Medieval, sci-fi, shooter, and everything gamer/creator.

RSS Reviews

Empire II

Mod review

It's fun and ambitious but too much focus is being put on units rather than other areas and it badly needs polish or some sort of general cleanup.

- AI is much better than vanilla, diplomacy feels less stupid and the battle AI has competent moments. A particular highlight for me.
- Visual effects like smoke look great and there are lots of new decent looking models.
- Soundtrack is mostly fine and battle sounds are good.
- Lots of variety and options to customize campaigns, really interesting events and ability to change their frequency etc.
- Improved scale, with larger unit sizes and the option to enable 'free camera' you can really zoom out. This makes playing large battles very fun (when they don't crash).
- Surprisingly stable for me, aside from the odd memory bug in large battles it crashes less than vanilla and it has bugs but nothing gamebreaking imo.
- AI generated art, this is more personal preference but I think it's alright. I can easily understand why others might hate it and it's not perfect but it is consistent in art-style and interesting to look at which is a positive for me.
- It's a free volunteer made mod, credit to putting in effort on their own spare time.

- Installation can be confusing and can have quite a few steps but the addition of a full installer and the pinned video installation guides will help. Hard to fault the modders with this though as I assume these steps are necessary due to many of the mechanics the mod introduces.
- There are too many units, variety can be good but this mod does it in excess, you have too many options that often don't matter. For instance, 8 different types of grenadiers with 1 or 0 points in stat differences.
- Balancing, there are so many units which makes balancing tricky. For example standard elite British Marines are crazy good and out-perform even their upgraded version and cavalry have become a lot less effective due to cohesion mechanics, which is not necessarily a bad thing but there is way more useless cavalry than infantry.
- The research tree is a mess, lots of questionable stats if they even take effect, and the blurbs are either alright or have no context/info.
- UI sucks, it does not look nice and unit card designs vary wildly from alright to bad. Just having a consistent design even if its not amazing looking would help a lot.
- Text is full of spelling mistakes and there's a lot of copy and paste.



Mod review

Doom 3 BFG Hi Def

Mod review

Large mod (over 4gb) that when enabled does not drastically improve the look of the game. Some general textures are great but this makes the poor textures, which are common, blindingly obvious. Lighting is mixed, some scenes are great and some are clearly broken. Seems to also be poorly optimized for windows 10, creates long load times that have a 50/50 chance of crashing due to the huge amount of textures being loaded in. Installation instructions are also not very clear and seem to be translated from another non-english language, that while serviceable can make installation or bug-fixing quite tedious. If the majority of textures were improved somewhat, rather than a few drastically, and the installation/bug fixing made clearer this would be above 7/10. But the neglect of some textures, lighting, and wonky experience made me uninstall this mod to go back to Vanilla which is at least visually consistent and more stable despite my beasty machine.


A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Mod review

Really transforms the game into the GoT universe, no longer as updated as it once was but still a good mod.


Pirates of the Caribbean: New Horizons

Mod review

AMAZING DEDICATION. This mod has been added to and updated since the release of the mod in 2013, that's over 2 years at this point! For an old but gold game like Sea Dogs II or 'Pirates of the Caribbean' that's something to be proud of and deserving of a 10/10


STALKER Complete 2009

Mod review

Perfect.This mod does everything that I wanted a mod to after playing the original, improved graphics and effects along with better AI make this mod a perfect and what I believe to be a must have addition to STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl.


Rise of the Mandalorians

Mod review

This mod has a incredible amount of dedication and thought put into it, new as well as improved units, updated graphics, and interesting lore make for an awesome addition to the base game that I find very hard to find fault with.


Northern Excursion

Mod review