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RSS Reviews

Battles of the Third Age

Mod review

An incredible effort from a single person adding up into a fun fast paced mod. Sure it's buggy but where else am I gonna see bright Rohirrims travel accross half of Middle Earth in a single second?


Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch King

Game review

A great game with a unique take on the RTS genre and supported by a strong modding community.


Age of the Ring

Mod review

Great mod, clear objectives, top quality graphics and a great revisiting of the vanilla gameplay. Could be more ambitious with its gameplay mechanics

EDIT: Over the years this mod has slowly made it harder to have other mods installed alongside it, as such I have adjusted the score.


Edain Mod

Mod review

Great mod, has great lore accuracy, awesome callback to the BMFE1 castel system, not over the top and yet very complete, can't wait for full release