and ride able mounts, new and different ethnic groups (ex: one of the factions are Asian or something else), an interesting over world map, a detailed battle map where each map that you battle on is completely different from the rest but it matches the area you are in (such as if you enter a battle in the mountains you battle in the mountains but each map you could battle on is in no way similar to other mountain maps), also redoing the castles and towns (as in something to the effects of making it time period realistic but also being able to integrate very large armies on say the castle walls for instance), also I noticed if you change the swing of the characters it makes a huge difference (such as how the swing is different from the normal game to how it is in the Floris mod), and new music makes a lot of a difference (just adding more or new music alone would make your mod better than it would be without). I hope this helps in some way.

Good karma+3 votes
R_U_NFAR - - 6 comments @ High Above the ground

Cant you do something about the box? Everytime i find an elephant in a mod it has that box on it and it always gets in the way and ends up being really annoying. Is it possible to change the texture to a large saddle or something, making the elephant more usable and enjoyable.

Good karma+2 votes
R_U_NFAR - - 6 comments @ Aim

I like the crosshair.

Good karma+3 votes