I am a independent web developer and interface designer.

Comment History
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ Doorways: Chapter 1 & 2

I don't think so being as if you purchase the game from say "Humble Store" you normally get the game DRM free and a steam key but this seems to be an exception...but then again i could be wrong.

Good karma+1 vote
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ Damned alpha updated to version 0.35b!

I think the developer has earned a few pennies with all the hard work they have put into it.

Good karma+7 votes
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ MISERY

I think I might make a better installer as this one doesn't seem too well thought out.

Good karma+2 votes
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ MISERY

Nevermind, i thought Winrar extracted both archives together (normal procedure for Winrar archives split into parts but not in this case), so I was missing all the texture files.

Good karma+1 vote
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ MISERY

I just have a purple screen when I launch the game, any ideas?

Good karma+1 vote
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ MISERY

Here is the download to the torrent as promised: We.tl.

Good karma0 votes
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ MISERY

Downloaded all the files I need now, I am currently extracting them into a folder which I will be sharing as the torrent so you wont need to worry about the parts any more. Should be ready to share shortly.

Good karma+1 vote
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ MISERY

I will have the torrent ready in around 20mins as a single file download, please hold on as I am working as fast as I can...

Good karma+3 votes
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ MISERY

Working on one, stay tuned...

Good karma+1 vote
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ MISERY

Working on a torrent, I will drop you a link as soon as i have the files ready!

Good karma+1 vote
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ MISERY

It's running though Amazon S3 so it can take this kind of strain as it goes though much worse on a daily basis...

Good karma+1 vote
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ MISERY

I am working on a torrent, stay tuned and I will post links shortly...

Good karma+3 votes
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ MISERY

Me too, just as soon as I can download it, I will be creating a torrent and sharing it or seeding someone else's which ever comes first.

Good karma+1 vote
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ MISERY

It's moved to the very end of the promise date (tomorrow) to ensure no one is disapointed.

Good karma+2 votes
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ Damned

It will be coming to Mac and maybe even Linux in the future once the game is stable and has been released.

Good karma+1 vote
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ Damned

Damned is currently only compatible with windows but will be cross compatible (Mac, Linux) once it is stable.

Good karma+1 vote
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ Damned

When you launch the game it will ask you to sign up for an account, it will also ask for your CD key which will also be binded to your account.

Good karma+1 vote
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ Damned

Right click on the game in Desura and you should have an option to view your CD key from there, i hope this helps :)

Good karma+1 vote
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ Damned

I like the spectator mode, it's really well executed but the monster shouldn't be able to benefit from it.

Good karma+1 vote
nblackburn - - 20 comments @ MattCohen

It's built with the Unreal Development Kit (UDK) which is a professional game development toolkit.

Good karma+1 vote