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^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Fight my foes

This addon forces companions to attack even factions which are hostile only to the player, "extending" the hostility to any companion. Still, it could be that some mod that changes default NPCs behavior might not be compatible with this one.

Good karma+1 vote
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Dark Signal

Thank you for properly crediting my addon!

Good karma+1 vote
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Companions won't jam

Since you're asking in many, I think it'll be the next thing I'll work on, but I don't have much time at the moment, so it will be a promise until then. Sorry!

Good karma+2 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Fight my foes

Yes, they do not conflict each other.

Good karma+1 vote
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ Yastin + Favkis Fluid Dynamic Relations 1.0.5

I've been using this addon for quite some time, but I noticed that as soon as a ceasefire happens, if you eventually get back to hostile with that same faction, they attack your faction mates but not you...
Edit for: NVM, I figured it out with debugging menu. I have 500 goodwill from my rank, and since I had -1250 with my enemies, it didn't sum up to at least -1000 for me, so they weren't hostile towards me.

Good karma+2 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Companions won't jam

Uhm, this addon is designed to balance and fix things, other NPCs do not jam as frequently as companions, so I won't release such thing under my name. But you can do it by removing companion checks from .script files (anwyay, if enough people request it I might do it).

Good karma+2 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Companions won't jam

This is not related to my addon. It is most likely normal Stalker Anomaly RNG or some other addon that edits behaviors or smart terrains.

Good karma+2 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Companions won't jam

Yes, it is compatible and working with 1.5.1 and no, I don't experience particular problems related to companions in underground places. I think it is the classic Anomaly RNG you're experiencing, as my addon simply increases condition to weapon in hand to 100% (temporarily) to prevent jamming.

Good karma+2 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Companions won't jam

EDIT FOR: As in 24-09-2022 update, companion weapon jamming won't just scale with companion rank, but will be completely disabled, as I managed to achieve the originally intended result.

Good karma+2 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Companions won't jam

Hi mate! Sorry for replying so late, but the addon actually starts as enabled, with or without MCM. Having MCM simply allows you to switch it off and on whenever you want.

Good karma+2 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ Global Texture Rework [BETA]

Cool looking, but incredibly tanks FPS in close spaces. With RTX 3090/ i9-10850k, so don't bother me with "Low end RIG" stuff.

Good karma+1 vote
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Fight my foes

He will still open fire towards them. In order to fix that, you have to install the other addon from ravenascendant, which I mentioned above.

Good karma+1 vote
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Fight my foes

Yes, it is.

Good karma+1 vote
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Dynamic Backgrounds

Under gamedata/configs/ui, I think.

Good karma+1 vote
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Dynamic Backgrounds

You'd have to edit dynamicbg_autoload.script file, and change OSTS table, the one with all the music's file names. Detailed instructions on how to this are commented on top of the aforementioned file.

Good karma+2 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Dynamic Backgrounds

Once you extract the .zip file, there are CORE FILES and XML_BKP. The last one is the backup.

Good karma+1 vote
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Dynamic Backgrounds

You install it the same way as every other mod. Just drag the gamedata folder into the STALKER one, and merge.

Good karma+2 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Companions won't jam

I tried to assign companions low-condition weapons, and still they don't jam on my end. If more people report this issue I will look into it...companions can also reload when behind cover, be sure you're not mistaking reload with jamming, since both have same animation.

Edit for: you were actually right, the only parameter that no longer influences weapon jamming with this addon is the rank, but weapons with low enough condition will still jam sometimes. I will try to fix this when I have time, in the meantime, I updated the addon description. Sorry!

Good karma+2 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Companions won't jam

Just for this addon.

Good karma+2 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Companions won't jam

You can just place a "return" under "function npc_on_update(npc)", in xr_weapon_jam.script, but then MCM menu will become useless. If many people will request this, I might implement that into the addon and repackage it, later.

Good karma+3 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Fight my foes

Yes, it is. Good ol' ravenascendant released the addon from which I took inspiration, here:

Good karma+2 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Dynamic Backgrounds

In case you're curious, there is the track list on the bottom of the description. You can easily find lyrics and such.

Good karma+1 vote
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Companions won't jam

Yup, but only for companions. Regular NPCs can still jam their weapons, by a ratio defined in the vanilla xr_weapons_jam.ltx file.

Good karma+2 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Companions won't jam

Yes, I removed the unnecessary .ltx file.

Good karma+3 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Companions won't jam

Replying again because: the .ltx file was actually useless, I was mistaken into thinking that it had to be there, but if it isn't, the game just uses the db-packed one, so I removed it from the addon. Sorry m8!

Good karma+5 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Companions won't jam

That addon edits ltx parameters to decrease chance of jamming, so it has its own xr_weapon_jam.ltx file. If you have Stalker Anomaly vanilla, you won't have the ltx file in ai_tweaks folder, and I can't just hope that people already downloaded another addon that places that same ltx file in that folder, so I provide with a vanilla one. They don't conflict if you install them in the correct order, just install my addon before the other one, and when you disable Companions won't jam, jamming chances will be calculated by the MMT addon.

Good karma+3 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Companions won't jam

I think there actually was, but it was distributed along with a package of other addons. I can't remember the name right now.

Good karma+2 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Companions won't jam

I didn't have it in ai_tweaks folder and that caused problem, meaning the addon didn't start. If people will find it actually conflicting I'll remove it, so please, if a lot of users find it actually useless give me some feedback so I can remove it from later on, thank you.

Good karma+5 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Dynamic Backgrounds

You are correct, but there is no order in which they "rotate", so they really don't. Just read the description credits and you'll see they are taken from two YouTube channels specialized in creating such clips, addon title is just a matter of wording and usage can be disambiguated by reading the description, no need to download addon beforehand.

Good karma+5 votes
^Nastor^ - - 36 comments @ [1.5.1 & 1.5.2] Fight my foes

I am sorry but I couldn't reproduce the problem you have. Glad you fixed it though.

Good karma+2 votes